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RWT: A helpful tool.

submitted by Splooge to whatever 2 yearsMay 25, 2022 08:52:44 ago (+7/-0)     (rightwingtomatoes.com)


As some of you might be aware, I've left movie reviews in the past, both here and on old Voat.

I recently became aware of https://rightwingtomatoes.com/, a site that purports to provide "real" film reviews, with metrics that allow you to rate how much affirmative action there is, faggotry, satanic themes, etc.

I held off on posting it here, but now can wholeheartedly recommend the site as I've published several of my past reviews there and they're up without any problems.

The only real "downside" to the site is that they censor certain words, like nigger or kike. However, when they censor the latter, they add echoes for you, which is good. Words like "negroe" make it through, no problem.

There's no logging in needed to participate, so if you want to spread the word about a good film (or trash the kiked ones), there's an option out there for ya.

It should be noted that the site allows participants from just about every perspective to leave their thoughts, although posts are moderated in order to weed out what I assume are lefty troon raids. So you'll find there are far-rightoids like myself, but mixed in will be reviews from self-identifying lolberts, neocucks, etc. I don't see this as a bad thing; it just means you ought to examine who the reviewer is before you take their word, and if the site isn't to your liking, you can always participate to make it better.

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