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18 comments block

[ - ] paul_neri 10 points 2 yearsMay 24, 2022 04:37:24 ago (+10/-0)

I'd suggest that destroying white civilization is the desire of a lot of self-loathing whites too and they vote on the left of the political spectrum.

[ - ] deleted 4 points 2 yearsMay 24, 2022 07:24:37 ago (+7/-3)*


[ - ] Anus_Expander 5 points 2 yearsMay 24, 2022 09:58:27 ago (+5/-0)

and feminism

[ - ] UncleDoug 2 points 2 yearsMay 24, 2022 09:29:32 ago (+4/-2)

including but not limited to: Communism, Socialism, Stalinism, Leninism and Marxism


[ - ] deleted 3 points 2 yearsMay 24, 2022 09:42:30 ago (+4/-1)


[ - ] Splooge [op] 3 points 2 yearsMay 24, 2022 09:57:58 ago (+5/-2)

It's like a game of "Which one doesn't belong?"

Here's the answer. Out of all the world's philosophies, religions, whatever, here's what sets Christianity apart: who it addresses.

Christianity only has one ruleset. Just one. Judaism? Here's how you treat your fellow jews... now here's how you treat the goyim. Islam? Here's how you treat your fellow mudshits... now here's how you treat the kaffir. Communism? Here's how you treat your fellow comrade... now here's how you treat the bourgeoisie.

And on and on and on. They all rely on special rules that make participants specialer than others, complex dependencies, a labyrinth of dependencies. Christianity has just one set that applies to everyone no matter who they are, no matter what they believe. It's what you do that makes you the enemy.

I've found that people most enthusiastically opposed to Christianity are usually the ones that are simply the most addicted to their own sin. They want to more or less play god themselves, and they know exactly what it is they do that God disapproves of. They ignore reading the Bible in favor of quick little "gotchas" they throw out, hoping their hubris is enough to power through that voice God puts in his creations. I feel sorry for them.

Just as we have people that claim to be "right wing," but are neocucks, we also have people that claim to be Christian, but are christcucks. It amazes me that people can't tell the difference here.

"I oppose the jew on everything except for his position on Christ! Now that's where we agree!"

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 1 point 2 yearsMay 24, 2022 11:09:54 ago (+1/-0)

Muzzies and ✡️s are the same, both cults carry the same mindset towards the White S.A.N.E Race.
Although many Westerners associate themselves with Christianity, many, I for one, affiliate to the term only in a cultural categorical sense rather than an ontological spiritual sense. I have no more use for the "biblical god" or the fairytales contained therein because it's jewed, my God protects me from myself and I protect me from those who propagate their god upon me.

[ - ] Splooge [op] 1 point 2 yearsMay 24, 2022 13:12:38 ago (+1/-0)

Whiteness and evil are the same, both constructs carry the same mindset towards the Jewish C.H.O.S.E.N Race.
Although many Jews associate themselves with Judaism, many, I for one, affiliate to the term only in a cultural categorical sense rather than an ontological spiritual sense. I have no more use for the "old testament god" or the fairytales contained therein because it's whatever, my God protects me from myself and I protect me from those who propagate their god upon me.

You see the problem with your attitude? It essentially boils down to "might makes right." What makes the jewish world view any less valid than yours?

A singular God, the one true arbiter of morality and reality is needed for an objective position. Your attitude is identical to that of the enemy's because again, it is "this is how you treat one group and here's how you treat everyone else," except in your case it's a group consisting of just you.

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 0 points 2 yearsMay 24, 2022 21:23:41 ago (+0/-0)

I am an army of one, when shit hits the fan I know that I can count on me, I will never let myself down by relying on others, I'm all I've got when adversity confronts me...I will never acknowledge the possibility of defeat even when faced with overwhelming odds...adversity expands the will and if my end should come without my consent it will still be on my terms...the words "no fear" run deeper than just the surface of a t-shirt and until one has been given "last rites" there is no understanding of the aforementioned.

[ - ] Fascinus 5 points 2 yearsMay 24, 2022 09:25:52 ago (+5/-0)

Hate us 'cause they ain't us.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 5 points 2 yearsMay 24, 2022 09:57:58 ago (+5/-0)

Imagine looking into a mirror, and a nigger is looking back at you. Of COURSE they are envious and hateful 24/7, who wouldn't be?

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2 yearsMay 24, 2022 18:13:12 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] Rebooted 1 point 2 yearsMay 24, 2022 10:57:25 ago (+1/-0)

This is why we need our own society.

[ - ] Trumpman1488 0 points 2 yearsMay 24, 2022 12:44:05 ago (+0/-0)

Of course he was fired from the (((National Review))) for “antisemitism”.

[ - ] calx 2 points 2 yearsMay 24, 2022 13:14:54 ago (+2/-0)

If you want someone to hate you forever, give them a gift they can't possibly repay. We gave everyone western civilization. No one can pay us back for that.

[ - ] Splooge [op] 2 points 2 yearsMay 24, 2022 13:18:26 ago (+2/-0)

I dislike the use of "giving" in the civilizational sense. It's not a one-time thing, it has to be maintained, kept alive, preserved. It doesn't just exist in a vacuum independent of its participants, and that's really where the fundamental understanding breaks down with the low IQ shitskins.

Decent folk can preserve and maintain civilization by default. There is no effort to it because they're built for it. There are racial statistics associated with decency. That inability to "pay back" is actually an inability to participate. If you are truly grateful for the gift of civilization, you do your darndest to participate, to make sure everyone around you participates. And to that end, a lot of whites fail that, sad as it is to say.

Civilization is more than just iPhones and Camaros.

[ - ] calx 2 points 2 yearsMay 24, 2022 13:22:07 ago (+2/-0)

Oh I agree 100%. I didn't mean "pay back" had to be a material object. Any positive contribution in society would be sufficient but shitskins end up destroying everything instead.

[ - ] SirNiggsalot 1 point 2 yearsMay 24, 2022 23:42:50 ago (+1/-0)

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.