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8 comments block

[ - ] deleted 3 points 2 yearsMay 22, 2022 06:08:45 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] RadMoth 2 points 2 yearsMay 22, 2022 05:01:34 ago (+2/-0)

Still nobody is stopping them, so their perversion becomes the status quo, as usual.

[ - ] VigourousJackson 2 points 2 yearsMay 22, 2022 03:46:14 ago (+2/-0)

strange how ppl (justifiably) are pissed about the poisonous vaxxes but don't talk about it being a bioweapon jointly developed by the US and China, and distributed through NATO

[ - ] TheGreatWhiteHope 4 points 2 yearsMay 22, 2022 05:27:57 ago (+4/-0)

Jointly developed by US and China

Caronavirus leaked in China, but Israel was already working on the shot before that happened. "Let's call it luck", they said.

[ - ] VigourousJackson 1 point 2 yearsMay 22, 2022 16:24:36 ago (+1/-0)

yeah i know, israel and the US are part and parcel, along with paki ISI, Iran, NK, and all the other 2nd tier cabal installations... but ultimately ft detrick is not located in tel aviv, and petraeus was the one field testing the virus (along with the military nanoferritin version of the vaxx, on specops ppl)

[ - ] allahead [op] 3 points 2 yearsMay 22, 2022 03:55:29 ago (+3/-0)

If the info doesn't come out of the TV, it's not real to them. That thing is the authority on everything. "Programming"

[ - ] VigourousJackson 1 point 2 yearsMay 22, 2022 16:27:15 ago (+1/-0)

yeah I guess thats still true... i do know shitlibs that still take msnbc as gospel, like they know a tiniest bit of doubt wd bring the whole programming gestalt crumbling down

[ - ] Redhairin 1 point 2 yearsMay 22, 2022 15:05:11 ago (+1/-0)

Doctors are just NPCs of the AMA, and do/say whatever they are told. If the AMA decides there is an antibiotics crises, and issues a fatwa against prescribing them for flu, doctors rush to comply. If the AMA decides to swear antibiotics don't work on the flu (despite decades of prior effective use), doctors eagerly parrot every word. To change a doctor's mind you must change the hivemind (i.e. AMA).