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Our government is genuinely illegitimate and I'm done dancing to their music,

submitted by we_kill_creativity to whatever 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 06:05:43 ago (+64/-2)     (whatever)

I know we all thought we'd have to overthrow them or something, but I don't think that's true. I think they'll basically get so full retard that they'll end up overthrowing themselves.

The trick will be to stay out of their way as they drunkenly lumber about.

That said, focus on your local governments and create alternative systems. Get involved in your local communities. You're not the minority they want you to think you are. If you are....move somewhere where you aren't.

Be prepared to suffer a bit and redefine what "success" is to you. The book of revelation can be a great time if you chose to embrace it and have a good time. I am, and it's working for me.

58 comments block

[ - ] taoV 13 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 09:31:29 ago (+13/-0)

Despite what some will say this is an acceptable strategy. Not everyone is meant to or can fight, and every force relies on supply lines, so as long as you're contributing in some way then just surviving is an okay goal.

Also, it's possible that the Beast Machine will do a better job of taking itself out than any resistance could. In that case established communities will be far more valuable than lives thrown away fighting. Ideally though people should be prepared for both. I don't think it's clear yet which way it will swing, but even if the machine goes down you'll still have to face the hordes.

"Be prepared to redefine what "success" is to you."
Good advice.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 3 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 09:42:13 ago (+3/-0)

Also, it's possible that the Beast Machine will do a better job of taking itself out than any resistance could.

That would be wonderful, but I wouldn't count on it.

[ - ] taoV 2 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 09:56:02 ago (+2/-0)

Well, I would include things like nuclear war or economic collapse to the point that they can't enforce anything in the category "taking itself out". I'm not sure of your definition. In any case, even if that does happen the vacuum it leaves won't be pretty.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 17:08:44 ago (+1/-0)

I would love if economic collapse were a solution, but looking around the world throughout history it's simply not. Cuba has been going through economic collapse since the 50s, has the Castro regime fallen? The DPRK has been going through famines and collapses since it's inception, it's still going. Same with Venezuela.

When economies collapse regimes tend to get stronger. The only way they get weaker is if they lose their resolve and give up without a fight. I do not think globohomo is going to do that.

[ - ] taoV 1 point 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 19:46:01 ago (+1/-0)

I don't remember enough about Venezuela's history to comment, but in Cuba and the DPRK authoritarianism was high from the start and they didn't have much to collapse from after forming. They're also heavily propped up by other regimes. I don't see either of those being the case here, though I guess some power like China could step in. A more appropriate lens IMO would be something like the British or even Byzantine empire, or other large, non-homogenous, dominant cultures.

Maybe it sounds like I'm saying people shouldn't fight. I'm not. I'm saying key your response to how things will actually go and your abilities, not how our narratives or fantasies want them to go. There's a lot of collapse scenarios we can point to, and effort will be placed better if we use the right one to understand the situation.

"When economies collapse regimes tend to get stronger"
I can think of as many cases for this as against it. It seems more accurate to say that they get more authoritarian. Whether they're successful at it is a different matter.

[ - ] Teefinyomouf 1 point 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 20:15:54 ago (+1/-0)

We have states. The idea is to push for more powerful states. Pay your state extra tax in order to protect you from the fed, perhaps make you exempt from federal tax. That sort of crazy.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 17:14:26 ago (+0/-0)

to the point that they can't enforce anything

Ever heard of Bonnie and Clyde? Their group was merely one of hundreds doing crimes to survive. And they were one of the weakest/least destructive ones. And the gov couldn't/wouldn't do much about such groups.

The only reason they went after B&C is because they got famous due to (massively overblown) jewish propaganda of the time. Because the snakes in media at the time got hint of Bonnie being a wahmen.

[ - ] taoV 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 19:52:22 ago (+0/-0)

Same with the various mafias for a long time. Authority is partly about perception, and partly a risk assessment by the rebellious.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 20:28:26 ago (+0/-0)

I'm more ready to fight than most on this website.

[ - ] taoV 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 20:44:32 ago (+0/-0)

Well stack em' high then.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 5 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 09:34:27 ago (+5/-0)

I think they'll basically get so full retard that they'll end up overthrowing themselves.

I think that's too optimistic. The roman empire collapsed much harder than anything we're currently going through and their decline still lasted centuries, possibly a millenium given that their institutions lasted much longer than the empire itself (Catholic church is the last one, and it's still going).

As national governments "collapse" they're going to get bigger. More intervention, more theft and bigger crises. I agree with you that building robust local alternatives is the correct strategy though.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] 1 point 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 20:27:51 ago (+1/-0)

Broc...I could do what I normally do and tear you apart piece by piece, but I respect you.

What you just said makes sense in Dublin....you'd be wrong where I live and where you're trying to live. I honestly invite you to live here. I mean that I'll have a place for you to live soon and I want to give you guided tour of my part of America.

Why do you think you're trying to move here? I've asked the other family I was going to live with this. They seem to think that we're the middle of nowhere and we're just ignored. I had political police show up at my house and the only reason nothing happened is because my neighbor came outside to film it....American's, mainly small town Americans, are particularly sensitive to this.

The basic disagreement we seem to have is how severe the collapse will be? Where I live, and where you want to live, we're ready to fight to the death about this. That's just a fact. I'm actually doing what I can do to avoid that.

It might be hard to imagine in Dublin, but in small town america we're about ready to use our 2nd amendment....and I'm popular in my parts for talking about that....shit is a lot closer to hitting the fan than you seem to want to admit.

I understand everything you're saying ....shit getting hot here though...we like our way of life and want to preserve it for our children...it's getting serious.

I'm considered the chill mother fucker around here....don't count out Southern Illinois. We're well practiced at telling them to fuck off.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 21:17:19 ago (+1/-0)

Maybe I wasn't making myself clear. I don't think the collapse will result in large numbers of people who were otherwise hardcore libertarians running to uncle sam for protection. I'm saying that if there is an economic collapse the government will get bigger and expand their powers whether they want it or not.

I'm not basing this on Irish history either, there hasn't been a big enough collapse here to use as a basis for comparison.

For an american example I'd give the great depression. It should have been just a minor market correction but Roosevelt used it as an excuse to arrogate authority over whole swathes of the economy where previously the feds had been largely absent. People where you live and I want to move probably hated it, but he did it anyway and now all of his reforms are considered normal.

Same thing happened with 9/11. Crisis brews up, feds take advantage, people protest, they ignore them and a generation later there's a new cohort of adults that have never known a world where the government didn't routinely wiretap everyone and dictate who may and may not access air travel.

Same thing happened with the lockdowns. A lot of people hate it, but most people play along and within a few years vaccine checks and PPE-theatre will be a normal facet of life for most people.

So when you say that an economic crisis will result in the fed behemoth toppling and we'll be free to build afresh from the rubble... I'd certainly like that to be true, but I can't see why it would be when every other crisis has had the opposite effect.

The worst part is that despite all this we're at the more "free" end of the authoritarian nightmare scale. When this kind of thing has happened in the past it has tended to keep getting worse for centuries before it gets better. I doubt we'll see anything approaching freedom in our lifetimes, maybe our great great great grandchildren will.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] 1 point 2.1 yearsMay 10, 2022 05:39:54 ago (+1/-0)

Conversations like this is why freedom off speech is so needed. Laugh at me if you will, but this very conversation could be read in the future like we read the founding fathers of America today. I don't doubt that if we need to, we could create our own system of government here.

Take a look at this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Amendment_sanctuary and notice the first county to have done it. That's where I come from. The people who did that are friends of my father.

You are not wrong in your analysis of things. I actually don't disagree with most of what you are saying. But I truly think that if you could spend a week or two with me where I used to live or where I live now, that you would better understand where myself and totes are coming from in our basic disagreements with you. Again, what you are saying is true, not just of Dublin, but any large metropolitan area. Regardless of the country. That's just how cities are.

But in the more rural areas, such as I come from, we have more independence, and as they do all the things you describe above, we keep sharpening our independence. The link I gave above is but one example. I think the difference we're having is best described in the Bible as Babylon, or the tower of Babble.

Please watch this whole video and seriously consider reading the man's book: https://youtu.be/p3b567xCVdI He's not the first guy in the video, but the man he interviews. By the way, that interview was done in the town I used to live in, and the author is from a town nearby.

You know more than most here the trials and tribulations I've faced the last couple weeks in making my move to this place. That said, I have people working with me here BECAUSE I talk to them about the things we talk about here. These types of conversations are on the tips of peoples tongues around these parts. For instance, this county is also a 2nd amendment sanctuary and I made sure it was before I moved here.

The collapse has already started. What we're doing now is responding to it. We need to start thinking in terms of starting our own governments. We did that in my country's past not that long ago. It could very well be that places like this are where we will talk to create such new governments. We've already done it with each new forum we've created.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.1 yearsMay 10, 2022 09:29:32 ago (+1/-0)*

I don't think both of us can be right on this.

The core bone of contention here is that you think the government will collapse of it's own accord sufficiently that rural areas will be able to openly declare independence and the national government won't have the resources to stop them.

I'm saying the opposite will be true: As economic conditions worsen governments will tighten their grip on power and double down on authoritarian suppression. If rural areas want freedom they're going to have to fight for it.

Not saying that's impossible either. Regions of europe were able to successfully rebel and break away from Rome, but it wasn't the rule and it took bitter fighting (and more than a bit of luck).

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] 1 point 2.1 yearsMay 10, 2022 18:27:47 ago (+1/-0)

The way we can both be right is if they do what you're saying, but as they are doing that we come up with alternative systems and they just become more and more irrelevant. I think our actual main point of contention is how effective the government's clamping down tighter will actually be.

The United States military is beyond a joke now. My cousin's husband was a tank officer. It was going to be his career and life. He said something to my brother to the effect of "I've never seen something collapse so quickly." So it's not just him.

What's been odd to me for the past 2 years is how much "they" have been alienating themselves from the very people they would need to do the clamping down your talking about. Simultaneously they are also making sure the "enforcers" are all the most limp wristed sodomite types they can. Like, it really is bizarre how thoroughly both those things have happened.

In these scenarios you're talking about, like in Rome for instance, I'm imagining strong masculine men being the ones who did all that. Imagine those scenarios but with the women and gay men as the enforcers and the strong masculine men being the one trying to be enforced on. It's comical actually.

It's so utterly bizarre that I dare say it smacks of some Machiavellian plot on steroids. I'm not making a claim of fact there...but it would almost make more sense than all of it being a plot for a global governance scheme. I don't know why "they" are doing this, but they have, and at least here people are about to reach their breaking point.

Forget what the truth about Trump really is, Biden didn't win that election, and EVERYONE knows it. The result is we went from the best economy we'd known in years to this shit stain and $4/gal gas, and people are PISSED. You will never ever ever see it portrayed this way in the propaganda, but it is beyond common knowledge here that our government is illegitimate, fake and that's why we're all suffering. When the average person voted for Trump in 2020 they were doing it for their kids and neighborhoods.

Our enemy has never been in a more fragile position that I can think of, and I think in terms of centuries, not years. I'm mentally and emotionally prepared for the clamping down that you speak of, BUT...I see two outcomes for that: A.) we create and present alternative systems of government (that we design) that are common sense and make sense, and people like it, accept it, and tell "them" to fuck off and life goes on., or B.) we do all that but they clamp down on us and things get extremely violent...at least here in that scenario I see the people (us) winning such a fight, especially with all the guns and ex-military now looking for jobs not in the military.

In either scenario, we'll need 3 things we don't have right now: strong families, strong honest open governments, and genuine freedom of speech.

In both scenarios, the outcome, ideally, will be new forms of government. And all of that we can start working on now. We need to join area clubs, have potlucks with our neighbors, design a radio based serverless internet, and design new forms of local based decentralized national governments...and most importantly of all, we need to buy more guns and bullets.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.1 yearsMay 10, 2022 19:20:45 ago (+1/-0)

The way we can both be right is if they do what you're saying, but as they are doing that we come up with alternative systems and they just become more and more irrelevant. I think our actual main point of contention is how effective the government's clamping down tighter will actually be.

Ok, fair enough. I do agree there is a victory condition remaining for our side and the strategy for reaching it should be parallel economics/governance. I thought you were arguing big gov was going to collapse all on it's own and we wouldn't have to do anything.

What's been odd to me for the past 2 years is how much "they" have been alienating themselves from the very people they would need to do the clamping down your talking about. Simultaneously they are also making sure the "enforcers" are all the most limp wristed sodomite types they can. Like, it really is bizarre how thoroughly both those things have happened.

I think it's useful to take parallels from other countries. The bolsheviks didn't take over the russian empire with crack teams of alpha-chad commandos. They did it with slimy jew rape gangs who kicked down doors in the middle of the night and killed whole families.

Antifa are easily willing and able to perpetrate that kind of violence. I get that americans are better armed and willing to fight than most civilian populations, but everyone's vulnerable sometimes. Eventually you have to go buy groceries or mow your hay or do something else which requires your full attention and the guerillas can pull off a sneak attack.

This isn't a threat that's impossible to defend against, but it's also not one that can be relied upon to crumble of it's own accord.

Another example worth mentioning is the behaviour of the national guard after hurrican katerina. They were ordered to go house to house collecting guns, and also to confiscate the arms of everyone leaving town. I don't know how many refused the order, but I know enough of them complied to be a problem. It was blatantly illegal, contravening the highest law in the land and one so well known that even foreigners meme about it. There was no excuse for what they did but they did it anyway.

So between the antifags and the useful idiot chads I don't think they'll have trouble finding people to round everyone into camps or disarm them all.

In both scenarios, the outcome, ideally, will be new forms of government. And all of that we can start working on now. We need to join area clubs, have potlucks with our neighbors, design a radio based serverless internet, and design new forms of local based decentralized national governments...and most importantly of all, we need to buy more guns and bullets.


[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] 1 point 2.1 yearsMay 10, 2022 19:43:07 ago (+1/-0)

I thought you were arguing big gov was going to collapse all on it's own and we wouldn't have to do anything.

That's what I thought so I wanted to clarify.

Your other points are valid. Especially the Hurricane Katrina one. That is extremely concerning. And personally I think everyone involved, including those who didn't refuse orders EDIT: need to be taken to trial and if found guilty, executed or put in prison for very long periods of time. There's actually a common law tradition that you can't say "I was following orders". The expectation was, and needs to be again, that if you are ordered to do something unlawful, you are to refuse those orders. Hell may come your way, but in a fair trial, if you were correct, you should be found not guilty.

The hurricane example is pretty extreme, but I imagine if they tried to do that nationwide under the guise of some sort of "national emergency" similar to corony that fights would actually break out.

You have to also keep in mind that "they" don't just not publicize our successes, if they think we'll win they simply don't engage. Welcome to the era of the 24/7 psyop.

There's also the fact of how enforcement really works vs. what they show us on TV/movies/etc...This is important, I know in my personal case of not wearing a mask to a hospital it wasn't the local cops, the county sherif, or even the state police (who are local guys still)...it was the super shady Secretary of State police. My point being having a strong local cohesiveness matters A LOT. The local guys either refused orders or weren't even asked because it was assumed they would refuse. I lean towards the latter. In the end, all it took was my neighbor stepping outside ready to film to get them to, almost literally, run away. I now consider the secretary of state police to be a political police force.

I know a lot of that would never play out that way where you are. But I think if things get bad enough, and if people backs are against the wall enough they will make changes we probably never thought they would. The ones that don't will be removed from nature, as is the law of the jungle.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.1 yearsMay 11, 2022 04:45:35 ago (+1/-0)

You have to also keep in mind that "they" don't just not publicize our successes, if they think we'll win they simply don't engage. Welcome to the era of the 24/7 psyop.

That's true.

There's also the fact of how enforcement really works vs. what they show us on TV/movies/etc...This is important, I know in my personal case of not wearing a mask to a hospital it wasn't the local cops, the county sherif, or even the state police (who are local guys still)...it was the super shady Secretary of State police. My point being having a strong local cohesiveness matters A LOT. The local guys either refused orders or weren't even asked because it was assumed they would refuse. I lean towards the latter. In the end, all it took was my neighbor stepping outside ready to film to get them to, almost literally, run away. I now consider the secretary of state police to be a political police force.

Interesting, I didn't know the secretary of state had police. I figured anything they made a decision on would be enforced by DHS or the FBI or something.

And yes, I agree, I think local cops are a lot less likely to do something against their neighbour, but it's not hard to manufacture a crisis and to get non-locals in somehow. Could be UN peacekeepers or national guard or some other group. They'll be able to find attack dogs somehow if they can get away with it.

I know a lot of that would never play out that way where you are. But I think if things get bad enough, and if people backs are against the wall enough they will make changes we probably never thought they would. The ones that don't will be removed from nature, as is the law of the jungle.

I think Irish people will wake up, it'll just be too late. In the specific question of policing, Irish police are never stationed in any area they have ties to. So a guy from donegal will end up in Cork or Dublin or somewhere. It's a good way to ensure they never have split loyalties the way a US country sheriff might.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] 1 point 2.1 yearsMay 11, 2022 06:27:13 ago (+1/-0)

Interesting, I didn't know the secretary of state had police.

It was specifically the Illinois secretary of state police. There "official" jurisdiction is to police that state capitol grounds. BUT...they are also allowed to investigate stolen cars statewide, thus they can roll around the entire state. Never started seeing them until this corony BS started though. I'm sure I'm not the only local that's a bit spooked by it.

Irish police are never stationed in any area they have ties to. So a guy from donegal will end up in Cork or Dublin or somewhere. It's a good way to ensure they never have split loyalties the way a US country sheriff might.

Considering that America was originally an attempt to fix issues like this from the European countries we came from, I'm not surprised that we don't have this issue. As fucking retarded as my country is right now, the basic way it's setup allows for those of us with some semblance of wherewithal to keep our fingers on the edge of the cliff before we completely fall off it.

I think that places like Ireland are further gone than here, but that when things get truly horrific the strong will survive and be in a position to make things truly better. That's why, for me, it's about keeping my eyes up and avoiding the fall out. Easier said than done, but I'm already starting to do it.

[ - ] NuckFiggers 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 12:35:22 ago (+0/-0)

I know what you're saying and I agree, but the Roman Empire has been around centuries longer than America has.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 18:09:00 ago (+0/-0)

Right. Which means we have centuries to go before anything gets better of it's own accord.

[ - ] aleleopathic 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 14:25:08 ago (+0/-0)

Catholic church is the last one, and it's still going

Nope - it was taken over some 600 years ago, and to argue that it is the same organization because it kept its name/terminology and buildings wanders into 'ship of Theseus' territory.

Page 5 Starts on the Medicis: mileswmathis.com/occult.pdf
Ship of Theseus in case you or anyone is curious: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_of_Theseus

I also found that the 'Catholic Church' was riddled with scandals after its takeover, as the jewish invaders had unfettered access to scores of virgin Europeans and couldn't contain their semitic urges, e.g.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Alexander_VI

Also, hello.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 15:16:41 ago (+0/-0)*

I'd argue "it's still going" in the sense of bureaucratic continuity. In the context of this discussion it's not really relevant whether an institution remains true to it's principles so much as whether it continues to excercise authority over people's lives. The church undeniably does that.

Also, also hello.

[ - ] Peleg 4 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 09:37:54 ago (+4/-0)

Daniel 7:17-18
These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth.

We will win. We cannot set around on our butts doing nothing. We have to Take it! But we will, and we will come out victorious!
We will suffer losses. Maybe me, maybe you, but we Will Win!

[ - ] Tbneer967 3 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 08:20:08 ago (+5/-2)

I feel similar about the situation. Basically the government is becoming more and more incompetent. The entire thing will be bogged down so much that the machine will eventually stop running. It will become everyone for themselves, and only those that establish healthy communal relations with a capable supply chain will prevail.

The interesting thing about identifying as a Christian or believer of some sort, is that you’ll likely be more involved and welcomed to a giving, self-sufficient society.

Those of you obsessed with bashing religious people probably won’t get the help you need when you slowly start starving to death.

[ - ] Broc_Liath -2 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 09:41:07 ago (+0/-2)

I feel similar about the situation. Basically the government is becoming more and more incompetent. The entire thing will be bogged down so much that the machine will eventually stop running. It will become everyone for themselves, and only those that establish healthy communal relations with a capable supply chain will prevail.

I think this is a mistake, all we need to do is look at north korea or china to see that this is not how economic collapse works. When the economy goes south the government doesn't get weaker and people start ignoring it, it gets even grabbier and people flock to it for answers.

The interesting thing about identifying as a Christian or believer of some sort, is that you’ll likely be more involved and welcomed to a giving, self-sufficient society.

There are some very impressive christian communities with high in-group preference like the amish, but that's far from the rule. Most christians will be reminded from the pulpit that africans have it much much worse and it's their duty to donate to bantu breeding programs. I wish this were not the case, but unfortunately it is.

Those of you obsessed with bashing religious people probably won’t get the help you need when you slowly start starving to death.

Firstly: "Christian" is a subset of "religious," not a synonym. Plenty of religious people are not christian. Plenty of religious people criticise christianity.

Secondly: If christians actually refused to feed their enemies the world might be a better place. Sadly their religious leaders will mostly demand they do so and they'll comply. Instead of saving their resources for their own nations and race, they'll give away as much as possible to shitskins because that's what they need to do to please the jewish god.

[ - ] Tbneer967 2 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 10:40:21 ago (+2/-0)

I guess our opinions differ due to how we think this economic collapse will unfold. The powers that be are becoming incompetent and lazy, probably due to the amount of diversity hires. You say people will turn to the government for more help, but what I’m saying is the government won’t be able to.

I don’t think our situation will be anything like North Korea or China.

[ - ] Temp20210918c 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 11:06:26 ago (+0/-0)

You say people will turn to the government for more help, but what I’m saying is the government won’t be able to.

You're both saying the government won't be able to actually help the people. The difference is that you think there's a significant number of people who don't already recognize the government's incompetence but will if things get even worse.

There will probably be some but I wouldn't pin my hopes on them. They've already demonstrated that they're not leaders. The best we can expect from them is that they try to stay out of the way and minimize their own interference.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 15:48:48 ago (+0/-0)

The powers that be are becoming incompetent and lazy, probably due to the amount of diversity hires.

Every plutocracy is incompetent and lazy. That's no different from the roman empire or any other example from history. Take an actual look at roman history and you'll notice they lurched from one crisis to another, getting bigger and more oppressive all the time. Their economy had a lot in common with venezuela or cuba.

You say people will turn to the government for more help, but what I’m saying is the government won’t be able to.

If things get bad then people will be more thankful for whatever little the government can steal on their behalf. If things get worse then they'll be even more thankful for less. There is no scenario where the government will run out of other people's stuff.

I don’t think our situation will be anything like North Korea or China.

I'm not seeing any differences

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 12:28:42 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 17:12:12 ago (+0/-0)

Yes, that's how it should be. I'm just saying that it's generally not. Christian powerbases were historically built on giving stuff to people who don't have any and weren't competent enough to make their own. Teach a man to fish and he'll never need you again. Give him a fish every day and he'll stick by your side. Pretty handy if you need a mob to torch a pagan temple, or beat the shit out of a neoplatonist scholar.

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 3 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 07:29:33 ago (+9/-6)

peak christian Qoomer... 'we won't have to do anything, they'll overthrow themselves! just read revelations'

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] 5 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 07:48:13 ago (+8/-3)

Whats your specific plan of action? I know you don't have one, but i want to make that abundently clear.

[ - ] Youdgetfuckedfaggot 1 point 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 08:06:32 ago (+4/-3)

He's right, you cuck.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] 6 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 08:10:41 ago (+7/-1)

My plan of action is better than the one you don't have.

[ - ] Nagasaki -7 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 08:48:46 ago (+2/-9)

Mine is the best:

Accept Islam and worship God without idolatrous associates, and work to establish an Islamic theocracy.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 9 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 09:35:17 ago (+9/-0)

The mudslime tried "charisma" and hurt itself in it's confusion.

[ - ] 2Drunk 1 point 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 09:21:01 ago (+2/-1)

Kill all the jews and jew sympathizers. Is that clear enough?

[ - ] GrayDragon -1 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 09:55:24 ago (+0/-1)

He's a shit jew most likely. Just look at his username.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 15:38:57 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Psychicrussiaspy -3 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 08:39:49 ago (+1/-4)

I'm gonna say your a yid. I'm getting a vibe blue eyes

[ - ] diggernicks 1 point 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 19:59:19 ago (+1/-0)

Bibles are fake n gay

Only retards grow up and still have imaginary friends

[ - ] HeyJames 1 point 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 19:27:15 ago (+1/-0)

You're still paying taxes

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] 1 point 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 19:46:17 ago (+1/-0)

Won't be for long.

[ - ] GrayDragon 1 point 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 09:54:48 ago (+1/-0)

"... create alternative systems."

While hard, that is solid advice.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 19:49:11 ago (+0/-0)

And it's what we're doing. People will laugh at this, but the founding fathers were just high IQ guys who sat around drinking together and talking about the shit we talk about here. Sound familiar? If we need a new declaration of independence I volunteer to write it. It would be VERY well written.

[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 15:09:37 ago (+0/-0)

PATRIORT, thanQ For trusting the plan. Just sit back and enjoy the show. WPWW1488GTKRWN

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 19:46:55 ago (+0/-0)

What's your specific plan of action? You don't have one...therefore my plan is better than yours.

[ - ] TrannyHunter 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 11:18:41 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] zr855 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 09:56:59 ago (+1/-1)

Start using cryptocurrency to buy, sell and trade. You can't win if you use your enemy's money. Jews create US dollars out of thin air to fund BLM, etc.

If you haven't started using fixed-supply, decentralized crytpocurrency not as an investment but to buy, sell and trade, you deserve all the tranny, pedo bullshit the kikes throw at you.


[ - ] VigourousJackson 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 09:49:52 ago (+0/-0)

i agree with most of that, start local etc... "the book of revelation" is the usual telegraphing of (((their))) plan for engineered war, however, same as they do in every other form of media. so no thanks on that.

[ - ] Paradoxical003 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 11:15:57 ago (+0/-0)

Weird that the guys who hate Christianity so much are actively holding meetings where they discuss how to do things in such a way as to convince people that the book of revelations is being fulfilled. They are deliberately trying to enact things that appear in the Bible's big finale. They built a model of the beast and are blaring out horns across whole cities for fucks sake.

Not to mention how the United nations building was built to look like the way the tower of babel was depicted in classical paintings.

[ - ] VigourousJackson 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 10, 2022 14:31:01 ago (+0/-0)

they dont hate xtianity (hell, the romans developed it as a monotheist competitor to judaism, who then retaliated with islam), its been a resounding success

[ - ] ThisGuy -1 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 10:38:23 ago (+0/-1)

"Be prepared to suffer a bit and redefine what "success" is to you."

Did you just tell me to lower my standards?

[ - ] 0rion 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 12:33:12 ago (+0/-0)

"Did you just assume my gender?"

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 9, 2022 19:47:31 ago (+0/-0)

Perhaps...you might have to do that as things unfold. Don't you agree?

[ - ] ThisGuy 0 points 2.1 yearsMay 10, 2022 07:55:50 ago (+0/-0)

Just sounds like a democrat campaign slogan.