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nigger atrocity of the day

submitted by con77 to Niggers 2.4 yearsApr 28, 2022 16:47:12 ago (+37/-1)     (www.msn.com)


if the press told the truth there would be a bounty on the black bastards

9 comments block

[ - ] ToNigIsToNog 6 points 2.4 yearsApr 28, 2022 18:24:16 ago (+6/-0)

what a shocker

niggers behave like niggers and White people suffer.

they need death, not prison. why should my taxes pay for a prison to profit for taking yet more niggers.

[ - ] Jiggggg 1 point 2.4 yearsApr 28, 2022 18:58:15 ago (+1/-0)

My thoughts exactly. The death penalty should be used more often. We don't need to give the four of them three hots and a cot for the next 60 years

[ - ] JudyStroyer 1 point 2.4 yearsApr 28, 2022 22:09:12 ago (+1/-0)

I have become more of a humanitarian lately. If you consider the fact that they were brought here by jews, and have been so underpriveleged; I think we give them a chance at redemption. We take to the beach, give them a snorkel, and point "listen nigger, africa is that way; you get one chance. If you swim back towards the american shore, we will shoot you. Go."
Seems plenty fair to me.

[ - ] ToNigIsToNog 0 points 2.4 yearsApr 29, 2022 13:55:52 ago (+0/-0)

I support this idea.

[ - ] Fascinus 5 points 2.4 yearsApr 28, 2022 16:51:45 ago (+5/-0)


[ - ] SirNiggsalot 1 point 2.4 yearsApr 28, 2022 21:52:28 ago (+1/-0)

Niggers need to be killed on sight.
It's really the only solution.

[ - ] WhiteCollarCriminal 0 points 2.4 yearsApr 29, 2022 16:00:02 ago (+0/-0)

Simple, to the point and most importantly...accurate!

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 1 point 2.4 yearsApr 28, 2022 20:17:31 ago (+1/-0)

I used to read stories like this from South Africa everyday back in the early to mid 2000's. We all know how that worked out.

[ - ] giantprick 0 points 2.4 yearsApr 29, 2022 04:35:56 ago (+0/-0)

Well at least she's of the age group that democracied our society into this

Only silver lining is it wasn't a completely innocent youth