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14 comments block

Not that i disagree entirely, however it always has to be remembered that many end in Prison bc of corrupt Law enforcement/ Prosecution / Judicial systems.

Yes, those need to be exposed to competition also. Wrongful convictions are going to be problem in any system but I'd argue my proposals present the best set of options for such a person:

- They haven't been permanently deprived of anything other than time and money. Money can be compensated if their guilt is later cast into doubt.

- If they are genuinely a law abiding and peaceful person they'll be well placed to find a secure facility offering them reasonably good conditions.

By contrast, in the existing public system they'll be placed in whatever facility the judge/prison bureau see fit and subjected to whatever conditions they please. There is no recourse or opportunity to build something better. The most they might hope for is be able to appeal to a higher court for better conditions, but that's a very high bar and potentially exposes them to retaliation.

In my system a corrupt and vengeful judge might set unreasonably high security standards for political prosecutees, but if it's up to them to decide how those standards are met they can still be spared extrajudicial punishement. In the worse case scenario their supporters could fundraise the construction of a facility where their rights are guaranteed.