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Lets just assume Trump is back in office in 2024, how do you imagine the new reality?

submitted by Mercedes_LaToyota to AskGoats 2.1 yearsApr 27, 2022 05:41:31 ago (+5/-3)     (AskGoats)

In my opinion, it will be relentless. Assuming that Trump is not a Jewish Puppet, all of his followers will turn the volume up to 11.

Back then, we were still arguing with our ideological opponents. We were trying to explain, defend our positions. Defend that we are not racists, war mongerers, nationalists...Libertarians, Free Speech advocates


We are racists. We see the failed experiment of multiculturalism.

We see the failures of freedom of speech and we know they control the media. We could always see through their lies..we just hoped we could fix things. Now we know they cant be fixed.

We were not violent.

We just sat down and got our asses kicked smiling thinking how we are on the right side of history.

No? We will fight back.

Back the blue? No more! We all saw what happened in 06JAN and how they treated us?

BLM? Over a junky that OD'd?

13 comments block

[ - ] Rawrination 4 points 2.1 yearsApr 27, 2022 08:06:30 ago (+5/-1)

There is no political solution. There is no peaceful solution.

“Take the guns and do the due process afterwards “ Trump is nothing but a stress relief valve.

[ - ] Reawakened 3 points 2.1 yearsApr 27, 2022 06:38:49 ago (+3/-0)

I think it will more of the same. I think the corruption is too deep and too entrenched in government for anyone to do anything about it. The best hope we have is taking control of a few states (to start with) and calling leftists out for hating White people right to their face. Put them on their back foot.

[ - ] diggernicks 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 27, 2022 09:57:06 ago (+0/-0)

You are an enemy of america if you willingly live and pay taxes that support shit tier unamerican regimes like califailia jew york or shitcago

[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 27, 2022 12:43:59 ago (+0/-0)

If he's from any of those states we don't want him.

[ - ] diggernicks 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 27, 2022 12:46:08 ago (+0/-0)

Chicago isn't a state but I'm pretty sure everyone who lives in Illinois says they live in or are from near chicago

[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 27, 2022 13:53:52 ago (+0/-0)

Illinois is a consistent blue state and many 'conservatives' who live there claim to like niggers. It's disgusting.

[ - ] diggernicks 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 27, 2022 15:20:23 ago (+0/-0)

Many (read:almost all) conservative Christians are anti abortion

If youre anti abortion youre pro nigger

Nigger lovers are enemies of america

[ - ] heygeorge 2 points 2.1 yearsApr 27, 2022 06:46:59 ago (+3/-1)

I’d rather live in the US than Russia or Ukraine. It’s not even a close choice. Trump is obviously a faggot. It’s not an if. Go take this bullshit to Poal and don’t forget your bacon!

[ - ] Spaceman84 1 point 2.1 yearsApr 27, 2022 12:43:31 ago (+1/-0)

At least 50% gayer than 2022, buy hey, lowest black and Hispanic unemployment after they create another new federal agency to hire shitskins. So there's that.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 1 point 2.1 yearsApr 27, 2022 12:31:35 ago (+1/-0)

Let's assume the jews will cheat twice as hard next time, and Biden will get 811 million votes

[ - ] M80TheMan 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 27, 2022 16:38:50 ago (+0/-0)

Same shit storm we’re in now just more jew cock fellating. Trump’s a fucking traitor and his followers are kike loving communists. He called in the national guard on his supporters on Jan6 but didn’t do so to antifa and the niggers when they were burning down major cities. Fuck outta here with that shit.

[ - ] I_am_baal 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 27, 2022 10:28:06 ago (+0/-0)

Trump's family is intermarried with kikes.

[ - ] Unreasonable 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 27, 2022 08:17:30 ago (+1/-1)

Trump is a kike cock sucking faggot and always has been.