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The no recipe, recipe, for Yorkshire pudding.

submitted by WillisJaxson to Cooking 2.2 yearsApr 22, 2022 05:28:41 ago (+5/-1)     (Cooking)

My wife loves the things. She also hates fat on her steak. Perfect. I say this is a no recipe because there's not any specific measurements needed.

Step 1:
Cut the fat off your steak, and chop it into smaller chunks. Put it in a small pot on medium to low heat and let the fat render down. Pour it off into a something using a napkin or paper towel as a filter to catch the bits. At this point, you can use what you need and the rest seems to store forever in the fridge. As they say, this can be done well in advance.

Step 2:
Mix equal parts, eggs, flour, milk. That's it. If you're using a 12 hole muffin pan, I find one egg equals around three holes. So, 4 eggs go into the measuring cup, match the same amount of milk and flour, and you have enough for twelve. Here's where you can go a few ways. Let it rest, refrigerate it, use it right away. If you want a cup shape for holding gravy or other goodness use cold batter, or a more hollow puffy result use warm. Side note: I came across this seasoning the other year, Everglades Seasoning (the all-purpose original), it's super salty, so you don't need much, but it's great to add. I'm not a sponsor, I just like it. Otherwise, a bit of salt does the trick. I also throw in some herbs at times. Mix in the seasoning just before cooking.

Step 3:
Add about a 1/8 tsp of the fat, or whatever oil you have, to each muffin cup. Throw it in the oven and preheat to 450F. When the oven beeps that it's at temp, pull the pan out, pour in the batter around half full for each cup, and put back in oven for 20 minutes. This works for me using beef fat. You want the pan and oil to be smoking hot when the batter hits, but not burnt hot. If you're using other oils keep an eye on it to figure out how long it needs to heat up. You may need to preheat oven first, and then pan and oil.

Give them a peek after 20 minutes, maybe they need a little more time, maybe not. Serve right away. If not, put on cooling rack so they bottoms don't get over done sitting in the pan.


tldr: Use equal parts eggs, milk, flour, with some seasoning. Pour into lightly oiled and piping hot muffin cups and bake at 450F for 20 minutes.

5 comments block

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 1 point 2.2 yearsApr 22, 2022 07:17:36 ago (+1/-0)

yorkshire pudding is the tits.

[ - ] Robhere 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 22, 2022 15:34:08 ago (+0/-0)

I use a old brass coffee filter when straining my bacon fat and it works great as well.

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 22, 2022 10:27:32 ago (+0/-0)

Beez Neez Bruv!

[ - ] cyclops1771 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 22, 2022 07:40:14 ago (+0/-0)

Step 1: What you want to use is called "cheesecloth"