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Princess DiAnime | A Historical Footnote (5:21) - kenny lauderdale

submitted by Love240 to anime 2.1 yearsApr 20, 2022 02:20:19 ago (+1/-1)     (www.youtube.com)


Princess Diana has an anime yes. It's very short & only aired a single time. Is it good? It's more of a historical oddity than something you'd really watch on it's own, but the fact it even exists in the first place is worth talking about. This is where I'm just going to post supplemental info now. The company that made this and most of the people who worked on it aren't really well know, nor have they worked on things most people have heard of. It was done very quickly & only meant to be seen once to coincide with her visiting japan in 1986. I doubt they even thought anyone in the current year would be talking about it. That said, I thought it was worth mentioning at least once. Maybe someone will subtitle it?

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