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The John Birch Society is the only group that has been right about communism. This is their 1966 video "Anarchy U.S.A."

submitted by HughBriss to whatever 2.1 yearsApr 10, 2022 10:14:46 ago (+20/-0)     (www.youtube.com)


Sorry for the jewtube link. I can't find this anywhere else, and this is the version posted by JBS. I'm old enough that I was alive when this was produced (although a child) and I remember how the JBS was reviled by students (mostly communists, like the SDS), the media (mostly leftists and communist sympathizers), and conservative elitists (like William Buckley). The latter describe the JBS as too "extreme".

Enjoy this prescient video, warning us more than 55 years what we should have been paying attention to and how jews stole our legacy and heritage.

17 comments block

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 4 points 2.1 yearsApr 10, 2022 10:53:25 ago (+4/-0)

They are in my will. Can’t think of any other group that I want to give money to more.

[ - ] Splooge 5 points 2.1 yearsApr 10, 2022 13:02:44 ago (+5/-0)

There never has been any hate in our agenda and it will never be employed as a tactic. From the outset, membership in JBS has been strictly denied to haters and, should any member adopt a racist or anti-Semitic attitude or behavior, the membership of such a person will be permanently revoked.


[ - ] x0x7 4 points 2.1 yearsApr 10, 2022 14:56:37 ago (+4/-0)*

Meanwhile the Austrians, who were right about communism since before JSB even existed, has Hans Herman Hoppe who is plenty racist.

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[ - ] HughBriss [op] 2 points 2.1 yearsApr 10, 2022 11:09:12 ago (+2/-0)

Good on ya, man.

[ - ] SocksOnCats 2 points 2.1 yearsApr 10, 2022 20:13:36 ago (+2/-0)

When I was a kid my dad took me to an auto parts store to buy stuff for my truck (I had a β€˜77 International Scout II). Among the stuff I got was an American flag I wanted to fly from my antenna. It was small and I thought it was awesome. My dad deridingly asked if I was going to join the John Birch Society and indicated he didn’t want to buy the flag.

So I looked him in the eye and said β€œNo flag? Okay let’s forget the whole thing.” Said this in front of the cash register and I was prepared to let it go.

Dad balked and realized what an ass he sounded like.

I got that flag and flew it proudly from my antenna for years.

Growing up I wasn’t very politically aware and didn’t know my Dad was such a Commie ass. But looking back I understand how he was brainwashed by the system. I’m glad I grew past his intellectual failures.

[ - ] TheDivineLight 1 point 2.1 yearsApr 10, 2022 20:47:10 ago (+1/-0)

Impressive honestly. Back in those days and with your dad like that. You turned out well if you're here.

[ - ] x0x7 1 point 2.1 yearsApr 10, 2022 14:54:14 ago (+1/-0)

The Austrians have been right about communism since before it was actually attempted. That predates the John Birch Society by about 87 years if we use the publication of Menger's "Principles of Economics" as a start date for Austrianism (who's pricing explanations were meant as an attack on Marx and introduced the world to modern economic concepts).

[ - ] HughBriss [op] 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 10, 2022 14:58:05 ago (+0/-0)

True enough, although from the context, I think I was referring to both the US and to political groups in the US. Are there any active Austrian groups that are explicitly anti communist and are public about it?

[ - ] x0x7 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 10, 2022 15:03:26 ago (+0/-0)

In the US. Yes. https://mises.org

[ - ] HughBriss [op] 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 10, 2022 17:23:40 ago (+0/-0)

Not even remotely in the same class. They are about economics and libertarianism. JBS warns about communist infiltration and degradation of every aspect of US life, including culture, education, government, and religion. Their scope is wider and more focused on what exactly damage communists have done to the country and society.

[ - ] Reawakened 1 point 2.1 yearsApr 10, 2022 11:47:31 ago (+1/-0)

I've often thought that would be a way for us to organize under the radar... kind of. That group has been around so long, it's almost quaint.

[ - ] mattsixteen24 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 10, 2022 22:16:55 ago (+0/-0)

JBS has good stuff, but I heard they have some masonic influences so be careful. Plenty of other groups have been right about Communism.

[ - ] poopdawg15 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 10, 2022 18:54:01 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] HughBriss [op] 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 10, 2022 19:30:12 ago (+0/-0)

TLDR. Please provide me a summary of what he said on JBS. In other words, please give me a reason why I care about his opinion. I may agree, but I'm not going to read a blind link to a long article without a reason.

[ - ] poopdawg15 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 10, 2022 21:44:01 ago (+0/-0)

I'm not willing to expend the effort.

[ - ] HughBriss [op] 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 10, 2022 23:57:32 ago (+0/-0)

LIkewise, kiddo.