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Audacity and Stupidity

submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to Wristwatches 2.2 yearsApr 10, 2022 02:05:53 ago (+3/-0)     (nypost.com)


She was wearing an AP in Mott Haven!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with NYC, the Bronx (with the exception of like 4 neighborhoods) is the poorest boro of the city. The Bronx has roughly 30-35 neighborhoods and Mott Haven is probably in the top 3 in terms of poverty and criminality. This chick was likely either a stripper, a drug dealer's GF, or both. You're not living in Mott Haven and wearing luxury wristwatches from your gainful, mainstream employment. There is probably less than a 1% chance of that being possible. To contrast, I own 3 less-expensive Rolexes, but I'm a man and I would not be in that neighborhood wearing one. Plus, I'm 6'7" and willing to fight. This chick is lucky they didn't shoot her or hack her arm off. That neighborhood is nothing but Blacks, Ricans and Dominicans and half of them are gang members. Real bad news.

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