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24 comments block

[ - ] con77 7 points 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 16:54:00 ago (+7/-0)

ALWAYS take the enemies flag

[ - ] natehiggers 7 points 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 16:32:32 ago (+7/-0)

Probably fake and gay

[ - ] Broc_Liath 6 points 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 17:13:46 ago (+6/-0)

Probably. Did she just happen to be filming when this was happening? It's not a stream, she was holding a handheld camera. And why would she stop filming to confront him? Lefties love to "make them famous."

Most likely this is a jussie smollet.

[ - ] allahead 2 points 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 17:34:20 ago (+2/-0)

He's on a ladder, he's been making some noise. Fuck that flag.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 18:29:47 ago (+1/-0)

Like I said though, why stop filming and why not show his face?

[ - ] natehiggers 5 points 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 18:51:47 ago (+5/-0)*

More then likey the fag flag was in violation of her apartment/condo rules (lot's of apartments and condos ban all flags flying of the balcony). The guy on the ladder is probably building/complex maintenance and she's likely been warned about the flag dozens of times.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 18:57:58 ago (+1/-0)

Could be, it still wouldn't make sense for her to start filming while he's doing legit work, then stop the moment he does something objectionable.

[ - ] SenpaithatFriendzonesyou 2 points 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 18:23:29 ago (+2/-0)

Sounds like she did not follow instructions, and decided to be obnoxious about it, and as a result he brazenly cut it off, as per instruction, and handed it to her, as per instruction. So now she has a nice little incident on the record, recorded, for when the kikes who own the apartment get to keep her security deposit.

[ - ] natehiggers 1 point 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 18:26:02 ago (+1/-0)

The last apartment I lived in had rules about hanging a flag off the balcony and the maintenance guys often just cut them down.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 1 point 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 17:39:43 ago (+1/-0)

It says it was a maintenance worker on her balcony. I guess it could still be fake

[ - ] 2Drunk 5 points 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 15:30:22 ago (+5/-0)

He should have tossed her off the balcony.

[ - ] Leveraction 2 points 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 23:50:16 ago (+2/-0)

Good! Faggots go the fuck back in the closet

[ - ] Nosferatjew 2 points 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 22:54:33 ago (+2/-0)

In a follow up video, @kel_morgan says that she was later informed (after the flag was cut down) that the people who took down the flag are “maintenance workers.” She said that she was told the workers would be on her balcony and instructed to take any “valuables” on her balcony inside.
“At the very least I think we should have been informed ahead of time,” she told the Daily Dot.

So, she was "later informed", but she was also told the workers would be there, which means she was told in advance, but then she says she "should have been informed ahead of time", yet she was still able to be there to film this guy while he was finishing his job, which suggests she knew he would be there.....

Either this is fake, or she's a retarded drama queen, or both.

[ - ] jigganiggaboo 2 points 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 22:27:01 ago (+2/-0)

Staged hate hoax. How convenient she happened to be recording

[ - ] BitterVeteran 2 points 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 20:00:44 ago (+2/-0)

"I am a woman living alone."

Who cares?

So sick of this victim bullshit.

You're flying offensive materials. Then jew out and "woman living alone".

Fuck off.

[ - ] uvulectomy 2 points 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 21:13:04 ago (+2/-0)

I'm a woman living alone.

And now she just broadcast that fact to EVERYONE. What a dumb cunt.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.2 yearsApr 9, 2022 09:34:16 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 23:44:35 ago (+1/-0)

They're all about posting every fucking detail of their life online but when real life happens or they happen to brush elbows with someone outside of thier echo chamber they freak the fuck out. Such a petty weak generation.

[ - ] bites_you 1 point 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 19:04:01 ago (+1/-0)

soo fake cmon yall

[ - ] StealthNinjaTaliban 1 point 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 19:01:04 ago (+1/-0)

"Im just doing my job ma'am"

[ - ] EAT_MY_ASS_FUCKFACE 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 9, 2022 11:29:15 ago (+0/-0)

"It could have been scary."

What a stupid, absolutely useless statement.
From another fucking retard ending sentences with "like what?" Honk, fucking HONK!

[ - ] Teefinyomouf 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 9, 2022 08:02:04 ago (+0/-0)

It's brave to fly the pride flag.

[ - ] Buffalo_fart_the_V 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 9, 2022 03:13:37 ago (+0/-0)

I know someone that has a fag flag hanging in a conservative neighborhood. I'm surprised no one's fire bombed to their house yet. Got to play to your audience but these people clearly don't.

[ - ] FalseRealityCheck 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 8, 2022 20:10:26 ago (+0/-0)

From the article:

In a follow up video, @kel_morgan says that she was later informed (after the flag was cut down) that the people who took down the flag are “maintenance workers.” She said that she was told the workers would be on her balcony and instructed to take any “valuables” on her balcony inside.

“I don’t know why they had to be on our balconies, and I don’t know why they cut this down,” the TikToker says in the follow-up video. “I don’t think that was necessary still.”

Some commenters on @kel_morgan’s follow-up video didn’t think that @kel_morgan was given enough notice for her flag to have been taken down.

“Aren’t they supposed to give you 24 hour notice?” @acropolis_21 commented. “Sounds like they sent it to cover [their] tracks.”

“That’s a call to the front office at the very least and an email with the video of which worker damaged your property,” @settone08 wrote.