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The Slow Train Wreck

submitted by Native to whatever 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 06:43:42 ago (+57/-2)     (whatever)

I was born in Russia. The Soviet Union before it collapsed and all the boomers never thought it would. In their warped boomer Adele’s mind they thought the Cold War would last forever until it didn’t.

I lost two great uncles in WW2 fighting the Germans (who did nothing wrong). I wish I knew their stories. My grandfather, served in the Soviet Union until he drank himself to death and I was too young to ask him the questions that mattered.

Where does it go from here?

I would imagine that my grandfather would answer “survive. My family did. And no matter how bad it gets we will always make it.”

America WILL repeat the mistakes of the Soviet Union. America will collapse in ten years. The slow train wreck is knowing it will crash and deciding, “will I watch or run to safety.” America is the train wreck. Please protect yourself.

Move out of the cities and get of debt. Meet your neighbors. The time is quickly approaching when America will no longer be the most obese nation. The danger is a racial civil war once daddy government runs out of food stamps.

The lone wolf, despite Hollywood propaganda does not survive. Your neighbor friends and family survive. I would know. I’m a Slav

58 comments block

[ - ] Nozyedys 13 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 09:10:22 ago (+13/-0)

We're in a death spiral and there's no stopping it. Our "representatives" are accelerating it with their "quantitative easing" and other inflationary policies. When it does blow, it will be epic. It seems obvious but I think it's part of a larger plan which includes vaccines and wars to reduce the population.

Pre-covid I had several different people ask if I was a "conspiracy theorist" when I moved away from the city and started producing my own food. The personality of these people changed during covid and I no longer hear from them at all anymore. I suspect they are hiding at home in fear as they realise the government has duped them with the vaccines. They believed the propaganda that everything is okay and spent this valuable time in the lead-up trying to one-up each other with their instagram fashion and fake virtue. Now everything is too expensive and they are in a bad position. Most of my acquaintances are vaxxed (though I know quite a few who aren't) and when I reach out to do something i.e. drink a beer the vast majority of the vaxxed always make up some excuse, not because of my beliefs because I never discussed this stuff with them. So I know that they smell the unease in the air as well and they are afraid.

Anyway to me it is a positive thing because now I know who I can rely on during struggling times. It's the ones that weren't afraid of the "virus" and still attempted to socialize and have a good time. This is because I now know that their brain still functions in the face of uncertainty, they don't just assume the fetal position waiting for the government to save them.

[ - ] Native [op] 5 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 12:07:02 ago (+5/-0)

I agree with you that this is a net positive in a way because it has exposed so much.

And the longer I live the more I’m beginning to suspect that “they” need our consent. Everything that was done to us in the last few years was with our tacit consent.

[ - ] FalseRealityCheck 5 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 12:25:04 ago (+5/-0)

...“they” need our consent.
If you've ever paid attention to the (((vampire))) mythology a jew vampire can't enter a building unless it is invited. Doesn't that sound like a metaphor for something?
Everything that was done to us in the last few years...
Everything that was done to us in the last few decades...


[ - ] DukeofRaul 0 points 2 yearsApr 7, 2022 11:53:49 ago (+0/-0)

Once we collapse NWO goes full swing. Standard of living for the poor plummets and the "black families" of europe who trace their lineage to jesus regain their fuedal powers.

[ - ] ItsOk2bArian 10 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 07:09:24 ago (+10/-0)

Thanks for the P.O.V. OP.
I've read to many of these warnings, so I listened to them. Moved my family out of megacity hell to a quiet remote country road in the middle of nowhere. I'm not saying ((They'll)) never find me, but a few billion other people will need to be processed before our names come up

[ - ] Native [op] 3 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 12:17:44 ago (+3/-0)

Great job your family with thank you!

[ - ] FalseRealityCheck 7 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 08:38:55 ago (+8/-1)

...they thought X would last forever until it didn’t.
Sums up most people's lives.
America will collapse in ten years.
You're being way to optimistic; America is collapsing as I write this.
...“will I watch or run to safety.”
There is no safety. No place in the world is going to be unaffected. Look at Coach Red Pill thinking it would be better in The Ukraine. What's coming is coming for everybody.
Move out of the cities and get of debt. Meet your neighbors. The time is quickly approaching when America will no longer be the most obese nation. The danger is a racial civil war once daddy government runs out of food stamps.
All very true statements.
The lone wolf, despite Hollywood propaganda does not survive. Your neighbor friends and family survive.
True, but as SELCO has shown: Your "family" might not be what you think it is.

[ - ] GoldenAgeWhen 1 point 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 09:35:47 ago (+1/-0)

what is selco?

[ - ] Fascinus 4 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 10:36:23 ago (+4/-0)

[ - ] FalseRealityCheck 1 point 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 12:26:49 ago (+1/-0)

Good to see that you're up to speed on this stuff!

[ - ] deleted 5 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 08:51:02 ago (+6/-1)


[ - ] deleted 4 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 07:12:47 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] GoldenAgeWhen 8 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 09:26:47 ago (+8/-0)

in the collapse they will use defaults as a way to take your property and stuff. if you lose your job and don't pay your mortgage then they can foreclose on you to give your house and property to foreigners.

similar to if you go underwater; you owe $200k on a $100k property, the obvious thing to do is to default and rent, right?

[ - ] Native [op] 5 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 12:16:25 ago (+5/-0)

This is the correct answer. Society doesn’t just stop functioning, what happened growing up in the SU is that it became increasingly harder and harder to keep up with inflation and the cost of living.

We “owned” our own apartment and my other family members were kicked out of theirs. At one point, we had 8 family members living in a two bedroom apartment—for YEARS.

[ - ] FalseRealityCheck 5 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 12:32:18 ago (+5/-0)

Defaults will simply be one excuse and not even the most prevalent. They are simply going to declare certain areas 'off-limits' to everybody and require people to move to megaprisons — I mean cities. Those that resist will be eliminated on site if they have no value; while those of some value will be imprisoned at FEMA camps for reeducation.

This is part of the plan anyways, but I think the plan is coming apart at the seams so all bets are off....

[ - ] GoldenAgeWhen 3 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 13:07:02 ago (+3/-0)

It doesn't happen overnight, they will slowly ruin lives, and part of this is taking everything we have. They might even get you to sell your bullets, because it will be a faceless mass that is destroying your way of life.

If you lost your income right now (say that you didn't get unemployment if fired for not taking the jab and it was illegal to work without a jab) and couldn't make that $3k mortgage payment what would you do? maybe you would move to somewhere better and start over (lose your house), but what if that wasn't possible? you would burn through what you have, and then become impoverished... This is where they want you, and as long as it happens over a span of time people won't do anything to stop it.

[ - ] FalseRealityCheck 2 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 17:09:03 ago (+2/-0)

...as long as it happens over a span of time people won't do anything to stop it.
That was the plan, but things are accelerating. I'm amazed at how many people I talk to IRL who have finally become aware of the situation we are in. They're just starting to get into it, but these people are very enthusiastic about wanting to learn more. It's getting easier to drop red pills.

[ - ] FalseRealityCheck 4 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 08:43:03 ago (+4/-0)

Excellent question, and one nobody ever bothers to answer. I think it's a roundabout way to tell people to become more disciplined and be less of a consoomer. Many think that if they pay off their mortgages they then 'own' their property and it can't be taken away. Guess again; if they can take away your life on a whim they most certainly can take away your property. "You will own nothing and be happy."

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 2 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 09:02:34 ago (+2/-0)

the guy you owe money too would likewise be less inclined to believe anyone would come after him for just plain fucking you up and walking away with your shit.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 08:53:38 ago (+2/-2)


[ - ] Native [op] 4 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 12:13:17 ago (+4/-0)

Because even in a collapsed country personal debt is not discharged. Especially in a mortgage. Just my experience, people who couldn’t pay rent even with massive inflation were kicked out of their homes.

Society doesn’t stop functioning it just becomes harder and harder to keep up with.

We couldn’t afford toilet paper at a certain point and had to wipe with newspapers.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 15:33:42 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Bottled_Tears 1 point 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 07:27:48 ago (+1/-0)

No excuse to obsessively try to find you only to investigate more about your whereabouts.

If someone came up to me and I had no debts but asked about me, I immediately would know it is a hostile interaction.

[ - ] Rowdybme 1 point 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 08:50:10 ago (+1/-0)

Exactly. If they knew the country was collapsing. Go max out all your credit cards and buy supplies. Then laugh when they send you a bill.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer 3 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 12:56:42 ago (+3/-0)

The danger is a racial civil war once daddy government runs out of food stamps.

I like your optimism.

[ - ] gardella 3 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 12:47:58 ago (+3/-0)

Thank you for this post, I hope we have the ten years. I am stuck caring for an elderly family member that will not move out of a megapolis. I have plans to move two to three hours from the nearest population center, but I cannot until the good Lord takes my family member home.

[ - ] Native [op] 2 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 12:51:08 ago (+2/-0)

My condolences, family comes first.

[ - ] SenpaithatFriendzonesyou 3 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 11:00:13 ago (+3/-0)

Who dies with us? see no one asks that question. How much of the world is propped up by the US? How fast would the country change when they can't enjoy the quality of life they once had.

It will be bad. Overnight we will see a shift in how people behave and their attitudes. But at the end of the day, empires and nations always fall. Lets be real though, will the collapse of the American government be that bad?

I suspect we will start to see the syndication happen towards the end, where corporations and industries start paying out in their own crypto, and that will be exchanged in online marketplaces. If you don't use the internet then you will have to find some other way to trade. It will not be a change that will favor niggers and the tech illiterate. It will be a new filter.

[ - ] Native [op] 1 point 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 12:20:56 ago (+1/-0)

The collapse will not be overnight. It never is, what happens is that people slowly start losing trust and confidence in the government and corporate institutions.

That’s when crime increases and you literally have to pay off the cops to investigate crime. This slow decline takes years and government reform takes decades.

And the reform will be up to us—do we go to the far left or the far right. I have a feeling America will veer very far left

[ - ] RedBarchetta 2 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 10:56:57 ago (+2/-0)

America WILL repeat the mistakes of the Soviet Union. America will collapse in ten years.

Yes. Not sure 10 years, but yes.

All civilizations do. Japan in the 90's Look at them today. China Today is a huge fucking monster. Keeping corruption out is the success.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 11:47:32 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] mikenigger 0 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 14:15:02 ago (+0/-0)

What's with this thinking that everyone else is doing better than the US? lol

[ - ] RedBarchetta 0 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 22:35:52 ago (+0/-0)

Democratic National Committee

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 15:16:57 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Native [op] 0 points 2 yearsApr 7, 2022 02:26:00 ago (+0/-0)

You don’t realize the surveillance state modern America and Europe is. It’s probably close to 15+% of the population are actively spying and driving around surveillance.

You can’t just remove that. It’s not one leader it’s quite actually 40 million people in this country who are following and keeping tabs on everyone

[ - ] mikenigger 0 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 14:13:28 ago (+0/-0)

Keeping corruption out is the success.

LOL good one

[ - ] CPU 1 point 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 14:56:56 ago (+1/-0)

They won't collapse everything until they remove all Whites. If they collapsed everything tomorrow, all the migrants would flee and many Whites will use their 2A.

This is also why they do not want anyone naming the jew, it is a straight bullseye target.

[ - ] GoldenAgeWhen 0 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 17:51:42 ago (+0/-0)

The best part of an economic collapse is that the immigrants will go home, and maybe we could even get some non-whites to repatriate. I think it would also be good for our soy fed population to have something real to worry about for a while.

[ - ] zr855 1 point 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 12:27:12 ago (+1/-0)

The lone wolf, despite Hollywood propaganda does not survive.

So true.

[ - ] Her0n 1 point 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 10:52:16 ago (+1/-0)

Good to know

[ - ] canbot 1 point 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 09:20:41 ago (+1/-0)

get of debt.

This is the worst advice. Get as much debt as you can carry and buy assets. The assets will appreciate, and the debt will be inflated away.

[ - ] GoldenAgeWhen 3 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 09:30:26 ago (+3/-0)

This would be fine if you knew the timeline. If it takes 10 years for it to happen then you will get screwed by the collectors. If you knew it was happening in a month then it would be sound advice.

Some assets you could lose in boating accidents, but things like your house and car they would be able to take from you if you default on debt. you could also service the debt, but again, if you had to pay 5% (like a second mortgage to buy supplies) then that over 10 years would be a lot.

[ - ] GlowNiggerDick 2 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 10:11:15 ago (+2/-0)

With exception of guns and ammo supplies are cheap. A 50lb bag of flour, is only like 35 bucks. Vacuum pack it and its shelf stable for 20 years. 20lbs of split peas is only 18 bucks. Again vacuum packed its stable a long time. You can get enough food to keep you alive for 6 months for pretty cheap. I have some food storage, if the country doesnt come off the rails in the next 7 or 8 years Ill be able to comfortably bug out. My main wishlist item would be a setup where I can refine kerosene. From what I understand having a rig like that and knowing how to operate it will basically make you an incredibly important person locally if shit breaks down.

[ - ] GoldenAgeWhen 2 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 10:24:00 ago (+2/-0)

It depends the level. If i had the means i would buy a cabin far from cities and equip it with solar, some underground hidden areas, water source, etc.

You are right though, store bought food components and canned goods are really cheap.

[ - ] Native [op] 2 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 12:25:12 ago (+2/-0)

Correct. As I mentioned earlier in comments the SU didn’t collapse over night, it was a slow decline and debts followed people everywhere even during the collapse.

The post SU era took over a decade to rebuild. My family wiped out asses with newspapers. The only thing that kept us safe was that we had zero debt.

My other families all lost their apartments

[ - ] thebearfromstartrack4 1 point 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 08:59:48 ago (+2/-1)

Somebody(S) (once again DUMBASS) who has DECIDED that CHANGES to our WAY is THE way for ultimate happiness, INSTEAD of accepting what is, ignoring it mostly, and living a life (POSSIBLE). Things are the way they are for a REASON. GOOD REASONS. Nuff said. When YOU are YOUNG, you're supposed to LEARN that, NOT decide you should CHANGE everything to SUIT YOU. Then we ALL have to get USED to a certain way (I guess) ALL OVER AGAIN. YOu are SUPPOSED to realize, YOU are an IDIOT. YOu decided to GIVE yourself a TROPHY for showing up instead. PRAISE when you sHOULD get your ass KICKED. It's a shame, ALL of this DEATH for something STUPID (as usual).

Don't worry Russian sits on HUGE oil and gas and coal deposits. That's a lot of "breathing room" (Mistakes, yet STILL pay for tomorrow). Oh, and there are CROOKS EVERY TIME. REmemeber that. ALso please LEARN that YOU are just a dumbass, as dumbsa as EVERYONE else out there.

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 0 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 14:18:19 ago (+0/-0)

All that matters now is that we are SLAVS, we are survivors of the worst of atrocities inflicted upon man, to forget who we are and to walk away from our past is sure suicide. America and Canada are done and I don't think there's 10years left before the great adjustment comes, I'm thinking in less than 3. (((Those))) who gave history the 3 HOLODOMOR are still relevant and they aim to finish the job.

[ - ] fritz_maurentod 0 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 14:07:05 ago (+0/-0)

There is going to be a civil war, but no racial war because niggers are too stupid to organize and will kill each other even faster than today. Europe is going to be the theater of a race war as soon as the Muslims realize they are the majority and European males are effeminated.

[ - ] Puller_of_Noses 0 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 10:50:17 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] AugustineOfHippo2 0 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 09:21:01 ago (+0/-0)

I'm really glad the patriot soldiers at Bunker Hill, when faced with the bigger and mightier British army, didn't have your defeatist attitude.

America is only over when people take that defeated attitude and roll over so their masters can screw them some more. Stand up, be a MAN, and FIGHT BACK.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 10:14:08 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] mikenigger 0 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 08:55:06 ago (+1/-1)

Thought I was going to read a sensible Russian POV then you start projecting like a retard, oh well

[ - ] breh 0 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 10:42:23 ago (+0/-0)

thought I was going to read a sensible Russian
No you didn't, liar

[ - ] mikenigger 0 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 11:06:44 ago (+1/-1)*

I didn't know where it was going until it got to the part of America collapsing, this is how it should read:

Russia WILL repeat the mistakes of the Soviet Union. Russia will collapse in ten years. The slow train wreck is knowing it will crash and deciding, “will I watch or run to safety.” Russia is the train wreck. Please protect yourself.

Clown world can't hold a candle to Russia's fuckups, not even close. Shrinking GDP, HIV epidemic, brain drain, demographic decline (and not the skewed shit dailystormer tries to sell about the US).

[ - ] PostWallHelena 3 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 11:25:24 ago (+4/-1)

The US GDP is fake. Niggers and fags spread HIV. Russia has neither. I think the Lincoln Project is for you.

[ - ] mikenigger 4 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 11:39:11 ago (+4/-0)

In 2015 44% of new infections occurred through heterosexual sex. Experts predict that heterosexual sex may soon overtake injecting drug use as the main means of HIV transmission. This means the HIV epidemic may be shifting from mainly affecting key populations including people who inject drugs, sex workers, prisoners and men who have sex with men, to affecting the general population.

According to data published in 2019 amount of infected reached 1.06 million, there were 37 thousand deaths from AIDS in 2018. Infection rate in male population aged 30–40 is estimated about 4%. 57% acquired infection in heterosexual contacts, 2-3% in MSM contacts and 40-41% from drug use.


Look at the graph of cases rising over the years, it's like an African shithole.

[ - ] taoV 2 points 2 yearsApr 6, 2022 11:58:17 ago (+2/-0)

It's pretty easy to have an HIV epidemic when you and your neighbors become the world's whorehouse.