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Made some baby back ribs tonight

submitted by 1Icemonkey to Cooking 2.2 yearsApr 4, 2022 01:57:11 ago (+10/-0)     (Cooking)

Didn’t feel like monitoring the smoker, which I have to feed by hand, and instead tried the oven method. Not bad, considering my excellent rub and all. I even went over time to make sure we weren’t pulling at the meat. Still, something was missing. Not everything has to have smoke flavor, but there is something to the slow and patient method that smoking forces you into. My smoker only goes to 225. The oven recipe called for 250. Turns out you shouldn’t rush things.

7 comments block

[ - ] MadJack 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 5, 2022 00:07:23 ago (+0/-0)

Check out Butt Rub. Very tasty BBQ rub.

[ - ] ToNigIsToNog 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 4, 2022 10:39:31 ago (+0/-0)

true low and slow is about long cooking times to break down collagen and connective tissues (that's the "sticky" feeling) without drying things out.

225 is fine. you might look up methods like 3-1-1 or the like.

[ - ] 1Icemonkey [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 4, 2022 10:41:26 ago (+0/-0)

I’ve done the 3-2-1 method in the smoker. That’s the best way. I was just being lazy.

[ - ] ToNigIsToNog 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 4, 2022 23:37:11 ago (+0/-0)

that's why I use electric. I don't have to fuck a around with fires, temps, moisture content, nothing

[ - ] 1Icemonkey [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 7, 2022 00:22:12 ago (+0/-0)

I use a digital master built. Really would like the traeger for the auto feed, but then, what are you really doing at that point? Nothing. Set it and forget it. It would be nice for an 18 hr brisket. I’ve had to time mine for an overnight stall and then fire it up again in the morning. Fucking bitch, it is.

[ - ] ToNigIsToNog 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 7, 2022 17:21:18 ago (+0/-0)

the gravity grill / smoker? this is my favorite piece of tech. up to 700 degrees and I can control from anywhere

[ - ] GrayDragon 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 4, 2022 05:20:21 ago (+0/-0)

My friend cooked us Sunday sausage, peppers, and potato cubes, and some other shit for an hour at 350. Came out great.

I've found that stew and stew-like things are the greatest foods.

Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold. Peas porridge in the pot NINE DAYS OLD!
