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Biden Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson chose leniency even in baby sex torture cases. She disregarded prosecutors' prison recommendations to give the lightest possible punishments in each case.

submitted by John_B_14 to politics 2.1 yearsApr 3, 2022 18:56:25 ago (+52/-0)     (nypost.com)


April 2, 2022

In the eight child-porn cases that came before her court, former D.C. District Court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson heard horrifying details of “sadomasochistic” torture of young kids — including “infants and toddlers” — yet challenged the disturbing evidence presented by prosecutors and disregarded their prison recommendations to give the lightest possible punishments in each case, according to transcripts of sentencing hearings obtained by the Post.


18 comments block

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 3, 2022 22:26:43 ago (+1/-1)*


[ - ] deleted -1 points 2.1 yearsApr 4, 2022 00:20:15 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 3 points 2.1 yearsApr 4, 2022 01:16:01 ago (+3/-0)

I am always suspicious of kiddy porn cases because I think the gov't plants it to discredit people. But if it's true they should hang.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 4, 2022 18:20:38 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 4, 2022 21:18:49 ago (+0/-0)

Doesn't rule out government planting the evidence. Like I say, I'm not a big fan of thought crimes. I detest pedos and think chomos should hang. The evidence is less clear about just having certain bytes on your HD. I think if you could prove that someone is engaging the trade of it, conspiring to get it made, then yeah fuck them. I'm less confidant in the justice system's ability to sort people

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 4, 2022 07:54:16 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] SirNiggsalot 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 3, 2022 21:40:49 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah , but she's black

[ - ] Panic 1 point 2.1 yearsApr 3, 2022 22:11:13 ago (+1/-0)

But her husband is jew. She was connected long before this and will be seated. That's how it works.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 4, 2022 01:14:48 ago (+0/-0)

Geee a jewess defending kiddy diddlers. Must be a day that ends in "y"

[ - ] 1Icemonkey 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 3, 2022 20:25:06 ago (+0/-0)

She’ll be confirmed, with republican votes. Do not doubt me.

[ - ] uvulectomy 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 3, 2022 20:53:08 ago (+0/-0)

Collins already pledged her vote. You're predicting that which is already known.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 1 point 2.1 yearsApr 3, 2022 20:12:58 ago (+1/-0)

Fucking Clownworld.

[ - ] lord_nougat 1 point 2.1 yearsApr 3, 2022 19:49:05 ago (+1/-0)

It loves pedos.

[ - ] Rob3122 9 points 2.1 yearsApr 3, 2022 19:37:39 ago (+9/-0)

This bitch should be investigated and thrown in a fucking cage like the animal she is. But instead she's been given a seat on the highest court in the country and maybe the world. Almost nothing makes sense anymore.

[ - ] FacelessOne 2 points 2.1 yearsApr 3, 2022 20:39:46 ago (+2/-0)

Investigations and Court will be a short conference meeting followed by mass executions.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.1 yearsApr 4, 2022 05:27:18 ago (+1/-0)

The problem with that is that there'll always be some crypto somewhere saying the official history is false and globohomo did nothing wrong.

My preferred strategy would be this:

- Execute a couple of them, just to show we're serious

- Offer the rest amnesty for any crime committed while in office if confessed publically.

- Any crime they leave out results in the voiding of their immunity up to the maximum penalty for that crime. So if they forget about a minor case of corruption then they can be tried for every minor case of corruption. If they "forget" about that guy they had whacked then they can be tried for every assassination.

- Equally, if they are found to have lied about their level of involvement (like passing blame onto a subordinate or superior) then their immunity is voided.

- The applications will be slow at first, but they'll quickly pick up speed as one set of confessions implicate someone else. Once they have opted to testify leaving details out will become a very risky strategy, so one person's confession is highly likely to prompt another one. Eventually it snowballs and the entire deep state is forced to come clean.

- In order to qualify for immunity they have to go on a road tour and read out their confession to mass gatherings of witnesses. Kinda like a campaign tour but more shameful.

- Witness crowds are selected at random from the adult citizen population so there's no opportunity to pack the stadium with supporters or crisis actors. Also no one is given the opportunity to hide from "their side"'s confessions and pretend the other side are the bad guys.

- By the time we're done, every adult member of the electorate will have attended at least one confession. Attendance is required to retain your place on the voter rolls.

By the end of the whole thing even the most die-hard boomery "trust the system," voting addict will be completely demoralised. No one will trust the system and anyone with any major role in it will be pariahs. At that point they'll be open to solutions like the breakup of the US and a return to private law.

[ - ] Goatslayer -3 points 2.1 yearsApr 3, 2022 23:02:34 ago (+0/-3)

Friendly reminder that Brett Kavanaugh was nominated to the Supreme Court after it was proven he viciously raped a woman, and you people said nothing.

Friendly reminder that Trump raped kids with Epstein and you said nothing.

Shut the fuck up and quit pretending like you have standards.

[ - ] Xantha 2 points 2.1 yearsApr 4, 2022 06:16:22 ago (+2/-0)

lul. You don't really understand us here do you? Honestly you should just go to the fag.win communities since most of your posts are geared for things they actually believe. Let me give you a little bit of history here since you're not from around here.

1) We had this discussion back in 2015, SEVEN YEARS AGO, before trumpkikelstein was even elected, no one here liked him, he was a dogshit candidate who worships kikesrael and their money lenders. He was barely tolerated just for the simple fact that we liked to laugh at how over-the-top angry he made the npcs who were brainwashed by the media's fake armageddon hysteria around him. Trump was basically an 80's democrat and therefore just another useless establishment shitbag. The guy was never going to do anything serious because he had way too much to lose (see $$$$$$$) if he pissed off the people above him.

2) We don't like anyone on the supreme court, ACB is a traitor to god, traitor to her race, and is a boot licker for actual tyranny. BK is a limp wristed faggot who changes his opinion faster than the wind changes directions and is basically just some ladder climbing lackey who finally got his pat-on-the-back position. NG basically the same but also a kike-worshipper. EVERYONE on the court is unfit to be there, the people that selected those people to the court are/were unfit for their own positions, the people in the general public who cheered those idiots and participated in the fake ass circus surrounding their appointments (even decades ago) are unfit to make decisions for other people in the first place. It's shitbags all the way down, don't mistake comments on here about disliking this actual fucking chimp as meaning we support any of the others, we don't and never did. Occasionally we'll pull retard maga q-tards as users who hang out in the periphery and shit up the place like you do.

We're not anarchists here, we simply recognize the world is overdue for a serious spring cleaning so the natural order as nature intended can be restored and not this man-made clownshit world we have. The only thing I'll give you credit for is that you do actually recognize some members of the establishment are unfit degenerates and criminals---- really its not just some, its all of them.

Just go somewhere else, you don't understand your audience here and you're probably never really going to get it at this point.

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 2.1 yearsApr 4, 2022 11:14:45 ago (+0/-0)

proven he viciously raped a woman

You mean some phony cunt made up a bullshit story that was full of documented lies.

[ - ] deleted 4 points 2.1 yearsApr 3, 2022 19:30:38 ago (+4/-0)
