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nigger and muslim fertility docs implant wrong embryo in couple

submitted by PostWallHelena to WorldWar3 2.2 yearsApr 3, 2022 12:50:37 ago (+21/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


DM art: https://archive.ph/wip/n8TIm

Couple then kills baby at 5 month gestation to avoid legal hassles of custody problems, real nice.

This was the SECOND time this nigger got his embryos mixed up and implanted them in the wrong uterus.

Drs. Michael Obasaju and Khalid Sultan. Who would let these shitskins near their uterus?

17 comments block

[ - ] Love240 3 points 2.2 yearsApr 3, 2022 15:55:40 ago (+3/-0)

Niggers are not professional anything. I've had about enough of people pretending incompetent niggers are men.
Trust a nigger 'doctor', get nigger results.

[ - ] dulcima 2 points 2.2 yearsApr 3, 2022 22:15:23 ago (+2/-0)

These doctors will remove the wrong kidney, amputate the wrong foot, administer the wrong medication, extract the healthy tooth... the future looks bleak.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 1 point 2.2 yearsApr 3, 2022 19:47:25 ago (+1/-0)*

I know two families that needed IVF in their early 20s so it's not always women who whored and slaved away yheir fertile years who need it. Unfortunately, both families are hard leftists that are fucking up their kids and will be pround of nigger grandchildren.

Edit: the woman in that picture is one ugly deformed fat beast. I hope she learned to avoid the groid.

[ - ] PostWallHelena [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 3, 2022 20:21:27 ago (+0/-0)

The guy looks pregnant.

[ - ] Her0n 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 3, 2022 15:02:04 ago (+0/-0)

An once of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Desperate women who waited far too long to have children. Your late teens/early twenties are for having kids ladies. The average woman wouldn’t have fertility issues if they used their brains and had children at an appropriate age.

[ - ] PostWallHelena [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 3, 2022 17:35:38 ago (+0/-0)*

I think this was their 4th kid.

Your late teens/early twenties are for having kids ladies.

That depends upon what your priorities are. Its not optimal for child mortality and its not optimal for women individually. Its perhaps optimal for men and maybe even for white people in general since we’re being out bred by latinos with shorter cycle times. But can young white women afford to think in those terms?

Men will have to make a case to high IQ women for why they should give up greater economic independence to become totally dependent on a single male at 18, for the rest of their lives. What if that guy turns out to be dangus? She is fucked. I see guys on this site promising retribution and white sharia— who would sign up for that?
Life is about negotiating risks and benefits with trade offs. Marrying and having babies at 18 is a huge risk for a high IQ woman because you can’t guarantee that dude won’t be an asshole. What benefits are men offering to mitigate that risk?

Unless you acknowlege this is a real risk for women, getting stuck with kids and dependent on an asshole who can jerk you around economically, you aren’t serious about addressing the problem.

[ - ] Her0n 1 point 2.2 yearsApr 3, 2022 18:28:02 ago (+1/-0)

Smart women Will get their partners well. Some women spend until their 30-40s still trying to find that perfect guy and they still fuck it all up in the end. Your stance doesn’t really withstand scrutiny.

You respond as if the world is perfect, spoiler warning, it’s not.

Maybe your were a good candidate for an arranged marriage.

Having kids is a much more fulfilling choice than slaving away for some business that will replace you without skipping a beat.

I get that your spinster lifestyle has you asshurt, but every smart woman I know personally chose the momlife and found good men. All the dumb women I know are still trying to find Mr. Right at age 35. There men still beat them and/or abuse them verbally/emotionally. My sister chose your path, she’s obese, dying from liver and kidney failure, and can only attract scumbag men or niggers. She doesn’t burn the coal, she just has them trying to hook up with her 350 pound ass.

What a lifestyle to live; so free, so happy.

I’m glad my wife is smart.

[ - ] PostWallHelena [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 3, 2022 19:54:57 ago (+0/-0)*

The fact that you have to take my comment personally says more about who’s asshurt here than anything.

You respond as if the world is perfect, spoiler warning, it’s not.

I literally said life is full of tradeoffs. Exactly where did I imply the world was perfect? I said that women perform their own risk benefit analysis, just as men do.

smart women are totally getting married at 18.

No they aren’t. Not at all. Age of mom at birth of first child is directly positively correlated with IQ among white women and its a real problem. The smartest women are the fewest kids at the oldest ages.

Having kids is a much more fulfilling choice than slaving away for some business that will replace you without skipping a beat.

This is a deeply biased take. High IQ women can sometimes find a lot of intellectual satisfaction in their professional life just like men do. And sometimes being a mom with a ton of kids who is wholly dependent on a guy sucks. Like, he could replace you “without skipping a beat”. That used to happen alot. I grew up in the 80s. Alot of my friends were living with single moms because dad ran off with the secretary. Suzy Homemaker was fucked. She had to study for here real estate license at 45 with 4 kids in tow. That is the risk . Betting everything on a man that turns out to be imperfect or just outright bad, which some men are. Its hard to judge these things at 18 or 21.

All the dumb women I know are still trying to find Mr. Right at age 35. There men still beat them and/or abuse them verbally/emotionally.

The very men Im talking about. Some men are abusive. Is it better to marry these men at 18 and have kids with them? You act like these abusive men didn’t get married 40 years ago. They did and someone had to live with them for life.

Sorry for your sister’s troubles. Instead of trying to OWN women or celebrate their failures, and construe everything they do as an attack on white men, maybe just realize that all whites are suffering from dysfunction and there can be no sides that win here. If men and women fail to get along, all whites lose.

[ - ] Her0n 1 point 2.2 yearsApr 3, 2022 22:23:57 ago (+1/-0)

Helena stop being mad that my wife and I were both too smart to fall for the shitty propaganda the kikes got you with. It’s ok though because we can still let bygones be bygones.

We disagree and that’s all it needs to be.

[ - ] PostWallHelena [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 3, 2022 22:27:03 ago (+0/-0)

Mad at your wife is the last thing I am. Let’s try on sympathetic.

[ - ] Her0n 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 3, 2022 22:29:05 ago (+0/-0)

She doesn’t need your pity, she and I get along fantastically.

We have a great relationship

[ - ] PostWallHelena [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 3, 2022 23:11:39 ago (+0/-0)

Considering the fact that youve insisted that my opinions are all just evidence of my chronic state of “Asshurt” and that Im “mad at your wife”, why don’t I just disregard anything you have to say on the subject and jump to my own conclusions?

Clearly nothing I say will disabuse you of the notion that Im hooked up to an IV wine box and surrounded by 30 cats, right? Nothing I tell you about my life matters to you, right? Youve already invented a fairy story where I cry myself to sleep over a missed chance with some guy like Heron. Because I hate men right?

Here’s what I think. Some bitch destroyed you. Ground you into charcoal. So you settled for the fall back option. Your missus. And you’re happy enough.

Occasionally you say thinks like : “we have a great relationship”, but it seems strained and awkward when you say it, like a press release. And deep down you’re still asschapped about the other one, so you take it out on women like me. You need me to be asshurt.

Now, how do you like my story?

[ - ] Her0n 1 point 2.2 yearsApr 3, 2022 23:14:50 ago (+1/-0)

I didn’t read it.

Don’t care too either. You get far too defensive too easily.

Go grow a garden

[ - ] PostWallHelena [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 3, 2022 23:19:44 ago (+0/-0)

Ooooo so asshurt!

[ - ] big_fat_dangus 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 5, 2022 00:38:41 ago (+0/-0)

Lol patrolled. Helena just cannot resist an opportunity to make a clown of herself yet again.

[ - ] PostWallHelena [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsApr 3, 2022 20:20:12 ago (+0/-0)

Sorry this ended up in World War 3 guys.