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Anonymous threatens companies in russia, are they just a bunch of glowniggers now?

submitted by deleted to whatever 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 10:19:43 ago (+50/-0)     (whatever)


58 comments block

[ - ] gaybeeye -1 points 2.2 yearsMar 23, 2022 00:30:09 ago (+0/-1)

[ - ] albatrosv15 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 11:47:18 ago (+0/-0)

It's just a recruitment front for glowniggers.

[ - ] Rawrination 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 12:27:10 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah after the they tried to take on the FBI and one of them dun goofed it was the end of the real anon.

[ - ] Merlynn 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 12:41:33 ago (+0/-0)

Anonymous is a catch all term for anyone anonymous on-line. Which includes us and them. Did you honestly think the jews wouldn't infiltrate? Why do you think we keep telling people to sharpen their jewdar?

[ - ] Boardallday_420_2 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 13:05:25 ago (+0/-0)

Always has been.

[ - ] DanielR 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 13:41:16 ago (+0/-0)

they always were

[ - ] AryanPrime 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 15:32:31 ago (+0/-0)


they always were

[ - ] totes_magotes 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 17:12:49 ago (+0/-0)

No, when you are a dictator and you threaten the ENTIRE PLANET with death, terror, and possible lifelong misery though nuclear war, you are in fact a piece of shit.

[ - ] NationalSocialism 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 17:28:51 ago (+0/-0)

Anonymous is controlled opposition by the CIA. It makes the “rebellious” normies think they are punk rock by supporting literal globalist talking points. Unbeknownst to them, anonymous is an inorganic psyop.

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 19:24:51 ago (+0/-0)

They always were

[ - ] Kozel 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 19:42:06 ago (+0/-0)

Anonymous is anyone that's anonymous, but that has somehow turned into a centralized anonymous organization with structure. They are not true anons. We are the anons.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 19:50:58 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] canbot 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 19:54:34 ago (+0/-0)

Anon is literally anyone. Obviously spooks have the resources, expertise, time, and protection from consequences to be the most prolific users of that name. But literally anyone can. Even Russia.

But naturally the people with the most interest in manipulating you with it are the spooks in your country.

[ - ] thebearfromstartrack4 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 23:15:15 ago (+0/-0)

They're letting them hang themselves with evidence and oever confidence. Makes for SURER trials. That's my guess anyway.

[ - ] Twodivinehipsters 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 23, 2022 04:39:11 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Anus_Expander 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 23, 2022 18:35:50 ago (+0/-0)

They are all Feds

[ - ] SaneGoatiSwear 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 11:10:48 ago (+1/-0)

They were always a bunch of Reddit tier feds that appealed to low t soyjacks ten years ago.

[ - ] Her0n 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 13:46:48 ago (+1/-0)

Considering that they’ve never crashed the federal reserve or done anything of merit for the people at large to free them from kike powered debt slavery “anonymous” is a nothing burger.

[ - ] JewNitedStates 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 15:06:30 ago (+1/-0)

Anyone can operate under the name, "Anonymous".
But, seems like it's mostly just libtards now, who just want to say they're a part of anonymous.
Reddit pretty much fagged it up.

[ - ] HeyJames 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 13:47:49 ago (+2/-0)

"Anonymous" never existed. It was always a bunch of nerds on /b/ fucking around for fun in an era of lax cybersecurity and legal consequences. A lot of those guys gave it up or ecame career black hats. In any case anyone claiming to be from "anonymous" is a LARP shill. They stopped really existing in 2006 or so.

[ - ] _Obrez 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 14:13:52 ago (+2/-0)

The moralfags of old who divided anon after chanology and never woke up to their faggotry became the first social justice warriors. Night light coons infiltrated after our part in wikileaks and prevalence of moralfags who assisted occupy wallstreet was known.

CIA basically got a full take over, qtards and boomers still think anonymous is cool and LARP as us, antifa like to wear our face for prominence on occasion because they are cringey vindictive faggots with no sense of irony or hypocrisy

True anons of old wouldn't wear a guy fawkes mask again, it's back to old anon, that looks like a guy in a suit wearing a green morph suit underneath.

TL;DR anonymous got infiltrated and turned into a psy-op well over a decade ago, most of us stopped identifying with the psy-op by the time of gamergate.

[ - ] Cannonball 3 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 12:37:05 ago (+3/-0)

Snowden is a glow nigger and, yes as its been said already anon has always been an agenda to push for digital ID to tie your internet back to your birth certificate its always been about slavery.

[ - ] FalseRealityCheck 3 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 12:52:50 ago (+3/-0)

And if something organic does arise and gain some traction, it is quickly subverted for the purposes of GloboPedo.

[ - ] FalseRealityCheck 3 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 12:48:06 ago (+3/-0)

Let me get this straight, "anonymous", supposedly representing anarchists, freedom, and resistance fighters or whatever, now supports the NWO globalist doctrine and is opposing russia?
If they were actually legit jewmedia would have been silent about them. It's all distractive theater and a part of the plan.

[ - ] aether1 4 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 13:09:14 ago (+4/-0)

I think "anonymous" was a real thing in the mid-late 2000's, but have since been an identity used for intelligence agency black ops. The views of Anonymous became relatively pro-establishment starting around 2010, so there you go.

[ - ] Thought_Criminal 8 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 11:02:06 ago (+9/-1)

If we were in outer space, outside the ship doing a spacewalk, I would be behind you with a gun right now.

[ - ] xmasskull 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 17:54:51 ago (+0/-0)

I wouldn't be afraid,your gun wouldn't fire;no oxygen.

[ - ] Thought_Criminal 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 18:18:28 ago (+1/-0)

You are correct that you wouldn't be afraid, I would be behind you and you would have no idea I had a gun.
However, my sources indicate that modern bullets contain their own oxidizer and would work just fine in outer space.

[ - ] xmasskull 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 20:32:03 ago (+0/-0)

Modern bullets with oxidizer;not in the budget-you forget-this is a Government project. checkmate!

[ - ] ForgottenMemes 9 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 11:55:03 ago (+9/-0)

The thing about groups claiming to be "anonymous" is that they can be anyone. If it doesn't come from 4chan it's not the "anonymous" you're thinking of.

[ - ] Lordbananafist 10 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 11:20:35 ago (+10/-0)

You’re years late.

Slow walker.

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 10 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 12:34:19 ago (+10/-0)

Anonymous that went after Scientology bears zero commonality to modern (((Anonymous))). They’re not even remotely the same.

[ - ] Vrbllpollushin 18 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 11:36:09 ago (+18/-0)

Now? They always have been.

[ - ] Goatslayer -18 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 12:46:56 ago (+0/-18)

So opposing a dictatorship is being a "glownigger" now?

You people need to realize that you're on the wrong side of history and that Russia is in the wrong here. Don't be a contrarian like a Redditor.

[ - ] ArnoBreker 18 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 12:50:34 ago (+18/-0)

Says the guy with the antifa icon in his username (antifa is literally funded by Jews and Globalist Deep State pedophiles). Why are you even here? Just leave Commie.

[ - ] aether1 6 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 13:53:03 ago (+6/-0)

I hope he stays. Once you understand what their objective is, you can begin to reverse engineer their attempted demoralization, narrative pushing, and shit starting. It makes you that much more prepared for other people like him online, you'll detect their motives more quickly, and can alert others to those motives just as fast.

[ - ] Hermes 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 17:28:47 ago (+1/-0)

It's true. But how to deal with the demoralization without going down the path of too much psychopathy?

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 20:49:41 ago (+0/-0)

Make fun of that loser. I mean after all, he is probably sipping some foreskin soup right now.

[ - ] Goatslayer -5 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 19:16:15 ago (+0/-5)

attempted demoralization, narrative pushing, and shit starting.

You mean like Voat does constantly by posting misleading headlines, blaming everything on the Jews, and shouting "NIGGER" constantly?

It makes you that much more prepared for other people like him online,

Well, I've gotten used to dealing with conservatards thanks to Voat.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 3 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 20:50:45 ago (+3/-0)

Nigger. Jews cause all problems. Youre starting to get it now. Name a problem and I will explain how jews are the problem.

[ - ] GrayDragon 3 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 20:53:37 ago (+3/-0)

If we mercilessly exterminated every man, woman, and doe-eyed baby jew, 90% of the world's problems would disappear tomorrow, LAWRZ, you niggerkfaggot.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 14:12:43 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] Lordbananafist 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 15:55:11 ago (+0/-0)


how many centuries do you want to play this fucking game for?

[ - ] TheGreatWar 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 20:12:58 ago (+0/-0)

Hey, why does the antifa icon use the colors of the German imperial flag, which notably excludes gold for Austria, and which Hitler later adopted for his flag? Is Antifa a Prussian organization? Is Antifa really a sibling of NatSoc, both sharing a common father, Wilhelm 1 King of Prussia? I mean, just what the fuck?

[ - ] aether1 7 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 13:09:44 ago (+7/-0)

$.10 has been deposited to your account

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 20:51:49 ago (+1/-0)

We should break the JIDF budget and make this faggot rich.

[ - ] Boardallday_420_2 5 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 13:06:32 ago (+5/-0)

You are a nigger. ✌🏻

[ - ] DanielR 3 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 13:42:03 ago (+3/-0)

ironically reddit sided against Russia, so flee back to Reddit u glow nigger

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 15:26:58 ago (+1/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] AryanPrime 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 15:33:04 ago (+1/-0)

putin isn't a dictator
Goatslayer is run by a known kike

Filthy kikes need to stfu

[ - ] Vrbllpollushin 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 14:25:06 ago (+0/-0)

At what point did I say one fucking thing about Russia? For fuck sakes, do you even read the comments you reply to before you start talking shit? You must be a woman.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 17:32:00 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] i_scream_trucks 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 19:25:23 ago (+0/-0)

They didnt oppose diddly shit.

[ - ] Paradoxical003 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 20:40:04 ago (+0/-0)

So opposing a dictatorship is being a "glownigger" now?

Yes, very much so.

However, whether or not someone is a dictator is of no relevance, the deciding factor is whether or not they support or oppose the plan of the Rothschilds.

If they oppose it, they are on our side, if they support it, they are our enemy, if neither, they are a neutral or independent party who should be pursued to find an ally in them.

I do not know of Putin is an ally, enemy, or some third category of neutral or independant, however, the best move is to not attack Putin, and instead attack our own government.

The thing about those on the far right, like me, and far left, like you, is that we both claim to hate the same people once you remove mention of race.

We both hate the police, the military, the politicians, the bankers and traders, the celebrities, the professors, etc. Basically anyone with power and/or influence, and the establishment in general.

We both want to smash the system, which is large and powerful, yet we waste our time attacking each other, both of us are small and weak compared to our common enemy.

The only thing that keeps us from joining forces is that we each beleive the other to be lying about their intentions and enemies. Both of us claim to have good evidence to back these assertions up with, that we can point to how various elements of the establishment are in support of parts of our ideologies, and how our movements are filled with figures involved with the establishment, we also employ the same defense of these claims, that their support for our ideology is not actually there, or that their working with people involved in the establishment is a necessary evil, or that these figures aren't actually as compromised as you accuse them of being.

In many ways we both hate to admit, we are very alike.

At the very least we an accept that we at least beleive we oppose the same enemies that the other side does, so why not join forces?

We can take the system down, and then turn on one another once those assholes are out of the way.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 23, 2022 18:36:25 ago (+0/-0)




[ - ] Broc_Liath 35 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 11:47:48 ago (+35/-0)

At one point they were a meme on 4chan. They very quickly became "whenever mossad wants to make a cyber op look like independent action."

[ - ] FacelessOne 9 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 12:13:24 ago (+9/-0)

Broc gets it

[ - ] Hermes 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 17:27:18 ago (+0/-0)

Brock turner? the rapist

[ - ] FacelessOne 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 22, 2022 17:39:29 ago (+1/-0)

Dudes username is Broc_Liath.

Somebody's got rape on the mind