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The dolls in toy shops are now ugly because the beautiful dolls were based on girls like this

submitted by Cunt to WhiteBeauty 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 06:42:08 ago (+65/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


If you haven't already, make it a priority to go get married to another white and make some babies.

The world is always going to shit, the time to continue our race is now.

69 comments block

[ - ] AnmanIndustries -8 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 08:02:39 ago (+1/-9)

Again, no one can actually tell me what a white person is.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 7 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 09:03:59 ago (+7/-0)

There’s literally a visual aid dude.

Okay do you want to have a serious discussion on this topic? I think you could have either a “small tent” or a “big tent” definition of white. Consanguinity is obviously a major factor. But I would also add behavior/culture as a rubric.

[ - ] AnmanIndustries 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 19, 2022 01:19:20 ago (+1/-0)

I have asked many people on this site what it means to be white and every one has given me a different answer. But I mentioned that there was no set definition, I got lots of downvotes and only one person gave any actual answer, despite being vague and un defined. So Im going to make a new thread and collate the answers.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 19, 2022 07:53:23 ago (+2/-0)

Well I look forward to it. I think we should hash it out.

As I say consanguinity overall relatedness is measure that is objectively calculable. People like the Irish, the Swiss, and the Poles will seem to have a lot of SNPs in common with each other and you would expect these groups to be heavily related within the last 10,000 years. Some southern euro groups like Iberia, southern Italy, Greece, seem less related because of higher admix of EEF and other middle eastern groups. Same with the Caucasus for similar reasons. All of western eurasia and north Africa are fairly related within the last 30 or 40 ky. Its a line of continuum and where to draw the line is somewhat arbitrary. Using geographic boundries sometimes works because geography correlates quite well to genetics. Or it used to.

One might ask, if I include italians or armenians as europeans, why not turks or iranians? Or jews? Its a good question. But I think there are some differences that are gene based that are more difficult to measure.

Recent relatedness may have a bigger impact because people living under a particular set of environmental and political conditions may behave far more similarly. And that is because the genes that allow us to adapt behaviorally to a particular set of conditions may change very quickly. Hunter gatherers and agrarians behave differently. Polygamists and monogamists behave differently. People from cold climates and hot climates behave differently. Changes in any of these conditions can make a group evolve rapidly. Geneticly. Within a couple thousand years or even a few hundred.

Whites have lived under similar conditions recently which had caused some behavioral similarities that are probably genetic but more difficult to quantify. Albanians for instance were more polygamist and are behaviorally distinct from their neighbors. Christianity/monogamy seems to have a huge impact on traits like cooperation, intelligence, work ethic, crime.

Most social problems are caused by genes. Whites have a lower frequency of these genes. Whites shouldn’t have to include groups with high rates of criminality and low rates of cooperation in our society, which is fundamentally an economic partnership based on consanguinity. This is the purpose of all societies as they evolved naturally.

[ - ] AnmanIndustries 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 19, 2022 08:07:44 ago (+0/-0)

You gave a detailed answer as requested, but you should see the thread I posted actually asking other people for these details. It's a mess.

You touched on a lot of points I try to bring up with people, the what the where and the how of the genetics. The lines "used to" "difficult to measure" "evolve rapidly" are what I want to flesh out.

However, it seems you are saying that genetics are a requirement to have a good society. Yet historically almost any set of genes have had time periods where they have lived peacefully. Outside of tribes fighting each other in roaming culture, the majority of genes by location are capable of a good society. I hear all the time whites have the best genes, but when I look at western society I see mass apathy, mass ignorance, mass stupification and mass self indulgence. They see high taxes, corrupt government, immorality, rampart self satisfaction and as nations are on a path of self destruction and they go, yeah, this is good. I want to know how this is better than anyone else.

[ - ] Europeanawakening 7 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 09:17:20 ago (+8/-1)*

That's interesting because when anti-Whites like you want to attack White people, you seem to immediately know who is White and who isn't.

My guess is you're a bitter dot Indian that can't get any White pussy so you want to take out your anger at White nationalists online.

[ - ] Ragnar -1 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 22:51:48 ago (+0/-1)

Your analysis is also accurate, I’m sure

[ - ] canbot 4 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 09:22:13 ago (+4/-0)

It has been said here a million times. A white person is anyone of European decent.

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 3 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 09:57:26 ago (+4/-1)

We can and have. You’re just paid to ignore truth.

[ - ] zr855 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 12:06:46 ago (+2/-1)

Yet you know who to hate...odd.

[ - ] QuasiVoat 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 19:34:21 ago (+2/-1)

Your superior.

[ - ] Ragnar -1 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 22:52:03 ago (+0/-1)

Correct answer

[ - ] FalseRealityCheck 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 12:08:24 ago (+0/-0)

...no one can actually tell me what a white person is.
Realistically? Whatever those left standing say it is. Victors not only write history they also chart the course for the future.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 20:36:26 ago (+0/-0)

Wheel chair barbie made me laugh 😂

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 12:05:45 ago (+3/-2)


[ - ] Cunt [op] 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 19, 2022 01:42:40 ago (+2/-0)

You got a source for that divorce rate? I thought it was lower among the younger groups.

If you have nothing to lose and you don't want to procreate, don't be a nihilist go and do something.

[ - ] Oven_Stuffer_3000 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 19, 2022 11:53:42 ago (+1/-0)

whenever divorce stats are discussed, be sure to look at the couples race and filter for only first marriages. otherwise you have shitskins on their 8th divorce blowing out the stats.

[ - ] 867530nein 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 16:46:46 ago (+1/-0)

looks like my daughter. i named her aryana. fucking win

[ - ] Cunt [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 19, 2022 01:28:04 ago (+0/-0)

I don't know if you're joking or not but Aryana is a cool name.

[ - ] 867530nein 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 26, 2022 04:47:33 ago (+0/-0)

Not joking at all

[ - ] Cunt [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 26, 2022 05:30:08 ago (+0/-0)

I love it. It's so pretty.

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 22:35:44 ago (+1/-0)

Whose baby is this? I don’t like seeing babies and kids posted online without their or their parents knowledge

[ - ] Cunt [op] 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 19, 2022 01:36:46 ago (+1/-0)

Look I do feel a bit bad about it but people need to stop posting pics of their kids online. I'm not going to dox her (and I probably can't anyway because I saved it a while ago) but the mother posted these photos to a large Facebook group with the line "Pics for attention!" included.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 3 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 09:04:26 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] albatrosv15 6 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 09:07:55 ago (+6/-0)


[ - ] Cunt [op] 5 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 09:39:39 ago (+5/-0)

I was waiting for downvotes and pedo accusations.

[ - ] FalseRealityCheck 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 12:05:24 ago (+2/-0)

@goatslayer wanted to call you a pedo as an insult, but then realized he supports pedophilia because he is one of them. Oh, such are the conundrums of life....

[ - ] Cunt [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 19, 2022 01:54:47 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Oven_Stuffer_3000 17 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 08:10:06 ago (+18/-1)

my wife will give me an Aryan baby girl this weekend. the first of many beautiful White children. we shall not perish from this Earth.

[ - ] canbot 9 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 09:20:39 ago (+9/-0)

Children only listen to their parents until they reach 10-12 years old. Don't put off teaching them about the world because "they aren't old enough yet for this subject matter". Make sure they know before they go off to school that a lot of what they hear from teachers is propaganda.

Stay away from Jewish doctors, especially pediatricians.

[ - ] Oven_Stuffer_3000 4 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 13:41:35 ago (+4/-0)

i agree. planning to homeschool.

[ - ] QuasiVoat 3 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 19:32:55 ago (+3/-0)

I've been concerned about this. Like, I need to teach my kids to be aware of how any nigger can chimp out at any time, and even if they seem nice you shouldn't trust them, but then I don't really want little Jonny and Sally to go around saying "Did you know blacks have a low IQ and are dangerous?".

It's a conundrum.

[ - ] canbot 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 19, 2022 01:14:21 ago (+2/-0)

By 8 or 9 they should be intelligent enough that you can teach them not to share this information with others.

[ - ] Ragnar 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 22:38:38 ago (+2/-0)

Children only listen to their parents until they reach 10-12 years old.


What can be done to ensure kids don’t get lured by the glittering world of satanists and rebel against conservative parents?

[ - ] WhiteCollarCriminal 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 22:52:52 ago (+2/-0)

That might be the most poignant, prolific comment I've read on voat, old or new. Bravo!

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 22:51:17 ago (+1/-0)

Children only listen to their parents until they reach 10-12 years old.


What can be done to ensure kids don’t get lured by the glittering world of satanists and rebel against conservative parents?

[ - ] PostWallHelena 8 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 08:56:08 ago (+8/-0)

Congrats and good luck to her. Hope its all smooth sailing this weekend. Say hi to Oven Stuffer Jr. lol.

[ - ] Oven_Stuffer_3000 8 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 09:07:35 ago (+8/-0)

will do. i appreciate the kind words. i cant wait to have some little helpers on the farm.

[ - ] Mopar_or_nocar24 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 18:11:33 ago (+1/-0)

Lol "oven_stuffer"

New account or someone's alt?

Either way welcome aboard the "talk" train.


[ - ] Oven_Stuffer_3000 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 19, 2022 10:30:01 ago (+1/-0)

thanks for the welcome.its a new account, although i was on the original voat.

[ - ] Swej_Ehtsag 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 14:13:08 ago (+1/-0)

Over Stuffer? Oh, you are referencing that jewish fairy tale.

[ - ] Oven_Stuffer_3000 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 15:47:11 ago (+1/-0)

i was imagining a machine that would jam them in the hot box. are you thinking of hansel and gretel?

[ - ] aleleopathic 8 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 10:53:25 ago (+8/-0)

[W]e shall not perish from this Earth

Sorry to be that guy, but this isn't what stops genocide - weapons of war, and the willingness to use them, is what stops genocide.

I've always wondered if the whole 'fight the war with your genitals' thing is the 3rd most successful psyop ever, as the backbone of any army is young, strapping bachelors. Fathers have burdens, and this makes them reluctant. I wrote a big analysis from looking at the revolutionary and civil wars - in short, bachelors go off to war, return 'war heroes', then have kids. Those who wanted to return to war as fathers returned as officers and sat in the back lines, and were even given respect by the enemy forces - they were rarely killed (and were clearly marked so they weren't mistaken for infantry).

The problem is that this psyop even further reduces a front line we already don't have.

[ - ] Cunt [op] 3 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 11:26:10 ago (+4/-1)

3rd most successful psyop ever,

It's a pretty unsuccessful psyop if it is.

as the backbone of any army is young,strapping bachelors.

I suspect this may be the key place for middle ground. Keyword: young. Did you get an average age range? I would say under 25 men, especially angry teenagers would be the best soilders, once the brain is fully mature after 25 war seems like less of a good idea. How many soilders have lied about their age to appear older so they could join a fight? The 25 yr old men can marry the 20 year old women and the young men can fight.

reduces a front line we already don't have

Unfortunately everyone is reluctant at the moment. Too comfortable still I guess.

[ - ] FalseRealityCheck 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 12:02:28 ago (+2/-0)

Too comfortable still I guess.
Too comfortable and too uninformed to understand. Fortunately, both situations are changing rapidly.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 12:07:42 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] FalseRealityCheck 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 20:28:03 ago (+2/-0)

There are dozens of us here!
You need to get out more and actually talk to people. This forum is but a very limited slice of what is going on in the world — especially the world outside the Internet.
You know as well as I do that it isn't the truth.
I wouldn't have written it if it wasn't true. I don't drop blue pills or white pills. See what you want to see and take action accordingly. I will do the same.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 21:32:10 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] FalseRealityCheck 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 21:40:36 ago (+0/-0)

LOL. Good luck....

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 21:47:15 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] zr855 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 12:03:30 ago (+2/-1)

Total kike bullshit. A psyop pretending to call out psyops.

Go have a hundred white kids--plenty more bachelors. See the logic fail this kike doesn't want you to see?

[ - ] Prairie 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 15:08:22 ago (+2/-0)

There is a war on reproducing the most. Can't win it if you're not even in the game.

[ - ] Cunt [op] 6 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 09:38:18 ago (+6/-0)

Congratulations! If you want another one later it's best to avoid a C-section, if your not booked in for one and you mean the estimated due date is this weekend, you may have to wait another fortnight, assuming the dates are accurate.

[ - ] YamaMaya 5 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 13:34:54 ago (+5/-0)

Its possible to have a normal birth after a csection, its just harder to get the medical people to be cool with it becuse they see big red "risk" sign on you. Sometimes cesarian is necessary, not as often as they suggest but I would say always prepare for the possibility of one while aiming to facilitate a vaginal birth. To that end, stay the HELL away from induction unless its a genuine emergency like pre eclampsia, and avoid epidural. The pain is a necessary part of the process and the pain drugs can make it hard for your baby to breastfeed. Also a doped up baby will not be as alert in birth which 9/10 just causes more complications

[ - ] Cunt [op] 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 19, 2022 01:53:33 ago (+2/-0)

All correct but my point was that c-sections can also make it harder for a woman to get pregnant or may even cause infertility.

[ - ] UncleDoug 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 13:38:14 ago (+2/-0)

Unfortunately a c-Section is fashionable now. 'Too posh to push'

[ - ] Oven_Stuffer_3000 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 13:43:58 ago (+2/-0)

she is already 1.5 weeks past the due date, induction scheduled for tomorrow, but is currently showing clear signs of progression. we dont want a c section.

[ - ] YamaMaya 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 13:50:30 ago (+2/-0)

Due date is a guess. Just wait it out. I had my last baby at nearly 42 weeks.

I can almost garuntee a 50/50 coin flip chance you will end up with cesarian if you go through with induction

[ - ] Cunt [op] 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 19, 2022 01:50:50 ago (+2/-0)

Don't agree to a C section unless they can show you via an ultrasound that the placenta is degrading. That is the reason they use for inducing or caesareans on "past dates" women. Sound like she is already on the way so shouldn't need any interventions but they will probably try and push some. Might be too late but a "Stretch and sweep" is the only medical one worth doing. Get her to walk some stairs, or one leg on the curb the other off, or bounce on an exercise ball. Drink a bunch of pineapple juice, have unprotected sex if she's up for it.

[ - ] Oven_Stuffer_3000 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 19, 2022 10:32:12 ago (+1/-0)

we have done the sweep and all you have mentioned for the last week. good point on the placenta check.

[ - ] Cunt [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 19, 2022 18:18:04 ago (+0/-0)

Aww no I was hoping you would say the baby is here. Well, just keep her relaxed, lavender, shoulder/back/foot rubs and become the wall between her and the hospital people so they don't stress her out. Remember she wont be fully able to speak or maybe even think clearly during labour so you need to advocate for her and your baby and protect them in the birthing room from all unnecessary interventions... everything's always an emergency to them, even when it's not. Use your BRAIN whenever they suggest something !

[ - ] 867530nein 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 16:48:09 ago (+1/-0)

putit off until mid april. uncle adolf would approve

[ - ] Oven_Stuffer_3000 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 19, 2022 10:33:27 ago (+1/-0)

haha yeah. could be born on the first day of spring which is cool too.

[ - ] Ragnar 3 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 22:34:46 ago (+3/-0)

Wow! this weekend, like tomorrow?
Good luck, man! Hope it goes smoothly.

[ - ] Bonlio1 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 14:04:27 ago (+2/-0)

And the next one is coming when?

[ - ] Oven_Stuffer_3000 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 15:45:20 ago (+1/-0)

we would like to have them fairly quickly. it depends on how fast her body resets after this one.

[ - ] Jiggggg 2 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 19:01:26 ago (+2/-0)

I am reading a book right now (Deep Nutrition by Catherine Sheridan) that talks about this. She says that a woman needs about three years between kids to recover fully and for the next kid to have all of the nutrients necessary. It's really interesting

[ - ] kammmmak 1 point 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 14:09:42 ago (+1/-0)

Tell her the baby will only take the place it needs when giving birth.

[ - ] Goatslayer -8 points 2.2 yearsMar 18, 2022 11:46:19 ago (+0/-8)

my wife will give me an Aryan baby girl this weekend. the first of many beautiful White children. we shall not perish from this Earth.

lol not if there's a miscarriage

Fingers crossed.