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World War Three

submitted by i_hate_sodomites to whatever 2.3 yearsFeb 27, 2022 10:13:05 ago (+12/-2)     (whatever)

We all know what WW3 means - a nuclear exchange that wipes out most the human race, but especially the white race. Billions die world-wide, either directly or indirectly, but whites are the worst hit.

My though is that since Covid didn't work out as well as the kikes thought it would, they're going for broke before the goyim can wake up. They're almost at the finish line, thought they had us in the bag - but it just isn't enough. Us cattle are starting to get restive, and they think they'll never have a better opportunity. So the only option left is global nuclear annihilation.

They want WW3 because they think that's the only way they can win now. Covid didn't work, they overplayed their hand, so now they're going for broke.

My thoughts? The nukes are going to fly no matter what the fuck happens. Get out of the cities now; your nations are already dead. Time to think and plan local, the global game is rigged and over with. No point in trying to stop this, the jews control it all. The only upside is once the Earth is ruined, the kikes won't rule anything at all anymore; and smart survivor communities will shoot the sub-human jews on sight.....

8 comments block

[ - ] RejectedPainter 3 points 2.3 yearsFeb 27, 2022 11:46:17 ago (+3/-0)

Jews will not drop nukes. They do not want to rule over rubble and and a nuclear wasteland. They want to rule atop infrastructure that is filled with subservient mulattoes with no culture. That is why Covid was released, aside from the conditioning for social QR codes, it was intended to kill directly and indirectly through vaccines.

Also, cities are prime globo-homo centres. Small rural regions with self sustaining capabilities are typically white homogeneous zones.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 27, 2022 11:27:49 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 27, 2022 11:58:28 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] GoatsAdvocate 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 27, 2022 12:56:20 ago (+0/-0)

mm love to wake up to my black pills

[ - ] rhy 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 27, 2022 13:34:11 ago (+0/-0)

Bullshit. Anyone vaccinated is sterilized. So it worked exactly how they wanted it to.

[ - ] Garrett 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 27, 2022 15:34:30 ago (+0/-0)

I think it mainly caused miscarriages don't know about sterilization

[ - ] thebearfromstartrack4 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 27, 2022 16:16:28 ago (+0/-0)

I wonder if the missionairies are scared they WON'T get to die in a nuclear exchange.

[ - ] diggernicks -1 points 2.3 yearsFeb 27, 2022 10:59:46 ago (+0/-1)


So if I fuck prostitutes in the ass you hate me?

Now my feelings are hurt :(