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New World Order Desperate as Plan Falls Apart (Martin Armstrong)

submitted by FalseRealityCheck to EconomicCollapse 2.3 yearsFeb 21, 2022 22:17:10 ago (+2/-0)     (rumble.com)


Martin Armstrong runs Armstrong Economics and became a millionaire at 15 by collecting coins. Mr. Armstrong is the former chairman of Princeton Economics International Ltd. He is best known for his economic predictions based on the Economic Confidence Model, which he developed.

1 comments block

[ - ] Arthur_everest 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 21, 2022 23:17:48 ago (+0/-0)

Not to denigrate anything in the article, but Armstrong is a very old and prominent (and wealthy) crypto jew name....think Neil Armstron, Lance Armstrong, Billy Armstrong. Not that those people didn't have talent or work hard or whatever, but the reason they got famous and rich, over some other equally talented and hard-working White, is the jew family connection. So when I hear a guy named Armstrong became a millionaire at 15 by "collecting coins" I have to laugh. All these crypto jews and their ridiculous rags to riches stories...