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Christcuck corruption

submitted by UncleDoug to Christcucks 2.6 yearsFeb 21, 2022 21:07:18 ago (+5/-12)     (archive.is)


♪It's all about soul♪
♪It's all about faith and a deeper devotion♪
♪It's all about control♪
♪'Cause under the corruption is a stronger emotion♪
♪It's all about lols♪

9 comments block

[ - ] Monica 1 point 2.6 yearsFeb 21, 2022 21:15:02 ago (+1/-0)

You ever think that maybe it's infiltration? They infiltrated the education systems, the governments local and federal, corporations, hospitals and medical/pharaacutical industries, big tech, the media, etc. Could it be they also infiltrated the churches?

It's obvious to me but some people seem to think differently.

[ - ] UncleDoug [op] 2 points 2.6 yearsFeb 21, 2022 21:33:42 ago (+2/-0)

The Christian businessman Sergio Fontana and the Christian priest Father Felice Bacco are secretly ethnic and religious jews, are they?

Don't go so far as to deny the colour of the sky, just to preserve the sanctity of the jew lite religion.

[ - ] Rob3122 1 point 2.6 yearsFeb 21, 2022 21:49:34 ago (+1/-0)*

That's a creepy painting...all the kids look scared...but they probably should be considering who they're surrounded by.

[ - ] NationalSocialism 1 point 2.6 yearsFeb 21, 2022 22:09:54 ago (+1/-0)

Doug, this channel is fantastic.


[ - ] UncleDoug [op] 0 points 2.6 yearsFeb 21, 2022 22:13:52 ago (+1/-1)

If Christianity was a political perspective it would be kiked democratic, civic nationalism.

(((Christianity))) is by design to convince Caucasians to turn on other White people and help shitskins.

[ - ] NationalSocialism 1 point 2.6 yearsFeb 21, 2022 22:18:38 ago (+1/-0)

Yup. It’s the first form of (((mass media))).

I wouldn’t piss on a nonwhite who was on fire.

[ - ] AryanPrime 0 points 1.8 yearsDec 5, 2022 22:00:35 ago (+0/-0)


Seeing as White christians are leading the charge against the kikes now and kike larpers like doug are exposed as the kikes they are this comment made me laugh

[ - ] UncleDoug [op] 0 points 1.8 yearsDec 5, 2022 22:26:36 ago (+0/-0)

Brain washed chrictucks like AryanPrime that believe in literal malevolent jewish spirits, from millenia old jewish creative writing exercises are hilariously demented and retarded.

[ - ] HeyJames 1 point 2.6 yearsFeb 21, 2022 22:31:46 ago (+1/-0)

Ok paGAYn