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8 comments block

[ - ] localsal 3 points 2.6 yearsFeb 19, 2022 19:54:02 ago (+3/-0)

Who knew that blackmailing powerful politicians with sexual favors of underage girls was dangerous...

[ - ] xmasskull 1 point 2.6 yearsFeb 19, 2022 20:38:07 ago (+1/-0)

Who'd a thunk?? ha,ha,ha.

[ - ] Vrbllpollushin 1 point 2.6 yearsFeb 19, 2022 20:22:54 ago (+2/-1)

When the fuck did criminals have a "right" to safety?

Fuck this bitch. They will never tell who she was connected to..she can swing for all I care.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2.6 yearsFeb 19, 2022 21:39:44 ago (+0/-0)

Well... she hasn't been sentenced to death by the courts and she's in the custody of the prison system, therefore they're responsible for her safety.

Whether that should be the case or not is of course debatable.

[ - ] GeneralDisarray 1 point 2.6 yearsFeb 19, 2022 21:15:18 ago (+1/-0)

If Canada can arrest and cut off the banking system for protestors then where is the same treatment of Epstein's clients?

Aren't they far more dangerous to democracy than a few protestors!

We should know their names by now and we know very few.

[ - ] calx 0 points 2.6 yearsFeb 19, 2022 23:00:57 ago (+0/-0)

Satanic White child-raping false jews afraid for their lives. Ask me if i give a fuck.

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 2.6 yearsFeb 20, 2022 03:02:03 ago (+0/-0)

I doubt brunel knew anything except how to get fucked and how to pimp. Epstein wouldn't have been sharing information.

The absolute degradation to his vanity of going from his completely self serving shallow lifestyle to sitting in a jail cell and standing when told, never mind wearing used underwear and eating whatever slop globalcorp service contract rip offs serve (soon to be bugs).

I'd like to see every politician and agency head with a fat investment portfolio or non profit in the exact same position.