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You are at the pub with some mates

submitted by Paradoxical003 to whatever 2.3 yearsFeb 18, 2022 13:14:38 ago (+4/-1)     (whatever)

Another crew shows up and demands you leave.

You have this guy in your gang whose a good talker, able to talk down most hostilities with ease on scvount if how friendly and likable he is.

So you send Mr charming up front to negotiate with the bunch of assets trying to run you out of your favorite hole.

Everyone likes him, and he gives your lot a good image, but today the other side ain't buying it.

Thet want to run you out and there's little that you could day to convince the.ti let you remain.

They have a "face" guy as well, and he's the one representing his group, this guy is also a smooth talker whose known to be charismatic and he is framing you as the aggressors for refusing to cave to their sides demands that you vacate the premises.

It's a classic case where either dude could be framed as good or bad, the natives could be defending their land from invasion, or they could be xenophobic bigots who refuse to give up sone ground to outsiders, the invaders could be a conquering imperialistic horde, or they could be just some outsiders desperately seeking a place to call their own.

One side could be seen as violent offenders, but so could the other, it's made worse by the existence of those who use violence to achieve the goals the others of their side desire in a faster and more direct manner.

Everything could be good or evil, wise or foolish, correct or incorrect, it's all in the way it's portrayed, but usually the one who tells tells story decides how it's presented, and they usually side with one over the other.

Anyways, back to the pub, the two crews are at an impasse, the barkeep is uninterested, and there's a fight about to break out.

When the first fist finally flies, it's from the other gang towards yours, the talkers on each crew take different stances, your face remains irrationally committed to peaceful resolution, their counterpart instead joins in the gray, realizing that all opportunities for a lawful end to the hostilities are over, only fighting could work.

The guy you had representing you is no longer an asset but is now a source of vulnerability, he tries to drag you off from the scrap, tries to convince your guys to stop fighting, and even puts himself between you and your opponent.

It would be better if he simply didn't 8nvilve himself further, but he figures that since he had played a key role in the beginning, that he should be there to the end.

Worse of all I how the rest of the patrons are seeing this, they see this guy as being the leader of your group, not just as the one carrying out negotiations, and this friend of yours is trying to earn clout in sabotaging your ability to take your opponents out in the fight by misrepresenting himself as being your leader.

Do when the patrons who agree with your place in the pub join the fray, they do it by helping your former negotiator to just handicap the rest of his friends ability to win this fight.

Your chances for winning were actually really good, before this idiot peacenik friend of yours interfered, your loss was due to him, he blames the loss on you giving into the use of force to assert your group's interests.

He's still your friend though, as now that the fight has ended with you getting your ass handed to you, the face of your crew is now useful again, he's working the optics in the favor of your gang, making you put to be the heroes abd good guys who were innocent and unfairly attacked.

His case is beautifully made, too bad that no one is listening, whether you were innthevrightbor in the wrong, doesn't matter to most people, in the end you lost, and nobody is listening to losers.

10 comments block

[ - ] TheViciousMrPim 9 points 2.3 yearsFeb 18, 2022 13:21:24 ago (+9/-0)

You typed a lot of words. I read some of them.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 18, 2022 15:28:01 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] lord_nougat 5 points 2.3 yearsFeb 18, 2022 13:35:54 ago (+5/-0)

And then suddenly there is a massive dance-off very reminiscent of Michael Jackson's "beat it" video, and also a little bit like "thriller" except you don't dance like that and instead stand right in the middle of it all, looking exactly like this.

Because you're a loner. A rebel. People wouldn't understand. People *shouldn't* understand.

[ - ] natehiggers 3 points 2.3 yearsFeb 18, 2022 13:24:53 ago (+3/-0)

What the fuck are you rambling on about

[ - ] Merlynn 2 points 2.3 yearsFeb 18, 2022 20:28:22 ago (+2/-0)

So basically your "friend" is a jewed,peace at any cost faggot. He's not your friend. He's a retard you hang out with.

[ - ] 1Icemonkey 2 points 2.3 yearsFeb 18, 2022 13:41:53 ago (+2/-0)

Who does this kind of crap anymore, other than college jock retards and faggot gang bangers? Just how old are you to be involved in this degeneracy? I sure hope this was fiction, or third person.

[ - ] Paradoxical003 [op] 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 18, 2022 13:51:47 ago (+1/-1)

Chav life!

[ - ] 2Drunk 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 18, 2022 17:00:47 ago (+1/-0)

OP got raped by a jew as a child and now thinks he is a director/producer.

[ - ] natehiggers 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 18, 2022 17:15:05 ago (+0/-0)

So basically Hollywood

[ - ] TurningTrident 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 18, 2022 14:29:25 ago (+1/-0)

Not sure they're getting it.