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We should go back to the Roman religion.

submitted by noonefromnowhere to TellUpgoat 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 09:31:18 ago (+14/-4)     (TellUpgoat)

Rome was the shit. Also I'm pretty sure "animal sacrifices" were just barbecues.

35 comments block

[ - ] diggernicks -1 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 11:43:54 ago (+1/-2)

Except before they converted to catholicism

[ - ] carnold03 0 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 11:34:30 ago (+1/-1)

[ - ] diggernicks -1 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 11:53:00 ago (+1/-2)



[ - ] Teefinyomouf 0 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 12:31:24 ago (+0/-0)

Good plan. Too bad monotheism boosts your healing and conversion stats way beyond what any ancient religion can achieve, even with unlimited priests.

[ - ] noonefromnowhere [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 14:42:39 ago (+0/-0)*

We just need to sacrifice more bulls to jupiter

[ - ] Ifuckdolphinseverday 0 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 14:03:02 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] Fascinus 0 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 15:22:29 ago (+0/-0)

PDF WARNING - Religio Romana Handbook: https://files.catbox.moe/3f25lx.pdf

[ - ] fightknightHERO 0 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 16:47:57 ago (+0/-0)

Danger Danger

[ - ] diggernicks 1 point 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 16:56:05 ago (+1/-0)

No one cares about your opinion

[ - ] MartinTimothy 0 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 17:56:01 ago (+0/-0)*

It is wrong to call the personalities comprising the Roman thence European Pantheon "Gods," as well I believe ppl should be as familiar with the multiplicity of personas within the Pantheons, as the Jews have forced them to become with the long list of Jew heroes and prophets not limited to John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, that make up the Jewish Pantheon. Link pdf.


I am just as happy with the way the Pantheons attune with astrology, as well I remain comfortable in respect of the Egyptian, South American, Hindu and Chinese Pantheons most of which have actually conscripted the Christ in any case. For spiritual guidance I read the Koran from time to time, as well I regularly consult the Oracle of the Tao called the I Ching.

I believe the entire universe considered as a whole generates its own intelligence and that is what God is, that in the face of it all the Pantheons become vanity.

[ - ] noonefromnowhere [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 18:17:07 ago (+0/-0)

Alright, you do you I'll be over here roasting a calf for jupiter.

[ - ] MartinTimothy 0 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 19:03:02 ago (+0/-0)*

My understanding is Poseidon / Thor / Jupiter / Jove / Zeus / Odin at no time requires blood sacrifice per se, despite barbecues did likely take place during celebrations .. the ones that want blood are the black deities of the cannibal cultures which have been infiltrated into the Pantheons, a la Moloch who demands the blood of the first born, who the Jews who rejected God's Law from the very first worship in the form of the Golden Calf .. so that's the Jews.

The Askenazi non-Jews who have hijacked Judah are another matter .. they are not even Jews, they were horse breeders from Kazakhstan who became Jews when their King embraced Judaism in the 8th Century. If you want to look more closely at it you will see the Ashkenazi sham conversion to Judah has all but run out of steam, while they seem intent on returning to the religion of their forebears.


In the days of old prior to the Hebrew conversion the Ashkenazi worshiped Arion the Horse God, offspring of the violent and incestuous union between Poseidon and his beautiful sister Demeter. Long had he lusted after her for her beauty, and aware she would change form and gallop across the Earth as a wonderful mare he sent spies to watch her, when they reported she was in that form he changed himself into a stallion and raped her, the fierce eye of the Quarter Horse is the inheritance of Arion.

[ - ] noonefromnowhere [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 19:21:06 ago (+0/-0)*

No, they definitely sacrificed animals. They didn't do human sacrificies except during triumphs.

[ - ] MartinTimothy 0 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 19:29:27 ago (+0/-0)

You have that arse about face as well ..

A History of the English Speaking Peoples by Winston Churchill, chapter 1 page 2, "Britannia was the prime center of the Druidical religion, human sacrifice was carried out by British Druids to a ruthless pitch. Here upon the wooden altars of a sullen island, the mysterious priesthoods of the forests bound themselves and their votaries together by the most deadly sacrament men can take."

[ - ] SirNiggsalot 0 points 2.2 yearsFeb 7, 2022 09:31:18 ago (+0/-0)

If we can round up criminals and the homeless beggars to " fight " in the Arena , I'll convert

[ - ] noonefromnowhere [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsFeb 7, 2022 17:54:02 ago (+0/-0)

Yes! Bumfights and barbecue! For Jupiter!

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 11:32:58 ago (+2/-1)

You want to change the national religion of every White nation because the fucking scum jews have been trying to kill Christians??

WTF do you think is pushing everyone TO Christianity?

We want to mount up and fight them.

[ - ] Ifuckdolphinseverday 0 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 14:04:25 ago (+0/-0)

"You want to change the national religion of every White nation"

What you mean like the forced conversion of our ancestors by the sword to a false jew fable in the desert?

You're really not that bright are you?


[ - ] lord_nougat 1 point 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 12:06:05 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] Paradoxical003 2 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 09:36:56 ago (+3/-1)*

The Romans had no religion, they used the religion of the Greeks, and just added some new gods, while changing the names of the Greek gods which they addressed.

Greek name: Zeus.
Roman name: Jupiter.

Not to mention that reviving the old religions means learning the languages of Latin and Old Greek, and reviving its popular use (we could ask the Orthodox Christians on here for help with that btw, they are way cool dudes).

[ - ] cyclops1771 9 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 10:18:49 ago (+9/-0)

I beg to differ. Romans had a robust religion centered on ancestor worship and duty. They also worshipped household gods. The "Jupiter" worship was a state religion in order to allow all to have a single point of civic duty - sacrifice to a single, shared "god". They chose the Sky God to do this, because their belief system centered not only on the household gods and ancestors who became their worship idols, but on "auspices", literally "bird watching." Nothing was done without checking the "auspices" first. Watching for birds and how they act or react, which birds, etc.

Boiling down a robust and intertwined into daily life religion into "Jupiter is just rebranded Zeus" is like saying "Christianity is just some dead dude on a cross."

[ - ] Paradoxical003 1 point 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 10:25:07 ago (+2/-1)*

How was any of that different to the Greek religion?

You never mentioned how the Greek religion was, so there's no points to compare or contrast the two in this discussion yet.

I do like these posts, they are really interesting, so please tell me more stuff.

Upvoting this response and OP BTW.

[ - ] cyclops1771 6 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 11:50:20 ago (+6/-0)

Greeks had local god versions of the main gods. Hence Athena Cydonia in Cydonia, and Athena Hellotia, who was worshiped by the people of Corinth. Or she was worshiped by her role - as in Pallas Athena in her battlemaiden form, or Athena Polias, as defender of the city form, or Athena Erganatis, in her role as goddess of the arts.

In other words, the Greeks had a set pantheon of gods and goddesses, and the lesser gods of the fields and the farms and the forests and the river in the form of nymphs, followed by demi-gods like Prometheus and Hercules. These were shared and daily life was not centered on religion, religion was something that happened around them and was stories told, rather than controlling them.

ROmans had household gods for each thing. The gods of the hearth were called the Panes. These gods, individual for each home, were those who blessed you with food and sustenance and safety and harmony in thehome. Then you had the Lares, the ancestors of the family. As a head of a household dies, they had funeral masks made of their faces, and these wee placed in the home for veneration. They were also worn outside at certain festivals of the dead, where you would dress like that ancestor and wear their face that day. The Parentes were those immediate family members who had died - mother and father, for example, as well as spirits of living relatives.

Romans worshiped their dead, and these dead guided them on every daily activity, from going to work to going to market to cooking dinner to sleeping to child making. This was the most important thing to Romans - the household gods must be venerated and worshiped and prayed to throughout the day. The head of the household was considered the head of your family religion, as the pontificus maximus was the head of the state religion.

State religion was a civic duty of each Roman. They were to gove offerings regularly, but it paled in comparison to the household ones.

[ - ] Paradoxical003 2 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 14:37:45 ago (+2/-0)*

Thanks for the response, hey, could we start up a pagan education group where we discuss and learn about pre-abrahamic religions?

I think someone like you would have a lot to share in a place like that, and I'd love to attend one of your lectures.

I think it'd be fun and enlightening! I'm very interested in non-abrahamic myth and legend, as well as in learning the history of polytheistic and animistic beleif systems that were founded before the Advent of Christ (annos dominei).

Don't get me wrong, I think monotheistic and abrahamic stuff is interesting as well, but I'm surrounded by that already, do it feels like the same thing over and over, I'd like something new to try to immerse myself in.

Besides, it all ties together, so in feeling like I'm only focusing on one already very familiar part of a whole picture, while neglecting the rest of it.

I'd be happy to have you as my guide, of you'd be willing, of course.

You teach, I'll listen and occasionally ask some questions. You could reccomend some material, I'll read it and come back to you on it. It might be okay fun class for us, and others to engage themselves with.

I'll try to be a good student and not to disappoint you.

University level lessons outside of academia, free of debt and socjus indoctrination.

[ - ] dalai_llama 1 point 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 12:11:52 ago (+1/-0)

That's actually pretty interesting regarding the household Gods. I knew about the elaborate funeral masks that bore the resemblence of their ancestors but I was unfamiliar with the offerings and worship given to household Gods.

[ - ] dalai_llama 2 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 12:08:32 ago (+2/-0)

The Romans and Greeks shared a lot of culture and religion, that's true, but the idea that they just "borrowed Gods" isn't correct.

In the ancient world, the people believed the Gods were the same everywhere but just appeared in different forms to different people. For example, when Alexander the Great (who was from Macedonia but there is still much debate today about whether he was really Greek) sacked the city of Tyre, he spared the lives of all of those taking refuge in the temple of Melqart, who was considered to be the cognate of Heracles, who the Romans called Hercules. Alexander spared these people because he contended that he himself was a direct ancestor of Heracles on his father's side.

Furthermore, Mars who is considered to be the cognate to the Greek God of war Ares, was actually considered to be a God of agriculture at first, having the power over rust of metal farm implements that was considered to be related to the rust-like in appearance fungus strains that would plague their crops. It was only over a period of time that Mars evolved into the God of war that he is recognized as today. Furthermore, certain Gods like Janus (the two faced god looking forward and backward) had no Greek cognate at all.

Also, the Romans had religious festivals that were completely separate and different than what Greeks would celebrate. Lupercalia was an entirely Roman festival that involved the original families of Romulus and Remus and it was a religious festival that celebrated the city's origin.

The Aeneid of Virgil documents the journey of Aeneas, the legendary ancestor of the Romans thay fled the city of Troy in the wake of it's defeat. Obviously, the Greeks and Romans were very related by their mutually shared history but to say that the Romans just "used Greek religion" is not correct. The priests of Rome followed rules that were entirely different than Greek custom. There are many differences that we could go on about and it is actually quite interesting subject material.

[ - ] RedBarchetta 1 point 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 12:19:00 ago (+1/-0)

Greek name: Zeus.
Roman name: Jupiter.

Norsk: Odin.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 13:04:16 ago (+0/-0)

Dyeus Pater is not associated with Odin, but Tiu/Tyr who was the germanic god of war. Dyeus Pater is the PIE name for “sky god” that was corrupted variously as Zeus, Theos, Iupiter, etc.

Tiu is also sometimes associated with Mars which is why Tuesday translates to Mardi/ Martes named after the roman god of war.

Odin/Wotan is typically associated with mercury as they were both messenger gods, but I don’t know it they have the same origin in PIE culture, or if he was a god imported from the pre-IE local culture.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 13:19:09 ago (+0/-0)

Not true at all. They had a similar folk religion to the greeks that worshipped most of the same gods because they were largely descended from the parent culture of the proto-indoeuropeans. After splitting off in to daucghter cultures for a couple thousand years, latin and hellenic tribes found themselves living in close proximity and influencing each other again.

Its ridiculous to assert there was no roman religion. There are a lot of religious myths/traditions that are exclusive to roman culture.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 13:11:53 ago (+2/-0)

We should not start religions to gods we don’t believe in. We should revere our ancestors and realize that we are reincarnations of them.

We don’t need to larp in the land of make believe

[ - ] noonefromnowhere [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 14:41:35 ago (+0/-0)*

You can do that, I'm going to go sacrifice a fatted calf to jupiter optimus maximus!

[ - ] account deleted by user 3 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 10:21:16 ago (+3/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Paradoxical003 3 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 10:25:59 ago (+3/-0)

Goat gyros with tzaziki are fucking delicious.

[ - ] noonefromnowhere [op] 4 points 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 09:36:28 ago (+4/-0)

Also the swearing would be more creative because there would be more gods to curse or praise.

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 2.2 yearsFeb 6, 2022 10:06:19 ago (+1/-0)

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