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Those boys are going to become well adjusted men with solid jobs in the trades

submitted by fightknightHERO to based_department 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 11:38:34 ago (+99/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


I wish i was this based when i was 13

76 comments block

[ - ] diggernicks -2 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 11:40:17 ago (+1/-3)

Reddits gay

Get back there

[ - ] MasterAce 21 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 11:42:29 ago (+21/-0)

A smile to start the day ,thanks fren

[ - ] yesiknow 3 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 11:47:35 ago (+3/-0)

Oh good god. Forcing that snotty bag of liberal egomania and delusion on children is torture.

What the fuck is with all these teachers that want personal attention and approval from children. If she's a teacher she can fucking teach them something can't she? Have them read???

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 3 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 11:55:53 ago (+3/-0)*

teacher's job nowadays is not to educate, it's to indoctrinate

there is a reason why a horde of jewesses are flooding this industry
hell my own experience with kikeress teachers can vouch how fucking INSUFFERABLE they are and how much they CUDDLE NIGGERS LIKE THEY'RE PRECIOUS LITTLE ANGELS while these niggers are beating their fellow nigs to a pulp (my earliest memory of niggers nigger is seeing an older groid crack a younger groid skull with blood and all for "disrespecting him")

like i used to be super based when i was 9 and 10 (i openly said i don't wanna play with Niggers in sports class) but that's because back then the school wasn't completely jew'd and i was too young to ever fall for political correctness

i think the jewess principal joined around third or forth grade and absolutely jew'd the entire school system with nigger-cuddle policies
i could fucking write an entire essay about the shit i went through in elementry (20-25% blacked elementry cause the other elementries in my area didn't want niggers)

[ - ] AugustineOfHippo2 12 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 11:51:53 ago (+12/-0)

I think she made the whole thing up just to get some SJW street cred.

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 16 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 11:57:40 ago (+16/-0)

"lets see if we can beat the gay out of you"
sounds too based to come off the mouth of some retarded kike teacher

also the kids complaining about being discriminated for being white?
kikes would not want anyone thinking about it either

[ - ] TrannyHunter 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 5, 2022 06:31:17 ago (+0/-0)

It was a boy that said that not her.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 8 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:29:50 ago (+8/-0)

I read through her account history. She bitches about having to clean her classroom but also claims she teaches the class online. I smell an awful lot of bullshit.

[ - ] ForgottenMemes 4 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:48:19 ago (+4/-0)

Someone on reddit just telling lies? Unpossible!

[ - ] watts2db 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 15:17:18 ago (+0/-0)

I suspect this too but god I hope its real

[ - ] ModernGuilt 6 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 11:55:57 ago (+6/-0)

Just need to get them to marry and have kids young again

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 8 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:03:10 ago (+8/-0)*

I think arranged marriages need to make a return
keep them virgins, keep their mind away from smut and perversion
and thus a functional future for white children can be made possible

but that would require several things
first to home school the children (because public and private schools are jew'd to the BONE)
second no internet, the internet nowadays is a cesspool of censorship and smut
i myself would set up some proper aryan vidya for entertainment to raise them as wise men who know how to multi-task (RTS games) instead of degenerate hedonistic niggers who are constantly on the move for more dopamine

third no goy feed: i.e no frozen ready to eat meals, no soy or anything that comes with soy and goy oil
essentially home-cooking or bust, and a lotta parents would dread at this notion...

as for arranged marriages i think families with good relations should simply let kids interact with one another and form bonds of friendship that could later blossom into something more
at least that's how it used to be in village life, sadly we do not live in a village...

[ - ] Broc_Liath 5 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:14:40 ago (+5/-0)

Arranged marriages have the potential to be highly successful if both families are in on it. As in they both have an active interest in the marriage working out.

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 5 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:20:41 ago (+5/-0)

In medieval times arranged marriages were literally the norm
and they would have big families with plenty of kids to not only supplement the race
but to also supplement the kingdom (i.e the country) for wars and whatnot
after all, big villages and big families are the backbone of every kingdom and thus, a nation.

though considering how much feminist propaganda people went through "REEE ARRANGED MARRIAGES ARE SLAVERY N SHIET" i doubt we can reinstate this age old practice for retarded normies, only for redpilled white nationalists.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 3 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 13:17:55 ago (+3/-0)

in medieval times

No they werent. Only the upper classes had arranged marriage.

I agree something needs to change. But europeans do not have a strong tradition of arranged marriage. East asians and indians do, maybe some middle easterners. Switching to an arranged system will change the selection process and husbands/wives will be selected for different traits. Marriages in asia tend to be very transactional. I would imagine that wealth would be favored over physical fitness and personality traits. Maybe that is why chinese are so money grubbing and mercenary? Also there is a lot of consanguinous marriage in places were they arrange matches. Cousin marriage. Stuff like this can change the nature of white people. Unintended consequences of a selection process are always a risk with eugenics. You have to calculate the trade offs.

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 13:40:12 ago (+1/-0)

Its not just the nobility, the middle class (blacksmiths, shop owners, alchemists) were also into arranged marriages

of course Europeans are not Chinese, they are not jews, they would not sell out their own daughter for the highest bidder, as it would yield poor results and very few offspring

i assume you got peppered with tales of "evil dads selling their daughters to old ass men for money" and granted there always was such cases
but they were few and far between

fun fact about marriage in the medieval era, if the marriage wasn't consummated within weeks (i.e husband and wife fucking) the marriage would be null and void

the whole point of marriage in the medieval era was largely reproduction with an emphasis on keeping the genes pure from the "unwashed masses"

esp in the HRE where tradesman and craftsman would make business alliances with other tradesmen/craftsmen would who benefit both sides from the union of their families

granted the downsides of arranged marriages that its "not love based" and thus fallible, but if you apply a modicum of white morality and logic
it would definitely work for whites

after all, it has worked in the past...

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 14:00:29 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 14:08:42 ago (+0/-0)

jews aren't white you dumb faggot

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 14:11:24 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 15:13:35 ago (+0/-0)

your examples are of NON-WHITES

kikes are NOT FUCKING WHITE, how many times must i repeat myself you pretentious jew faggot?

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 5, 2022 12:42:45 ago (+0/-0)

This was a good point. Elites are dicks. Part of the reason could be arranged marriage. Jew or no, european elites maintained power through an endogamous caste system and you had good blood or bad blood. In the victorian era the british aristocracy would never intermarry with people “in trade”, ie. people with jobs! They lived off annuities from holdings in their colonies. All those big gorgeous houses in Britain were built on tea and rum and tobacco and opium grown by coolies. Before that the nobility was living off the labor of european serfs. This behavior is parasitic. Populations evolve to exploit their nich more efficiently and in this case it would be getting more efficient at controlling your serfs/coolies/wage slaves.

FKH is right about jews being exploitive. They are in general— its their fundamental economic model: they acquire wealth, they don’t produce it. But FKH doesnt get that some white groups can behave in this way too. I don’t know if you can eliminate all the “exploiters” from your population. But you can try, and the more you do, the more productive and cooperative your society can be.

Exploiters/deceivers/opportunists are people that tend to use more then they produce and are often criminals, or “sinners” and the fewer of them you have the nicer and more egalitarian you society can be. Religions try to minimize exploitive behavior but alot of it is genetic as Ive said. Of course old people/children/sick people also tend to use more than they produce, so you have to distinguish between bad actors and people that deserve to be subsidized and thats going to be a somewhat subjective decision.

But seriously lets not subsidize the Vanderbilts and the Rothchilds who produce no wealth, just hoard it.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 5, 2022 09:44:10 ago (+0/-0)*

Its not true. Blacksmiths did not arrange marriage. Parents may have had veto power in the case of some matches. Marriage would have been largely within class. But that is not arranged marriage. The church was against this. The marriage vows of the church are a verbal consent. In the middle ages the church was even performing teen marriages without parental consent until someone eventually made a law about needing parental consent until 21. So men and women were regularly enjoying making their own matches without the impediment of parental objection.
In medieval Western Europe, the rise of Catholicism and manorialism had both created incentives to keep families nuclear, and thus the age of marriage increased; the Western Church instituted marriage laws and practices that undermined large kinship groups. The Catholic Church prohibited consanguineous marriages, a marriage pattern that had been a means to maintain clans (and thus their power) throughout history.[14] The Roman Catholic Church curtailed arranged marriages in which the bride did not clearly agree to the union.[15]

Male and female adolescents needed parental consent to marry because they were under the age of majority, 21 years old. In the 12th century, the Roman Catholic Church drastically changed legal standards for marital consent by allowing daughters over 12 years old and sons over 14 years old to marry without their parents' approval, even if their marriage was made clandestinely.[16] Parish studies have confirmed that in the late medieval period females did sometimes marry without their parents' approval in England.[17]

~”Marriageable Age” wikipedia

Europe, maybe specifically western europe, was unique in this respect. Whites were remarkable for the level of freedom they gave young people in making their own matches. This may or may not be a function of monogamy. Certainly the late age of marriage among europeans is due to monogamy. You may not have read all the Jane Austen type social genre novels that I have but —within the constraint of class and a set of social conventions— those chicks were choosing their own husbands. If we think about the whole notions of debutante balls and “coming out” in society, we can see it as an effort to give young men an women an opportunity to meet and choose for themselves within a set of acceptable candidates vis a vis class. We should have debutante balls.

i assume you got peppered with tales of "evil dads selling their daughters to old ass men for money"

please. Im not one of the normie feminists you take on dates.

of course Europeans are not Chinese, they are not jews, they would not sell out their own daughter for the highest bidder,....but if you apply a modicum of white morality and logic

This is naive. I have tried to explain to you before that evolution is ongoing, and that what we view as white behavioral traits developed as part of a selection process, and those traits can go away. Whiteness is subject to revision as I was saying to Irelandlost who mentioned Irish travellers, a good example of whites gone wrong.

Ashkhenazi jews are half white so they should be much better as a group than yemeni jews. But in fact they are WORSE. Selection process. You cant just assume that white sensibilities will kick in and counter some evolutionary pressure.

Arguably whites are “nice guys” who are more compassionate than mercenary bug people BECAUSE they are selected for traits which are pleasing to young women.

In some societies, there is strong intrasexual selection for males. Males determine who will get the females. Sometimes this is whoever is left standing after a murder-fest (muslims, niggers, invasions of warlord cultures). Men tend to be selected for violence in these instances.

In other cases it is men bargaining for women or solidifying some sort of financial or political alliance. Middle easterners do this alot and so do hindus and chinks. You’ve already said these matches are motivated by “business” but somehow white dads wouldn’t begin to act like chinks in the circumstances that caused chinks to become chinks? You cannot cheat evolution in this way. It is like feeding birds in winter and thinking that it won’t change their behavior at a genetic level. It will.

What if a daughter or son does not want to marry his arranged spouse? Will you force them to do it? How will you accomplish this enforcement?

The fact that the nobility practiced arranged marriage heavily might be a bad sign. I believe the aristocracy of europe is behaviorally different than the commoners and they display a lot of traits consistent with the polygynous societies of the middle east. They are more corrupt, tyrannical, deceitful. They tend to divorce more, take concubines, and marry child brides. Their economic strategy is kinda jewy, and they love war. My belief is that some of the “bad” genes of a population (like whites) tend to accumulate at the TOP as well as at the bottom of society. We need to weed out the upper classes who can get too successful at the wrong kind of behaviors. Anyway the point is arranged marriage MIGHT be part of a recipe for corruption. You cant count on people just “acting white”

I am not trying to say we shouldn’t change things or implement a plan for eugenics and increased fertility. I am not even saying arranged marriage is necessarily the wrong way to go. Im saying we need to consider potential unintended consequences that might make us less “white” in all the ways that matter.

Interesting to note that arranged marriage seems to strengthen clan systems.

[ - ] Irelandlost 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 15:09:39 ago (+1/-0)

I think you’re on the money on each point here tbf. Tinkers (Irish gypsies) have arranged marriages, and a good few of the issues you highlight are in evidence in their unions. They do have scatters of kids and very rarely divorce, but that’s not to say there aren’t a lot of other negatives that emerge from the practice.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 5, 2022 07:13:16 ago (+0/-0)

Good example. Travellers are different from other irish because of a unique selection process that has happened over maybe 800yrs or so. Its an example of just how fast the white “recipe” can go wrong. Im not sure what effect arranged marriage will have but I know it is a departure from what white have been doing for centuries and centuries.
I think that jews and romany gypsies have pursued similar economic strategies to travellers and its the selection process that breeds for their distinct behavioral traits— parasitic traits. FKH argues that white dads would not act like chinese dads and sell their own daughters. Their “white morality” would kick in. But he doesn’t understand that unless we are cloning ourselves, “whiteness” is subject to revision because evolution is ongoing and rapid.

[ - ] RomanSalute 2 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 15:48:14 ago (+2/-0)

Weren't harvest festivals in some European cultures a big way for young men and women of child rearing age to choose each other?

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 4 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 16:00:09 ago (+4/-0)

in France (before Covid anyway) in Rural places like the Provance there were, and (hopefully there still are) villages where you had huge festivals where they'd bring huge kegs of beer, aged cheese and all manner of quality farmer produce to socialize with each other

i remember when i was young and visited my grandmother in Entrecasteaux there always lots of smiling people around and many folks dancing there was also fireworks and other pretty lights

it was like a different world compared to the city, a very traditional world
and the women were incredibly beautiful and wholesome 🥰

and the best part, [/u]not a single nigger or muzzie to be seen in a 100 kilometer radius[/u]
for the location was a bitch to drive to and no public transport either (also the locals don't speak even the tinest bits of english, so if you don't have french speaking relatives you're fucked)

[ - ] RomanSalute 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 16:05:16 ago (+1/-0)

That's a fascinating reminiscence. I wish I could experience something like that.

I was remarking on the harvest festivals to make a point that arranged marriages were not always the norm.

[ - ] watts2db 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 15:29:02 ago (+0/-0)

I believe the retarded whites are going to be killed off or bread off. Leaving only redpilled white nationalists, jews and asians left to compete for rule over what remains

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 15:30:14 ago (+1/-0)

we still have millions of niggers and criminal spics to get rid of

not to mention jews and their zogbot dogs
but with the jews pushing to vax their own attack dogs... the latter might change...

[ - ] TrannyHunter 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 5, 2022 06:35:58 ago (+0/-0)

They dutifully line up for their 'rona shots. People whom virtue signal have none.

[ - ] TrannyHunter 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 5, 2022 06:34:15 ago (+0/-0)

"i doubt we can reinstate this age old practice for retarded normies, only for redpilled white nationalists."

That's all that matters.

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 5, 2022 13:18:40 ago (+0/-0)

I think in the end normies don't matter at all
they are the peasant class, the servant class
and they do not possess real value to society

the one who do pose value to society are the architects, the engineers, the healers and of course the warrior class (a caste that has almost completely wiped out in all those wars for israel)
along with many other classes that possess free-thinking and self-determination

[ - ] TrannyHunter 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 5, 2022 06:32:44 ago (+0/-0)

This would prevent many foolish marriages.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 11:59:07 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 18:54:59 ago (+2/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:05:54 ago (+1/-0)

I am raising a boy into a man, a man that doesn't compromise himself to appease the social structure of what they want

absolutely based

though if the school is just wasting your son's time with pointless and harmful liberal indoctrination, wouldn't it make more sense to have your wife homeschool the lad? or to have a commune of white parents doing shifts to homeschool their communities white kids with proper education without the marxist crap?

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:12:31 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 19:54:36 ago (+0/-0)

Then when they cant get their way or make the students see their view...it is where they skew the events to make it something it isn't.


[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:13:24 ago (+1/-0)

Unless you have experienced it or studied it at third level

So unless you agree with it and/or have dedicated four years of your life to agreeing with it your opinion doesn't count?

Fuck off lol.

[ - ] NuckFiggers 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:14:18 ago (+0/-0)

The kid's right about being an alpha. What kind of teacher lets kids talk to him that way. Definitely not an alpha.

[ - ] Greatmuta 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:21:10 ago (+1/-0)

She totally wants to fuck them.

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:58:09 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 13:09:36 ago (+0/-0)

fucking wow
i guess teacher's got lazier and lazier

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:59:52 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 13:11:31 ago (+0/-0)

Hell, this exact kike-double standard was what woke [/u]me[/u] to the nigger problem
and ultimately to questioning the holocaust

though those seeds of doubt would only grow into a tree in 2017 i always knew that niggers are disgusting orc people and that jews are horrible liars and despicable snakes

[ - ] Irelandlost 4 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 13:18:17 ago (+4/-0)

We had a young female religion teacher in my secondary school days. We tried to wind her up with some stuff but it was generally ignored. But one of my mates was just genius at getting under her skin, and always in a way that he couldn’t really get much hassle over. He basically just played dumb about things but would make statements that he knew would wind her right up and in a very dead pan way so she could never be certain if he was being serious or not. I remember we were talking about how girls and boys are treated differently from a young age and perhaps this could explain why they behaved differently as they got older (in fucking religion class ffs). Anyway, my mate posited that he thought the problem was that girls were starting to do “boy things.” When pressed on what he meant by “boy things” he replied “like playing football and getting jobs.” Eventually she made him just go to sleep whenever we had religion class which I think counts as the ultimate win for him.

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 2 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 13:41:45 ago (+2/-0)

like playing football and getting jobs

Holy fucking based 👍🏻

[ - ] Reawakened 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 13:36:18 ago (+0/-0)

Hope springs eternal.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 13:45:15 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] big_fat_dangus 2 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 13:50:14 ago (+2/-0)

She admits to being nothing more than a babysitter yet still moans and groans about having the world's easiest job. Women on the internet were a mistake.

[ - ] Paradoxical003 4 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 13:58:20 ago (+4/-0)

"who raised you?"

People like you did.

It was people like you who taught the Saxon how to hate.

They are still learning.

You attacked them for being white and male they had three options.

Thr first was the path your generation took, to join in and hate your own race and sex.

They saw an intimate picture of how that works out, not on does it add to the people hating them, it also amplifies the hate they get from preexisting sources, because now they can be hated without fear of consequences, and that in fact bring hated provides benefits for those attackers who aren't white or male, theres no incentive for the attackers to let up, and every incentive for them to increase the frequency and severity of their attacks.

The other option was also well displayed, and that was to either just suffer in silence, or stand up for yourself without really doing so, by which which mean calling them our for attacking you, but only because you stand up for anyone whose being attacked.

The results are also intolerable, you keep taking damage, and only mitigating mitigating damage done rather than pushing back in any way, so the result is still losing ground, but just at a slower pace.

The third option is to actually take a side, to push back, and to do so without a hint of shame or reservation, once whitey starts to play the same game, to return mistreatment with the same treatment in the opposing direction, they win.

Which I why we are told not to.

We can't shoot the people shooting at us, because of we do, we are the same as them.

Even if I accept that killing one's enemy makes you equal to them, when the enemy is doing pretty damn well off compared to myself, I wouldn't mind becoming their equal. It seems that they are setting a pretty good example of what we should be doing, I wouldn't mind being more equal with them if it means things are better for me.

[ - ] heroinwinsagain 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 14:22:16 ago (+0/-0)

God damn that's good news

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 14:40:51 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] ToNigIsToNog 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 15:11:39 ago (+0/-0)

imagine being so weak you are ruled by 13 year olds. this is why women are not fit to be in charge of anything.

[ - ] watts2db 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 15:16:19 ago (+0/-0)

I hope so much this is real

[ - ] allahead 2 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 16:40:40 ago (+2/-0)

"(at 13 LMAO) and I'm just a "clueless woman".

She wants him, guarantee it.

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 5 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 16:59:20 ago (+5/-0)

you can find more testosterone in a shitposting 13 year old than in a 26 year old soyjak who's frequenting starcucks

[ - ] Prairie 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 17:35:46 ago (+1/-0)

They're correct on every count, and this "teacher" writes like she's mentally still a pre-teen.

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 19:52:28 ago (+1/-0)

What's red pill say about women?

They hit mental maturity at 18?

[ - ] Pasty 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 23:06:49 ago (+0/-0)

Probably closer to 13.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 23:57:06 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] WillisJaxson 2 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 17:52:57 ago (+2/-0)

Says she got the class dumped on her for the whole year instead of half because the previous counselor had no idea what she was doing. The very next sentence she says she is just babysitting, and then goes on to say they just talk and play games because she has nothing for them to do.

If the previous counselor had no idea what she was doing, this dumb bitch is even worse by her own admission.

[ - ] KangzNSheeit 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 18:04:09 ago (+0/-0)

Warms my old heart

[ - ] FalseRealityCheck 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 18:22:57 ago (+0/-0)

...or studied it in higher education.
Higher Ed = Retarded Communist Indoctrination

Once, they called my mom a slut because she had me young.
LOLed at that one.

I think me and these boys would get along nicely.

[ - ] diggernicks 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 5, 2022 13:57:58 ago (+1/-0)

Colleges have been left wing brainwashing centers for a few decades now

[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 18:53:48 ago (+2/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 19:56:52 ago (+1/-0)

even as they normalize bullying and abuse of White men (and people in general)

But notice of being raised by strong white men we don't play the victim or chimp out over the fact.

We suffer in silence and wait for the right time to exact revenge.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 19:42:47 ago (+0/-0)

threaten to beat his ass because hes openly gay.

Should happen incessantly. The fact the kid thinks its normal and safe to let people know he has a mental illness tells me his father failed him.

Who raised you?

Their biological white fathers. You'll thank us later when your cowering in the corner when the SHTF.

[ - ] Shotinthedark 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 20:03:05 ago (+0/-0)

There is hope.

[ - ] thebearfromstartrack4 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 22:02:51 ago (+0/-0)

If MOST of the "people" ARE stupid people, shouldn't society BE stupid? YES or NO. THAT is YOUR position on the future. NOT mentioning the folks who USE either situation.

[ - ] 1_h8_J3ws 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 5, 2022 04:27:39 ago (+0/-0)

This current post covid generation are going to grow up to hate their faggot liberal nigger loving teachers.

[ - ] TrannyHunter 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 5, 2022 06:30:34 ago (+0/-0)

Teacher is an idiot. Boys are merely demonstrating their natural innate knowledge of feminazis. Boys will be men left alone by women.

[ - ] ArnoBreker 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 5, 2022 09:24:53 ago (+0/-0)

Lol, I'd give em something to do. We could read Mein Kampf in my class. Good kids though, shows meme warfare really does work.

[ - ] dog_faced_pony_soldier 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 5, 2022 13:44:38 ago (+0/-0)

i’ve never understood why some people genuinely get angry or upset by the things children say lol