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The root of all problems is the federal reserve

submitted by nada to TheGlobalTakeOver 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 04:47:48 ago (+35/-0)     (TheGlobalTakeOver)

With unlimited money jews get to buy up all the companies, install whoever they want to lead these companies, fund unlimited conferences and round tables to get everyone on the same agenda, get their people elected by funding campaigns and destroying opponents, censor bully blackmail or kill anyone who stands against it. This unlimited money machine enables all of this and is why we are in the situation we're in. Without taking back control of the money supply everything else is futile.

45 comments block

[ - ] NationalSocialism 10 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 05:34:44 ago (+10/-0)

Yup. All national debt is from jewish decisions. White people inherit debt slavery amongst the millions of other problems jews brought us. Every single problem in White nations can be traced back to a kike.

[ - ] Equalizer 3 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 07:57:45 ago (+3/-0)

indeed, it all starts with the jew controlled central banks. People talk about steps to improve things beforehand (something political, or shipping niggers and jews back), but the problem stems from this.

[ - ] beece 2 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 10:24:54 ago (+2/-0)

You won't get the money supply back if they get to keep control of the media. Look at how people view the Ukraine situation. That upside-down untruthful reality stems from the daily brainwashing they receive.


[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 11:58:06 ago (+1/-0)

Left hand washes the right. Entertainment/news/"education" run interference for the banking cartel and the banking cartel makes sure they don't run out of jew juice.

[ - ] giantprick 2 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 05:53:48 ago (+2/-0)

Or take over the federal reserve. Tbh that seems like a logistically simpler solution doesn't it?

[ - ] deleted 4 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 09:36:45 ago (+4/-0)*


[ - ] OldGoat 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 11:54:46 ago (+1/-0)

That is beautiful. I mean except for all the cops cock blocking it before we even reach the building.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:05:10 ago (+1/-0)

That's the thing, it's easy enough for cops to guard entry points or patrol a perimeter, it's incredibly hard for them to protect the perimeter itself from being dismantled.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:06:24 ago (+1/-0)

If we're talking fantasies I'd love to see a group of people install devices generating oscillating magnetic fields in their data centers. Imagine all the big social media sites being erased overnight. Forget normies reeing about losing their holiday photos, the NSA would be completely blind.

[ - ] deleteme1234 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 15:17:49 ago (+0/-0)

Why would oscillating magnetic fields erase data no longer stored on HDDs?

[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 16:16:54 ago (+0/-0)

Are their data centers not massive raid arrays?

[ - ] deleteme1234 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 14, 2022 02:52:46 ago (+0/-0)

Heard something about a move to flash drives. Wouldn't be surprised if it is already common. HDDs for redundancy, maybe.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 14, 2022 08:14:01 ago (+0/-0)

SSDs would be even more easily affected: Data is stored as tiny charges rather than magnetising a disc region. Flash drives are the same tech.

[ - ] scholarandrogue 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 5, 2022 16:30:57 ago (+0/-0)

yes. they take a part of all the energy you expend by not putting the interest on loans into circulation. MMT and Keynesian economics is garbage. need merit based austrian school economic system. debt based macroeconomic systems creates bloated welfare class and bureaucracy. pensions are history and all bonds are untenable; as insurance payouts skyrocket and the bodies hit the floor; with a normie meltdown forthcoming. quite a burden for stoics but doable.

[ - ] Version6 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 13:28:10 ago (+1/-0)

bank for international settlements, imf and wef may be a bigger problems because they set the tone for central banks globally.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:50:17 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] reptillian 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:26:31 ago (+1/-0)

Without taking back control of the money supply everything else is futile.

Without abandoning the worship of money everything else is futile.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 11:57:16 ago (+1/-0)

Pretty much. As long as jews control the money supply the market is dead and regular people are powerless. It doesn't matter how much you boycott their companies, they will always be "loaned" enough to stay afloat provided they promote marxist bullshit. Then by the time those loans are due inflation has rendered them irrelevant, along with your savings.

The west is a centrally planned economy and has been for some time. It will remain that way until we switch to gold, crypto, or something else decentralised that they can't inflate out the wazooo.

[ - ] OldGoat 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 11:51:55 ago (+1/-0)

Nice "Federal Reserve" you got there. Be a shame if something happened to it.

[ - ] Twodivinehipsters 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 11:48:45 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] 9000timesempty 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 08:54:49 ago (+1/-0)

I agree a bazillion percent.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 09:20:32 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] zr855 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 06:45:47 ago (+2/-1)*

Use bitcoin. That's the whole point. It's fixed in supply. Once the jew spends it, it's gone. He has to WORK to get more. It's quite literally a peaceful revolution.

You'll get kikes and feds here telling you it's somehow controlled or owned by jews but it's a lie. Anyone can own some bitcoin if you work or trade for it but NO ONE can simply create it out of thin air without doing work.

Most people don't even know only banks create US dollars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JG5c8nhR3LE

Now truth is it's all too late. The singularity is far, far closer than they are saying. It's likely only a few years away. You REALLY want to change things, get to working on artificial general intelligence. Money, nothing really, is going to matter in just a few short years.

[ - ] pshawman 2 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 07:02:25 ago (+3/-1)

Jews own BTC retard. Look into blockstream, look what international bank took a huge stake in them almost 7 years ago.

She dead bro.

If only there was some kind of chain split where we could have the original bitcoin back with all the necessary features back and the segwit and lightning crap gone. If...

[ - ] zr855 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 08:18:00 ago (+0/-0)

I've been down your path. I suppose you still think lightning doesn't work. I used to think BTC was crippled with segwit, etc. It simply is not true. I use lightning all the time. It works, plain and simple. I prefer the Phoenix wallet. You CANNOT do everything on chain.
I have nothing against Bitcoin Cash. I used to be in that camp. If you want to use any crypto, it's better than fiat and the direction we should all take.
Don't fool yourself and think lightning doesn't work. It does and there are several plans for massive, massive scaling when the community finally settles on the best approach. It's plenty good though even now.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:02:41 ago (+0/-0)

Isn't lightning centrally controlled though? If so then that obviates the point. Jews can just attack that single point of failure and we're back at square one.

Bitcoin itself works for large transactions: I don't mind waiting 24 hours and paying $20 to pay for a car or a house. For smaller transactions aka actual digital cash my money is on POS coins like tron or algorand. Maybe Eth 3.0 if it ever actually happens.

In my experience TRX transactions process faster than I can switch tabs and reload to see if it went through and they cost less than a cent. Assuming that's genuine performance and not subsidised somehow then that's completely practical. Shops could start using it tomorrow.

[ - ] reptillian 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:24:26 ago (+1/-1)

It doesn't matter if you use Lightning or BTC or BTH - each of these 'units' can be bought with fiat. So as per the title of the post, as long as they can just print money infinitely they can thus buy crypto infinitely (as long as there are goy willing to sell, which there always are).

Let's talk about a trading system that doesn't involve 'units' that can just be bought by the same gang - its not that there aren't a lot of good ideas in Bitcoin but the thing is very obviously critically flawed if the goal is to prevent money printers from acquiring and controlling it.

[ - ] zr855 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 13:29:32 ago (+1/-0)

You can buy anything with fiat. That argument is silly. Listen it's either going to be crypto or nothing. Get over silly notions like doing something else. This is it. You're not taking anything away from anyone. The way to do this is to literally switch currencies and devalue there's. IT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. Only kikes want us to wait.

Don't be a kike! We're winning right now. I'm not telling you to buy anything. I'm not telling you to sell anything. I'm telling you to use crypto--accept it, spend it, get others to use it and then as if by magic, their fiat becomes worthless and everyone will have made the transition.

Either that or sit around and watch everyone else do it and win.

[ - ] reptillian 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 21:46:08 ago (+0/-0)

their fiat becomes worthless and everyone will have made the transition

.... to worthless crypto

you didn't transition anything, you simply changed one hypothetical fantasy unit game for another. The problem is not which fantasy unit game it is that you play fantasy unit games.

[ - ] zr855 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 22:27:34 ago (+0/-0)

Everything is as worthless as what people are willing to trade for it. You're living in an imaginary world there.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 21:04:35 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] reptillian 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 21:48:06 ago (+0/-0)

Ok so fiat is worthless now crypto is the only accepted payment - how is that progress if the supply of crypto is majority owned by the jew?

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 5, 2022 12:35:48 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 21:12:05 ago (+0/-0)

No. If you kept printing more and more (say) chilean pesos to buy bitcoin, then the chilean peso would start hyperinflating and become valueless. There will come a point where no one will take the currency you're printing seriously and be willing to trade anything for it, including crypto.

[ - ] reptillian 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 21:43:11 ago (+0/-0)

Unless you have time & capital to strategically inflate/deflate/proxy and effectively handpuppet the world economy; the capital and time of course afforded by the huge amount of fiat printed money and the tangible assets you bought with it that you have already ammassed and can continue amassing.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 22:40:16 ago (+0/-0)

Still a losing strategy. If you print fiat to buy crypto, you'll be driving the cost of crypto up and value of your fiat down until your fiat has no value and the crypto you're still trying to acquire has market dominance.

[ - ] zr855 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 08:21:08 ago (+0/-0)

By the way, most of the smartest people now think Satoshi was Adam Back given writing and coding style analytics. I believe this is the case too. He was smart enough to put it all together but really that's about it.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 09:22:51 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] zr855 1 point 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 09:45:25 ago (+1/-0)

It would be against their best interests. There is no code or math that is hidden. It's been peer reviewed to death.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 17:12:54 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 12:03:54 ago (+0/-0)

The globalists are highly interested in crypto, but decentralised currencies themselves are their bane. They have way too much to lose from one of them becoming popular. If they can't inflate it to pick winners and losers then their entire power structure falls apart.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 17:08:31 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 18:52:06 ago (+0/-0)

I thought the blockchain (if implemented correctly) is basically in-corruptible as long as it's legitimately distributed and nobody owns more than fifty percent of the currency.

In a POW system more than 50% of the computing power. In a POS system more than 50% of the stake.

If that's the case, how can any government exploit it? Especially if the source code is available and there's proof that a single entity (government) doesn't own a majority of the coins?

Two ways:

1. By making their own crypto network. Albeit one where they control the supply and can inflate the currency as they see fit (just like they do with fiat). The advantage of this system for them is that it'd be highly traceable, very difficult to launder or forge and very resilient to attack. If the rumours are true they do plan to issue such a cryptocurrency. China already has one afaik (NEO).

2. By taking over an existing one. Crypto protocols don't stand still. They occasionally get updated through a process called "forking" where a new blockchain is created which has all the original transactions but a new set of rules governing it. This is done to fix security issues and try to build new features or make it more efficient.

Of course, this only works if everyone agrees to follow you and use the new blockchain you've made. They could just keep using the old one with the old set of rules. Sometimes this does happen which is why we have like 20 flavours of bitcoin. For example, the currency we call "bitcoin" today is one of those forks (BCH) and it's controlled by a group called the bitcoin foundation. Allegedly they've been jewed and BCH is now a globalist op.

On a side note if I wasn't an impatient idiot, I'd now be a crypto millionaire many times over (sigh).

Me too bro

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 20:58:58 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2.3 yearsFeb 4, 2022 21:05:42 ago (+0/-0)*

No problem. Feel free to ask questions if you like.

Edit: Lol... https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/letsgobrandontoken/