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(((DeSantis 2024))) [Response to Neo-Nazi Rallies]

submitted by SilentByAssociation to whatever 2.4 yearsFeb 1, 2022 17:00:33 ago (+1/-0)     (www.miamiherald.com)


Zion Don? Watch out for Zion Ron! His Israel-loving stance has him poised for reelection as governor, and maybe since he's a good enough goy, he'll get selected as president of the JewSA someday.

We've stared down companies who were indulged in BDS [AirBnb] and won

We've provided record funding for jewish day schools

And oh by the way, Florida is probably, maybe other than Israel, the number one destination for orthodox jews to move to if you look over the last two years. Because we do it right.

There's nothing like being chosen... by The Chosen!


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