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CMV: I think there's an Alien Invasion going on

submitted by voatisajewishheaven to CovidWorldOrder 2.4 yearsJan 26, 2022 16:28:17 ago (+6/-0)     (CovidWorldOrder)

It's a symbiotic lifeform (think Goa'uld), but earth humans aren't readily suitable as hosts and need to be "physioformed" (as opposed to the environment needing to be terraformed) so they came up with this mass-inoculation scheme.

This is about as credible as everything else I heard so far and explains a lot more.

Change my mind if you can.

16 comments block

[ - ] 11hrr 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 28, 2022 20:55:28 ago (+0/-0)

Naaah, that's probably what's going on. Don't change your mind.

[ - ] Artificial_Intelligentile 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 26, 2022 19:10:55 ago (+1/-0)

i thought a lot about the possibility that this whole sharade is a means to update humanities immune system so its compatible with the shortly arriving alien overlords that sent the jews to enslave us.

The Overlords will free us from the jew, so that we then worship them and accept THEIR slavery without resistance...

[ - ] localsal 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 26, 2022 16:32:48 ago (+0/-0)

Where do they come from? How did they get here?

Is it easier to land here and essentially physioform an entire species than it is to keep looking for something else?

If they are going for long term survival, the jab is not something that would work out well for them. All the unjabbed would be easily identifiable as purebloods, and all the jabs can then be considered infected and killed with easy markers.

[ - ] voatisajewishheaven [op] 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 26, 2022 16:51:13 ago (+0/-0)

Where do they come from? How did they get here?

Presumably they don't need a spaceship and can simply exist in space, they latched onto the spacesuit of an astronaut during a routine EVA walk and got past the atmosphere through a typical Soyuz capsule.

Is it easier to land here and essentially physioform an entire species than it is to keep looking for something else?

I don't know and maybe they don't either, maybe it's their first encounter with a carbon-based species. Maybe they figured the lifespan of their hosts is limited unless they first do some mRNA trickery. Maybe using our species as hosts allows them to interact better with matter, build ships and conquer other worlds more efficiently.

All the unjabbed would be easily identifiable as purebloods, and all the jabs can then be considered infected and killed with easy markers.

Unless they take control of politicians, health officials and army leaderships first...

[ - ] localsal 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 26, 2022 18:35:28 ago (+1/-0)

If there is a demarcation between jabbed and unjabbed, it really won't matter who is in charge. There will be a war between the two sides, effectively killing the symbiote due to everyone dying.

Seems counterproductive to me.

A better scenario would be that the coof is the symbiote and the infected are the carriers, but then why would the government cover this up? If the jab kept people pure, then they would be lining up to accept it, and even pay for it.

Instead, we get this kike clot shot that everyone is forced to take, which does nothing to extend the life - or reproduction - of us hosts, leaving the symbiote to eventually die off. Not very convincing of a strategy.

Lethal viruses figure this out pretty quickly. Killing the host does nothing for propagating themselves. They need to mutate to less lethal versions and then they can carry on for centuries, like the cold and flu.

[ - ] voatisajewishheaven [op] 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 29, 2022 11:28:12 ago (+0/-0)

Instead, we get this kike clot shot that everyone is forced to take, which does nothing to extend the life - or reproduction - of us hosts, leaving the symbiote to eventually die off.

When you got 7 billion test subjects, you can accept quite a loss. If only 1% becomes suitable hosts and then have their lives extended by virtue of symbiosis, they win.

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 26, 2022 17:04:46 ago (+0/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] Her0n 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 27, 2022 11:51:56 ago (+0/-0)

First of all to find a planet the same size/density, composition, magnetic field, and within a habitable zone is damn near impossible, and likely to have life already on said planet.

Secondly a symbiotic life form requires a host, are you daft? They require a host body and if there are already sentient life forms on the planet you want that’s even better, just use them as a host.

Thirdly, Terraforming a planet would take more time and energy than to have your AI computer run simulations and administer shots using your agents you already have covertly infiltrated into the natives society.

[ - ] voatisajewishheaven [op] -1 points 2.4 yearsJan 29, 2022 11:26:34 ago (+0/-1)

First of all to find a planet the same size/density, composition, magnetic field, and within a habitable zone is damn near impossible, and likely to have life already on said planet.

That's not relevant to this situation at all.

Secondly a symbiotic life form requires a host, are you daft?

Only if you're that narrow-minded. It likely only needs a host to interact with the physical realm. Also, Goa'uld larvas can survive just fine in a lake.

Thirdly, Terraforming a planet would take more time and energy than to have your AI computer run simulations and administer shots using your agents you already have covertly infiltrated into the natives society.

Not relevant to the situation at all. It's like you deliberately failed to read.

[ - ] Her0n 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 31, 2022 19:03:00 ago (+0/-0)

Are you seriously suggesting that gravity has no effect on life? Gravity has no effect on symbiotic life? Gravity effects most of all biological life.

[ - ] voatisajewishheaven [op] 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 31, 2022 19:04:29 ago (+0/-0)

Who said that all life is biological

[ - ] Her0n 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 31, 2022 21:16:41 ago (+0/-0)

Biological simply means it is or was alive. Are you suggesting a stone is symbiotic? Or are these alien invaders spirits or demons? Or is it something else entirely?

[ - ] voatisajewishheaven [op] 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 31, 2022 22:56:18 ago (+0/-0)

No I'm suggesting you're incredibly narrow-minded. Life could exist as pure energy, on another plane of existence or biological in their own realm but symbiotically across dimensions.

[ - ] Her0n 0 points 2.4 yearsFeb 2, 2022 16:10:45 ago (+0/-0)*

Oh I’m narrow-minded because I use the proper definition of the word.

I get what you’re saying though and I agree that it’s possible, but I’m going to need more than just my faith to die on that hill.

Also, most energy is effected by gravity, why are you’re “trans-dimensional energy symbiotic aliens” immune?

[ - ] voatisajewishheaven [op] 0 points 2.4 yearsFeb 3, 2022 09:13:19 ago (+0/-0)

but I’m going to need more than just my faith to die on that hill.

My main under-point here was that it's already just as believable as the current mainstream narrative (about covid).

why are you’re “trans-dimensional energy symbiotic aliens” immune?

Maybe the laws of physics on their side are different and they evolved in a way that makes it so. Who knows, we never dealt with such entities.

[ - ] Her0n 0 points 2.4 yearsFeb 3, 2022 09:27:14 ago (+0/-0)

It’s nowhere near just as believable. We have zero proof of extra-dimensional energy beings, we do have proof of illnesses. The mainstream narrative should not be used as a baseline for believability because it’s all bullshit anyway.

Just because these creatures you described evolved in a place devoid of our physics doesn’t mean they’d be isolated from the effects of our dimension when they inhabit it.