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Reposted from Ruqqus: Proposal for a simple, color-coded guide to whether dubs are subs are recommended for particular anime

submitted by PeBeFri to anime 2.4 yearsJan 18, 2022 18:34:23 ago (+1/-1)     (anime)

Code Green: The dubbed version is preferable, as the quality of the dub is superior to the Japanese language version, or different languages are portrayed in-universe in such a way that it would make less sense if the characters usually spoke Japanese (e.g., Black Lagoon). Watch it with subtitles only if you're a purist.

Code Blue: Both the dubbed and subtitled versions are passable, and choosing one or the other depends on one's personal tastes. Most dubbed anime fall into this category.

Code Yellow: The subtitled version is preferable, as the quality of the dub is markedly subpar, or different languages are portrayed in-universe in such a way that it would make less sense if the characters usually spoke the language into which it's dubbed (e.g., the English dub of Azumanga Daioh). Watch it dubbed only if you really can't stand subtitles.

Code Red: The dubbed version is completely out of the question, as it's been corrupted by fucking social justice warriors (e.g., the English dubs of Prison School and Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid).

2 comments block

[ - ] Wahaha 0 points 2.2 yearsMar 16, 2022 04:23:25 ago (+0/-0)

Subs are always preferable. Always.

[ - ] PeBeFri [op] 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 18, 2022 18:51:44 ago (+0/-0)

\dubs or* subs. Guess I didn't notice that on Ruqqus either.