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Reminder that the Bible says nothing against pedophilia

submitted by Paradoxical003 to Christianity 2.7 yearsJan 12, 2022 11:19:37 ago (+6/-20)     (Christianity)

Sex on sabbath (day of worship and prayer) is out
Interfaith marriage is out
Menstural sex is out
Premarital sex is out
Adultery is out
Incest is out
Bestiality is out
Rape is a crime against the property of the husband or father of the victim
Slavery is OK, and there is no penalty to raping a slave

Nothing on sex with children, apparently kiddie raping wasn't worth mentioning
Biblically speaking, Mohammed did wrong by Aisha only in that she was his neice, her being raped since she was six years old was of no moral issue.

Take that as you will, God's not against short eyed nonces doing the diddly so long as they abide by his other rules.

36 comments block

[ - ] oldblo 1 point 2.6 yearsFeb 6, 2022 21:22:18 ago (+1/-0)

I dont really care about the Bible as im not religious.
Still why does everyone overlook god impregnating a girl the second she hit puberty?
It seems like selective vision to me.

[ - ] Paradoxical003 [op] 0 points 2.6 yearsFeb 6, 2022 21:47:05 ago (+0/-0)*

That kind of stuff doesn't sit right with me.

What was she aged when God (or, more likely, Joseph) put a baby in her? 15? 14? 13?

Whatever it was, it's the kind of age that it's acceptable to enter motherhood into only in some shithole country like Mexico.

At least you could say it wasn't as bad as when Muhammed fucked his own neice since she was 6 and knocked her up when she was 9.
That's morally unacceptable and the Muslims cannot defend this as an action that the guy who was chosen as the "perfect man" according to God himself would do.

Now we have London, jewel of Brittania, being overrun by Muhammeds raping their girls, and the police are protecting the sick fucks so as so as not give the impression that the arabs are evil degenerate savages (which in reality is exactly what they are).

Let's talk about the migrants in Europe again, let's talk about baharush, about the gangrapes in Cologne on new years 2015, let's talk about the rot of Rotherham's sex slavery rings, let's talk about Sweden, and all the shit Swedish women and girls had went through, let's talk about all the reasons that Anders Brevik and Brenton Tarrant had cited as the reasons they lost their minds. The injustice of Muslims being protected from their victims by a disgustingly corrupt justice system.

And the jews, don't forget them, hashtag metoo got memory holed once it states resulting in widespread naming of the jew, their fucked up sex cults in Hollywood trading hopeful stars, including child stars, around as an unofficial form of currency due to them becoming sex slaves to to disgusting rapist and pedophile kikes.
The worst, most repulsive, things coming out regarding the operations of the likes of james alephantis and jeffrey epstein.
In Britain too with jimmy saville and the royal family members.

Yeah, it's something that makes me angry, makes me want to kill.

They used to say "let hell come to thee who harms a child" but I don't believe on hell, so it's up to some earthly force, like me, to bring it to them in the here and now.

Pedofeds are watching (hi! I'll be seeing y'all soon!), ill just say that pedophiles deserve to get something, and then something else, and then something after that, and that I'd be more than happy to be the one to give it to them.

They know what they deserve, they think they are safe, they are not.

[ - ] oldblo 0 points 2.6 yearsFeb 6, 2022 21:54:45 ago (+0/-0)

If you want to say that about those who wronged someone greatly fine. Otherwise thats a lot of malice towards those minding their own business.
Ive never been appreciative of thought crimes or hostility towards those innocent of wrongdoing.
Otherwise I would be on the sidelines letting my emotional reactions dictate my thinking and cheering alongside others when they call for you specifically to be banned for posting content they dislike.

[ - ] yesiknow 5 points 2.7 yearsJan 12, 2022 11:48:28 ago (+9/-4)

Fuck off and kill yourself you bag of shit.

Jesus said pedos should have a millstone hung around their neck and be thrown in a river.

What the fuck did you think offending little ones meant?

Chink, muslim, jew, I don't care which jealous enemy you are, you deserve to die.

And as for slavery you low mouth breathing IQ moron, people sold themselves into service if they couldn't pay debts. Did you think they had welfare fir those moments when your personal economics failed.

The last country to outlaw slavery was Bhutan, in 1962, a buddhist country. The Native North Americans were big into slavery. The muslim religion says to take slaves of non muslims. the jewish retard books say the whole world including chinks and muslims are their slaves.

Who wasn't into slavery you douche bag and who specifically has been against it the most??????????????

If you don't understand the difference between the old and new testaments you have nothing worth hearing.

Just because you found someone else's paid internet connection to post, doesn't mean you should.

[ - ] Paradoxical003 [op] -2 points 2.7 yearsJan 12, 2022 11:53:05 ago (+2/-4)

Jesus said "it would be better if any who would lead a little one into sin should tie a millstone around their necks and cast themselves into the sea".

Never specified what he meant by "leading into sin", so there us no implication that he meant something different from what others had considered to be "sinful", which means he was not talking about pedophilia.

He was more likely to be referring to teaching them about other religions than to putting your dick in them.

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 2.7 yearsJan 12, 2022 19:21:32 ago (+2/-2)

You are really stupid.

[ - ] account deleted by user -9 points 2.7 yearsJan 12, 2022 11:49:14 ago (+1/-10)

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[ - ] Paradoxical003 [op] -4 points 2.7 yearsJan 12, 2022 12:18:56 ago (+1/-5)*

No he didn't, he died a Virgin, as did his disciples, he thought the end times were coming within one or two decades, so he was just focused on spiritual purity, which meant throwing away everything of the earth, including one's own people, and even ones own family.

That's why his advice was so bad, its only bad if you dont think he beleved that he was living in the last days.

The Christian religion was never meant to be anything more than a short lived doomsday cult, the Christians could afford to do stuff that would get themselves killed, and die without leaving any children behind, the end was approaching fast, and so nothing mattered except being pure enough to get into paradise once kingdom come.

So for most of Christian history, the way things were run was based around keeping the flock ignorant of what their religion's founder was truly teaching, because they needed a functional society that would survive long term, not one that would effectively commit suicide within thirty years.

Thus, the threat of literacy and the widespread availability of the Bible to Christian society, no longer were they to merely receive choice prices of scripture from charismatic preachers chosen by politically savvy leadership.

That was bad because following Jesus led to ruination, however, Christians were smarter than their leaders gave them credit for being, and once they saw how impractical and difficult the words of their savior were, thet decided to modify their understanding of it, and reinterpret the words as of they were not coming from someone who did not intend to ever leave a biological or memetic legacy behind (because they had thought the world was ending soon).

Which meant all the more troublesome bits could be safely ignored because Christians were too sensible to pay attention to them, abd if they had enough sense to do that, surely their lord of lord's and king of kings must not have meant what he had clearly said according to the text, surely he had meant to say sonething different than what he'd been mistaken for saying if one were to be taking him in a literal way.

Nothing more confusing than a text that was biblically inspired, as even in the time it was being put together, there was difficulty in understanding what had been said within by the very people in the process of compiling the book together.

[ - ] BlowjaySimpson 3 points 2.7 yearsJan 12, 2022 14:05:36 ago (+3/-0)

I don't need the desert jew to tell me pedos should be excised from society by slow decapitation.

[ - ] Paradoxical003 [op] -2 points 2.7 yearsJan 12, 2022 14:43:36 ago (+0/-2)

He doesn't tell you.

[ - ] BlowjaySimpson 0 points 2.7 yearsJan 12, 2022 20:09:06 ago (+1/-1)

Cool. What is your point here, Moeshe?

[ - ] Paradoxical003 [op] -2 points 2.7 yearsJan 12, 2022 20:53:13 ago (+0/-2)

The truth needs no purpose but to enlighten.

[ - ] sguevar 1 point 2.7 yearsJan 13, 2022 00:19:38 ago (+2/-1)*


You claim he never tells us what to do. But your misrepresentation of what He said is very poor.

Matthew, Mark, Luke repeat the advice that Jesus gave to those evil doers that abuse children. It would be better for them to drown themselves - clearly this is implying that the coming punishment of the flesh was going to hurt them way more and last more. A quick death by their own hand was better than the punishmen men would inflict on them.

Additionally, Romans show that all the immorality is deservant of death - as another user pointed out in the other comments.

Depending on the sin committed, the level of punishment is accorded. Meaning that the laws of men are entitled to punish the abusers of little ones before giving them the ultimate punishment, which is death.

So, your argument here is basically full of shit...

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 2 points 2.7 yearsJan 13, 2022 00:27:43 ago (+2/-0)

Romans show that all the immortality is deservant of death

[ - ] sguevar 2 points 2.7 yearsJan 13, 2022 00:32:31 ago (+2/-0)

Dang autocorrect. Ty ty

[ - ] Paradoxical003 [op] -1 points 2.7 yearsJan 13, 2022 09:05:10 ago (+0/-1)*

Never says that raping kids is sinful, nor the abuse of children, nor an immoral act, he never says it, never even implies it.

If the bible did consider it wrong, it would've been clear about it, there'd be no debate here regarding this.

The very fact that you struggle so much to misrepresent some quote vaguely referring to something as general as "leading a little one into sin" as meaning the very specific act of pedophilia, something never once mentioned in the rest Bible as being wrong, is a good sign that you are imposing your modern personal values into the biblical text.

Jesus was a pacifist, he may have said he came not to bring peace, but he sword, but he also said that his sword was his gospel, as it would divide the community between those who followed him and those who would not.

Indeed, he said that you should do good to those who wrong you, that it is better to allow yourself to die than to punish evildoers, of you are struck, you invite them to strike you again, if you are robbed, you give more than the their plans to take from you.

You need to love your enemies, and those who you hate, are precisely those who you do the most good for, you express your hatred through acts of benevolence and charity towards them.

Without judgrnebt, there us no ability to exact justice, and if only those free of sin could judge, that means that all crimes are forgiven, christ knew exactly what the implications were, and encouraged his followers to be victims on earth, do that they may be kings in heaven.

He encouraged his people to be poor, to sell all possessions and give up all money, that is a requirement from him to his followers, by doing so you buy a sword, which means not to buy a literal bladed weapon, but instead to take up the gospel of Christ.

Your mischaracterization of the guy as some sort of ass kicking badass is not in line with his words.

And I recall the line about him whipping the money changers on the temple steps, but that was earlier in his story, he changes his mind about a lot of things as his story goes on.

He wasn't a God, but a man, he taught what was popular among claimed messiahs at the time, asceticism, pacifism, martyrdom, and that the enemy of the world was coming soon.

Jesus did not believe I'm the laws of men, because he thought only God could judge and punish evil, he would let child molesters go free, because they'd get their ultimate comeuppance in the afterlife.

[ - ] sguevar 0 points 2.7 yearsJan 13, 2022 10:17:50 ago (+0/-0)

Never says that raping kids is sinful, nor the abuse of children, nor an immoral act, he never says it, never even implies it.
So to you raping is not abusing nor hurting a little one. My dear pedophile, please drown yourself, it is better than what’s coming to you
If the bible did consider it wrong, it would've been clear about it, there'd be no debate here regarding this.
It has been clear. You simply are purposely stupid to say it has to say “rape” for me to believe it said it.

The very fact that you struggle so much to misrepresent some quote ckearly referring to one you as meaning something never once mentioned in the Bible as being wrong, is a good sign that you are imposing your modern personal values into the biblical text.
I didn’t even try, it is super easy to understand plain English. The very fact that you struggle so much to try to play semantics at convenience of your degeneracy shows that you are probably a jew in the letter.
Jesus was a pacifist, he may have said he came not to bring peace, but he sword, but he also said that his sword was his gospel, as it would divide the community between those who followed him and those who would not.
Wrong again, he pushed the merchants of the temple with ire and violence. When he comes back he will bring a fiery judgment to those that denied him, perverted His Word and delivered iniquity in the world.
Indeed, he said that you should do good to those who wrong you, that it is better to allow yourself to die than to punish evildoers, of you are struck, you invite them to strike you again, if you are robbed, you give more than the their plans to take from you.
He rebuked sin for what it was but Romans does in fact showed who deserves death. Though He will be the judge of the spirit of those evil doers you appear to forget that whatever sin we commit in this world we have to pay for it in this world. The eternal sin of denying him will be the cause of Judgment. Jesus also said that if one believes Moses, one has to believe him as well. He didn’t rebuked the Old Testament, they are both part of the Gospel and the Word of God.
You need to love your enemies, and those who you hate, are precisely those who you do the most good for, you express your hatred through acts of benevolence and charity towards them.
By spreading the Word of God that will be the basis of the final Judgment. You do not express love for children you express your degeneracy to try to misrepresent what the love of God really is.

Without judgrnebt, there us no ability to exact justice, and if only those free of sin could judge, that means that all crimes are forgiven, christ knew exactly what the implications were, and encouraged his followers to be victims on earth, do that they may be kings in heaven.
The laws of men are to be guided by the laws of God. This is in fact heresy that you speak of at convenience of your degenerate behavior. It also shows that you show no respect for God’s creation because you ignore what children are to God, purposely.
He encouraged his people to be poor, to sell all possessions and give up all money, that is a requirement from him to his followers, by doing so you buy a sword, which means not to buy a literal bladed weapon, but instead to take up the gospel of Christ.
No, he encourage people to not care for the things of the world for they will not be with them in the heavens. He was showing that you have to care for your spirit and also the Christian faith does promote a dignifying life to serve as testimony of the tribulations we go through and despite all of them, we still get the blessings of the Lord.
Another heresy from your part, saying you buy your way to heaven and that is a false doctrine spread by jews in the letter and false Christian prophets. Salvation is by grace only and it is a gift.
Your mischaracterization of the guy as some sort of ass kicking badass is not in line with his words.
No mischaracterization at all, you are the one that try promoting Jesus as an inactive leader and that was not the case. And certainly will not be the case when he returns.
And I recall the line about him whipping the money changers on the temple steps, but that was earlier in his story, he changes his mind about a lot of things as his story goes on.
Not about the merchants using the temple for their profit.
He wasn't a God, but a man, he taught what was popular among claimed messiahs at the time, asceticism, pacifism, martyrdom, and that the enemy of the world was coming soon.
He is the Son of God, God turned flesh, part of the Trinity.
Jesus did not believe I'm the laws of men, because he thought only God could judge and punish evil, he would let child molesters go free, because they'd get their ultimate comeuppance in the afterlife.
Jesus did believe in the laws of men as long as they followed the commandments of God. A nation soars when following God’s commandments and to defend the nation of God, wars were fought in those days and also laws were made by the leaders of those days to keep the covenant and also to enact justice of the flesh in this world.
But you are right, eventually men perverted or gave their back on God. The justice of the spirit will be done by God.
This will be my last reply to your heretic, perverted and jew in the letter nature to corrupt the Word of God at convenience of your degeneracy, for you will not bring me to your level of foolishness.

[ - ] Paradoxical003 [op] -1 points 2.7 yearsJan 13, 2022 12:00:14 ago (+0/-1)

So to you raping is not abusing nor hurting a little one. My dear pedophile, please drown yourself, it is better than what’s coming to you

Where are you getting THAT from? Im not talking about what I think, I'm talking about what the Bible says, and what is said by the characters in the Bible.

It has been clear. You simply are purposely stupid to say it has to say “rape” for me to believe it said it.

Doesn't have to use those exact words, anything Alin is lines of "don't engage on carnal relations with little girls" would be sufficient. Doesn't have a problem condemning homosexuality or listing off the various forms of incest, should be simple to describe kiddie diddling.

I didn’t even try, it is super easy to understand plain English. The very fact that you struggle so much to try to play semantics at convenience of your degeneracy shows that you are probably a jew in the letter.

It's you who lacks reading comprehension, your only citation to back the claim that pedophilia is biblically condemned is some quote which vaguely refers to "sin". The Bible doesn't share your moral sentiments, it's not going to recognize the things you dislike as being sinful just because you don't like them. The Bible lists off many sins, but sex which children isnt one of them, that's you just looking at a term that's not clearly defined, and using that vagueness to assume that it's referring to the thing it's being criticized for failing to recognize elsewhere within the texts.

his actions at the temple fall into contradiction with his commandments to his followers, you are clearly choosing to reject one in favor of another thst more suits what you want him to be like. The problem is that the hippie Jesus comes after the whipping christ, that his actions and commandments could be two different things, because he holds himself to a different standard, he could be a hypocrite, or he could have just changed his mind.

Most likely, it's because the story of Jesus was compiled together from multiple authors with very different views of the man, and the contradictions like this are the result, in which case, ot should be noted that there are far more example of Jesus advocating for peace Tha there are of him lashing merchants.

Not about the merchants using the temple for their profit.

Probably not, he was big on how evil wealth was, and big on how good religion was, furthermore, exchanging money in the temple grounds was a violation of jewish laws, and an offense to God.

He is the Son of God, God turned flesh, part of the Trinity.

Ok, he also advocated for stupid ideas like asceticism, pacifism, martyrdom, etc.

Jesus did believe in the laws of men as long as they followed the commandments of God

He just didn't beleive in enforcing them.

A nation soars when following God’s commandments and to defend the nation of God.

How can one defend their nation when the means required to do so violate God's commandments?

wars were fought in those days and also laws were made by the leaders of those days to keep the covenant and also to enact justice of the flesh in this world.

Well, yeah, those who use force where it is necessary would always end up replacing those who failed to do so.

Most of Christian history is filled with Christians who never read the Bible, and were ignorant pigs as to what was inside it, they relied on priests to tell them what was written, and to priests were specifically employed by those who knew what to share with the flock, and what to withhold.

Christianity survived by virtue of the ignorance of the people, then by the fact that people refused to accept Tha their lord had such dumb suggestions, so they read their own personal ideas over the text, and try to delude themselves and others that the book endorses their personal preferences.

But you are right, eventually men perverted or gave their back on God. The justice of the spirit will be done by God.

I dont don't why you act as if the middle ages Europe was such a golden age, all the ruling class back then was bought and controlled by the kikes just as they are now, there was still rampant degeneracy despite it being a heavily religious society, and the Christian religion didn't even serve to unify the people, the various European states were constantly either engaged in war, or close to it. It's nothing like what the Christians here keep trying to make it out to have been.

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 2.7 yearsJan 12, 2022 22:31:58 ago (+2/-1)

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[ - ] Paradoxical003 [op] -1 points 2.7 yearsJan 13, 2022 09:08:49 ago (+0/-1)*

Fornication does not mean child abuse, it rarely is used to refer to the molestation of kids in any context.

If you, a fourty years old man, were to marry a six years old girl, then molest her, the Bible would say nothing against it.

It is not fornication, as it is within the context of marriage, it is not homosexual, you a male, she is a female, there's nothing sexually immoral going on here by biblical standards.

[ - ] youregay 0 points 2.7 yearsJan 13, 2022 03:13:17 ago (+1/-1)

The fact that the Bible was written so vaguely that it's even up for debate shows how stupid the Bible is. It can be used by anyone to justify anything. SMFH

[ - ] Paradoxical003 [op] -1 points 2.7 yearsJan 13, 2022 09:31:11 ago (+0/-1)

Actually a lot of it is quite clear, but the problem is when it's not saying what the Christian wants it to, or when it's saying something that the Christians doesn't want it to say.
At that point is where you get all this trying to manipulate other people into believing that what the book says isn't what it says, and what the book did say is what the book does say.
The Christians don't care if the book disagrees with them, they already came came their conclusions on their own, the only thing the Christians care about is that other people are convinced that the book is I'm agreement with the Christian.
They want to trick people into thinking that all the modern moral standards of their time, whatever they may be, are supported by the Bible, just so they can claim that the Bible was the source of whatever moral opinions are most prevalent at the time.
Even when moral standards reverse themselves, the Bible is the source of them, we can just forget how the Bible was used to justify the exact opposite opinions, that was just the result of it being misinterpreted, whatever the moral consensus is currently is the real interpretation of the Bible.

[ - ] youregay 0 points 2.7 yearsJan 13, 2022 15:09:30 ago (+0/-0)

Well said. It's kinda funny, I used to be a liberal until I realized how full of shit they are and I used to be a christian until I realized how full of shit they are. Both are factions that can't wrap their heads around reality.

[ - ] Wahaha 0 points 2.7 yearsJan 12, 2022 13:20:23 ago (+1/-1)

How old was Maria anyway when she gave birth to Jesus? I've heard claims that she was 13, but apparently it's just never mentioned anywhere.

[ - ] Paradoxical003 [op] -2 points 2.7 yearsJan 12, 2022 13:30:49 ago (+1/-3)*

Christians think that her age was whatever it is socially acceptable for a mother to be in their current cultural climate.

Christians think that everything in the Bible is in support of whatever is socially acceptable in their current cultural climate.

I remember that in the 90s and 00s, that Christians were calling atheists "nazis" and saying atheism leads to "Hitlerism", now that it's cool to be a national socialist, they say the opposite.

Christians main goal is to link their religious beliefs to whatever ideologies are popular at the time, they are the eternal bandwagoners.

If hip hop is big, they start rapping for Jesus, if rock is in, they start up Christian rock groups, if video games are the hot new media, they make games about fighting Satan (and Hitler, because fictional nazis are always in league with the devil), the Christian will hitch their trailer to whatever is blazing trails at the time, because the only thing that matters to the hardcore Christian is spreading their faith around and sharing the good news gospel, by any means possible. They chase fads around the catholic priests chase around altar boys.

They will be the fiercest opponents of racism, and say that evolution is the source of racist beliefs, then when White identity is losing its stigma, they will all of a sudden be going 180 degrees around and saying that Christianity abd white identity are one and the same, despite saying for the last couple decades that Christianity is universal and globalist, a unifier across the boundaries of the races, and is this fundamentally opposed to any racial identity, especially White identity, which those nasty godless atheist nazis (that everyone just happened to hate at the time) are so attached to.

If the internet has one thing to say about Christians, it's that they don't believe in anything but Christianity, all other ideological beliefs are just fads and trends for them to use to promote Jesus with, and thet will adapt their advertising of their faith to fit with whatever they are shamelessly using to shill their religion with.

[ - ] account deleted by user 2 points 2.7 yearsJan 12, 2022 22:37:41 ago (+2/-0)

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[ - ] Paradoxical003 [op] -1 points 2.7 yearsJan 13, 2022 09:19:13 ago (+0/-1)

Paul was instructing his followers to sell out.

I get that, I also find it stupid that you think there's nothing wrong with doing so.

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 2.7 yearsJan 13, 2022 15:47:15 ago (+0/-0)

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[ - ] Paradoxical003 [op] 0 points 2.7 yearsJan 13, 2022 16:04:44 ago (+0/-0)

Mockery, idolatry, these are the words I'll throw out at poseur Christianity.

[ - ] account deleted by user 0 points 2.7 yearsJan 13, 2022 18:10:40 ago (+0/-0)

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[ - ] Paradoxical003 [op] -1 points 2.7 yearsJan 13, 2022 09:16:20 ago (+0/-1)*

The Bible says that sexual immorality is punished, but the Bible never described child rape as immoral. That's your value, and it's biblically unsupported.

The Bible says that leading a little one into sin is a crime one should punish oneself with by drowning in a river with a millstone around rhe neck.

But it never lists adult child sex as being sinful, so this can't be referencing pedophilia, but one of the many myriad other sins listed in the bible.

Basically, it's not the Bible that condemns raping kids, it's you, and you can't handle that the Bible fails fails mention it as being wrong, so you are imposing your own values onto the Bible.

Which is a problem, since you likely claim that the Bible forms a basis for your moral values.

The truth is, that it forms the basis for any moral values one could potentially have. Assuming one does as you do, and simply come to your own local judgements, them just go on to assert that the Bible backs you up.

There's always some vague enough part of the Bible that you could quote and then proceed to prime people to interpret it as having whatever meaning you could want it to be associated with.

That's the dumb reality of the Bible, cherry picking your way through it enough, and therss always some claim you could ascribe to being supported in some part of it, tada, you can now make anything biblically supported!

[ - ] SparklingWiggle -1 points 2.7 yearsJan 13, 2022 09:00:16 ago (+0/-1)

Please die.

[ - ] account deleted by user -12 points 2.7 yearsJan 12, 2022 11:22:32 ago (+1/-13)

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[ - ] Paradoxical003 [op] -1 points 2.7 yearsJan 13, 2022 09:09:31 ago (+0/-1)

I'm going to find you and kill you so that you could never hurt a child again.

[ - ] account deleted by user 1 point 2.7 yearsJan 13, 2022 11:22:40 ago (+1/-0)

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[ - ] Paradoxical003 [op] 0 points 2.6 yearsFeb 7, 2022 01:00:42 ago (+0/-0)*

I'll fill you up alright.

I'll set you up on a stake beside your fellow child molesters.