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Hemoragic Fever on the loose

submitted by veggy to whatever 2.4 yearsJan 9, 2022 20:57:08 ago (+6/-0)     (whatever)

So, I've been following this story for a few days now..

-outbreak in northern china. 12 cases and a lockdown of 12 million people.
-brazil 6 cases and 1000 people in quarantine.
-pakistain Unknown cases, but reports and china as stopped all flights in from pakistain after seeing air passengers with symptoms. (so this also means it is loose in airplanes and in airports)

Has anyone else heard any rumors of seen any write ups of any more of this anywhere? Details are hard to come by.

5 comments block

[ - ] Version6 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 9, 2022 21:41:21 ago (+0/-0)

All this is news to me.

[ - ] allahead 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 9, 2022 21:21:47 ago (+0/-0)

They're being quiet about it, either it's nothing or they're spreading it intentionally. I'll go 25/75 former/latter with those odds.

[ - ] veggy [op] 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 9, 2022 21:39:22 ago (+0/-0)

ya, real quite. have to really dig deep to find any info about any of this....

[ - ] deleted 2 points 2.4 yearsJan 9, 2022 21:08:56 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] veggy [op] 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 9, 2022 21:41:22 ago (+1/-0)

ya I heard that too. Even read some fooken government report about a "simulation" on the scenario... Back in the 80's and 90's the old bio-altered hemorrhagic fever was a real concern in NBC circles... Only the ruskies and the US had it in their lockers (cuba and fort detrick) by treaty.

[ - ] yesiknow 2 points 2.4 yearsJan 9, 2022 21:05:41 ago (+2/-0)

Mayo clinic says about Hemorrhagic fevers:

Viral hemorrhagic (hem-uh-RAJ-ik) fevers are infectious diseases that can cause severe, life-threatening illness. They can damage the walls of tiny blood vessels, making them leak, and can hamper the blood's ability to clot. The resulting internal bleeding is usually not life-threatening, but the diseases can be.

Some viral hemorrhagic fevers include:

Yellow fever
These diseases most commonly occur in tropical areas. In the United States, people who get them usually have recently traveled to one of those areas.

There's no cure for viral hemorrhagic fevers. There are vaccines for only a few types. Until additional vaccines are developed, the best approach is prevention.

That's just fuckin' great fucking globliat asshole talmud pounding freaks.

It's common in places like the north of China, but the pharmacorp money hungry drug freaks are going to abuse 7 billion people some more and still not getr their throats cut.