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We should be fighting "Trust the science", with "I trust the math."

submitted by Vrbllpollushin to whatever 2.3 yearsJan 7, 2022 21:39:14 ago (+48/-0)     (whatever)

True numbers do not lie. All "science", in its purest form, is based on math. If the math doesn't support the theory, the theory is not proven, and is completely hypothetical. Trust the math.

32 comments block

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 15 points 2.3 yearsJan 7, 2022 23:14:12 ago (+15/-0)*

No, respond with, " No, I trust the science. You trust the media."

[ - ] Vrbllpollushin [op] 3 points 2.3 yearsJan 7, 2022 23:23:22 ago (+3/-0)

That's not bad.

[ - ] fightknightHERO 1 point 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 01:50:40 ago (+2/-1)

Based and Objectivepilled

[ - ] Rob3122 8 points 2.3 yearsJan 7, 2022 22:36:36 ago (+8/-0)

They've manipulated the math to fit the narrative though. There's literally millions of people who think the jewflu is still around because of the unvaccinated.

[ - ] Vrbllpollushin [op] 4 points 2.3 yearsJan 7, 2022 23:24:26 ago (+4/-0)

I know. Thats where the math kicks in. Media driven belief, in a non mathematical equation.

[ - ] dingbat 3 points 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 00:03:10 ago (+3/-0)

I had a client say to me today, “I mean, a million people have literally died because of this!”

[ - ] CHIRO 0 points 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 12:38:17 ago (+0/-0)

We could nitpick OP's claim that all science is based 'in its purest form' on math. That's not really true. Euclid and the Greek tradition generally took math out of the realm of the purely practical and gave us the epistemology of deductive inference. Science, at its purest, is inductive.

This is loosely related to the distinction between rationalism and empiricism. If someone says that pure maths are true because human reasoning alone can cause us to know the truth, that is a rationalistic statement. If someone says, no, knowledge requires the experience of observing things in the external world to verify them, that's empiricism.

The debates between rationalists and empiricists form a big part of the history of the philosophy of science (and philosophy generally). But pure science does not equal pure math. Rather, science became increasingly mathematical after Descartes, and especially after Newton. Just consider for a second that the current view of the cosmos is divided into two (as yet) irreconcilable views of reality, relativistic and quantum mechanical (for different scales), and both were justified purely mathematically. One has more empirical evidence than the other. But each does the best job of explaining phenomena at a given scale.

Just take the Big Bang. In any theory like this you'll have some purely rationalistic evidence, and some empirical evidence. The math points to a singularity that is undefinable in the language of physics. Can one formal language and its tools convince you that a reality exists (or existed) that it cannot explain/describe? Well either it's wrong, or the language will have to change in order to be consistent. For empirical evidence, you've got things like the CMB.

One issue we have with the current public approach to 'muh science' is that most people don't have very sophisticated ideas about what knowledge is, what can justify/warrant it, and the various distinctions in our methods for producing it. High level scientific theories are not just 'one thing'. They are a hodgepodge of various kinds of evidence arrived at in different ways. It's a mistake for people to think that science = math, and that there is one single method we have consisting of 'math leads to scientific theory'. Take a theory like climate change for instance. Idiots will imagine there is just some mathematical body of evidence from which all of the higher level scientific evidence is derived one-to-one. They treat science like a living thing almost, where individual human scientists are all slaves to this one perfect abstract thing guiding them in their infallible activities. If you just do science, then you're 'doing truth'. It's nonsense.

[ - ] zr855 5 points 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 00:19:21 ago (+5/-0)

Science doesn't seal studies for 55 years.

[ - ] FellowWhite 4 points 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 00:09:28 ago (+4/-0)

Math can only be trusted if the input is accurate,

[ - ] ModernGuilt 4 points 2.3 yearsJan 7, 2022 23:00:31 ago (+4/-0)

Sounds really good to autists on voat, but here's how it goes:

Npc: I trust the science
Autist: I trust the math
Npc: I actually don't care about anything we're talking about and I just want you to die.
Autist: I win the debate

[ - ] CHIRO 6 points 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 01:04:39 ago (+6/-0)*

Haha, this might be the best meta-statement for describing our cultural situation. The NPC wears intellectual virtue like the wolf wears a sheep skin. Just to appear appropriate and sophisticated so they can sneak a crude, violent ideology in underneath. They actually don't care. Not about the science. Not about the arguments. They care about position, and that's it.

You probably could have added a final line from the NPC: "K, incel virgin."

These people 'care' about the intellectual drapery until you make it uneasy for them to use it like a rhetorical weapon. Then they'll attack you over sex. They are like some women in arguments. When all else fails, insult his dick - the virtues don't matter, only position when the dust settles.

But this is also why they tend to gain more ground than we do. Because so many idiot conservatives waltz around impressed by their logical powers, while NPC's are out there being paid fifty bucks to go canvas a neighborhood street and make fake ballots.


[ - ] PotatoWhisperer 2 points 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 01:37:05 ago (+2/-0)

They care about position, and that's it.

They tell us this themselves.

"There is no truth but power."

[ - ] Vrbllpollushin [op] 2 points 2.3 yearsJan 7, 2022 23:25:03 ago (+2/-0)

Lol. Accurate.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 1 point 2.3 yearsJan 7, 2022 23:15:39 ago (+1/-0)

Autist: I will die but the math says you will die long before me.

[ - ] Redhairin 0 points 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 15:06:04 ago (+0/-0)

Say 'And I just want you to die...see, we are so nearly in agreement'.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer 2 points 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 01:35:47 ago (+2/-0)

No. "Trust the science" is an absolute perversion of the scientific process, which is entirely about not trusting the science. It's about proving, with irrefutable evidence that even your worse competitor must accept that you are correct, and so much so that you can predict stuff before it happens.

That and bragging rights as you wave your enormous balls in front of all your detractors.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 2 points 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 01:16:51 ago (+2/-0)

I just say that I don't trust jews and watch them melt down.

[ - ] 3Whuurs 2 points 2.3 yearsJan 7, 2022 23:47:12 ago (+2/-0)

Don’t you know that science was changed from a repeatable process to something a group of professional compulsory state schooled lemmings all paid by a single HIGHLY litigious benefactor, all voting on what they’re told the science is supposed to say.

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 1 point 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 06:30:05 ago (+1/-0)

I do, thats why im not getting the jab and dont wear masks.

[ - ] boekanier 1 point 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 01:47:10 ago (+1/-0)

I don't trust 'woke' scientists, it's about ideology, not science.

[ - ] boardallday420 1 point 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 01:40:16 ago (+1/-0)

I trust the METH

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 2.3 yearsJan 7, 2022 22:39:53 ago (+1/-0)

Because it's short enough for imbeciles to digest. You really have to hit them with the fewest words possible and something close to a commercial jingle, They have to hear it repetitively though .

I like "Trust is religion, science has to stand up to doubt and prove itself" But it isn't catchy and it's probably too long for them.

Diversity is our destruction. (but they actively seek that)

[ - ] 1Icemonkey 1 point 2.3 yearsJan 7, 2022 22:05:10 ago (+1/-0)

Trust the soyence!

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 14:26:45 ago (+0/-0)

Math is also highly corruptible.

What data you collect and what data you show is a subjective choice. Cherry picking data or propagating metrics that are deceptively formulated can cause math to mislead people.

Math is information, just like words. And just like words, it can be corrupted.

Try this on for size:

I trust science and NOT the scientific establishment

The two are not the same. Scientific institutions are made of people, not science. People always introduce bias. Always.

If you look at the history of science, you’ll notice that the scientific establishment is always getting some things wildly wrong. Sometimes its just lack of information but often its because the people running scientific reporting systems are tainting the results to benefit themselves. (See Galileo)

Humans are predicted to do this: to introduce bias to benefit themselves, even really smart people. Evolution predicts it.

The scientific establishment is just a credentialing system . It is not scientific method ffs. A lot of “scientists” actually don’t understand this.

[ - ] Vrbllpollushin [op] 0 points 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 18:48:05 ago (+0/-0)

Math is only corrupted when corrupt information is used. I understand what you are saying, but if you take humans out of the equation, math is science, in its purest form.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 19:27:48 ago (+0/-0)

You can perform a data analysis on accurate data and still generate a misleading statistic. You can mislead without reporting any incorrect data. A complex system has a lot of data to offer. You can report aspects of that data in such a way as to cause people to draw the wrong conclusion. Scientists disseminate bad statistics all the time and justify doing so because it is not technically a lie. I never believe any facile statistic in an article. I never assume its true when someone says “a study concluded there was no evidence that drug X is safe/unsafe”. There are too many ways to game that conclusion.

[ - ] thebearfromstartrack4 0 points 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 09:16:45 ago (+0/-0)

They'll use fake math (they don't understand equilvalence even). They'll act (INFURIATES me) like it MAKES sense. EVERYONE will ADMIRE. DEATH to the STUPID. It's about QUALITY, NOT quantity. 7B, SHEESH.

[ - ] x0x7 0 points 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 08:20:03 ago (+0/-0)

Here's why trusting math is bad. Holocaust.

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 12:23:48 ago (+0/-0)

Except for the Red Cross records stipulate 271,301 deaths and when measured against the census data for the period, does indeed show empirically the actual death toll.

So yes, trust the math holds water.

You are confusing math with the gematrian numerical propaganda.

[ - ] Vrbllpollushin [op] 0 points 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 18:46:33 ago (+0/-0)

That's not math. That's jewish subversion.

[ - ] con77 0 points 2.3 yearsJan 8, 2022 00:33:54 ago (+0/-0)

maff be raysis

[ - ] Just_me 0 points 2.3 yearsJan 7, 2022 23:53:18 ago (+1/-1)

Praise Jesus