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25 comments block

[ - ] IwuvU 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 5, 2022 23:15:19 ago (+0/-0)

Oh, I get it. 6", banana. Good one. That said metric is a superior system.

[ - ] Merlynn 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 6, 2022 04:51:21 ago (+0/-0)

It's all just measuring shit. Who cares besides nerds?

[ - ] cyclops1771 [op] 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 6, 2022 17:57:19 ago (+1/-0)

I rarely measure shit, but when i do, I just look at it before i flush.

[ - ] binrobinrro 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 7, 2022 22:09:47 ago (+0/-0)

I measure with inches and ounces, etc.

But I'm carrying 5 grams and a 9mm.

[ - ] FacelessOne 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 5, 2022 20:25:07 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] Master_Foo 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 5, 2022 21:23:34 ago (+1/-0)

It's easy.
Ask someone how much 240 gallon tank of water weighs... hmmm... carry the 1... divide by pi... cheat off of your neighbor's test... um... fuck if I know!

Or I can just fill my 1,000 liter water tank up and know exactly how much it weighs.

[ - ] cyclops1771 [op] 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 5, 2022 21:36:16 ago (+1/-0)

LOL. Because knowing how much a tank of water weighs is pretty much a daily activity. If 240 * 8.8 is too hard of math for you, you have much larger issues to deal with mentally than metric vs imperial.

[ - ] Master_Foo 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 5, 2022 22:30:22 ago (+1/-0)

Protip: For people who actually make civilization work... it IS a daily activity.

If you aren't concerned with the weight of water, it's probably because you have a job at buzzfeed writing top ten articles about tranny dilation dildos.

[ - ] cyclops1771 [op] 2 points 2.4 yearsJan 6, 2022 09:17:09 ago (+2/-0)

If 8.8 is too hard, just use 9 dude, FFS.

It's just a matter of practice. For example, when I ran a grocery store, milk gallons is a daily order. Each stack of 6 crates is 24 gallons. 9 stacks = 1 pallet = 216 gallons. You learn to count in 24s really damn fast, because if you don't, you're digging through stacks trying to find where the 2% is mixed with the Vitamin D 4% and unstacking milk crates all over the place, rather than just pulling off the full stack as it sits. And since you pay per pallet for delivery, you learn that your order needs to be 216 gallon increments, or you are paying for an extra pallet for 24 gallons instead of 216.

If being smart enough to do simple math makes me a "buzzfeed writer", I guess that's what I am. Minus the (((nose))), of course.

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 6, 2022 12:50:26 ago (+0/-0)

1000 liters weighs 1000 kilograms.

Stop making excuses and compare your wall of text to my one sentence. If you need to change to base 24, you are just making excuses about the amount of time you are wasing.

[ - ] cyclops1771 [op] 2 points 2.4 yearsJan 6, 2022 14:26:01 ago (+2/-0)

How many gallons of milk, in metric, can I fit on a pallet?

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 5, 2022 22:36:56 ago (+0/-0)

240 * 8.8
Yeah, do that in your head while trying to get 50 calves in the livestock trailer buddy. Needlessly complicated math is just one more thing I don't have time for today especially if I can get the math done for free just by using metric.

[ - ] Kozel 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 5, 2022 23:42:04 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] cyclops1771 [op] 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 6, 2022 09:25:15 ago (+1/-0)

This brilliant. Needs to be its own post.

[ - ] cyclops1771 [op] 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 6, 2022 09:10:08 ago (+1/-0)*

LOL. 8 x 4 = 32. 8 x 2 = 16, one place over = 160. 160 + 32 = 192. Move a decimal place over, same math 1920. 1920+192 = 2112. Seriously, are people these days so fucking stupid they cant do simple math in their heads?

No offense foo, but damn, dude. Could you even make change without a machine telling you what to do? Do you have to look at the bottom of the receipt and hope to god it has the tip calculations printed out for you to figure out what 15% is when tipping?

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 6, 2022 12:53:20 ago (+0/-0)

1000 liters = 1000 kilograms

No offence cyclops, but I didn't even read your wall of text explaining how much time I need to waste.

[ - ] cyclops1771 [op] 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 6, 2022 14:25:09 ago (+1/-0)


Now, your truck handle 8 tons of weight over the back axle. How many 1000liter barrels can you put on it before overweight?

You still have to convert to lbs into tons and then do division anyways. I guess I don't see the difference between doing the math up front or doing it on the back end as being any better. You still got to do it. Plus, it's enjoyable.

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 6, 2022 20:33:52 ago (+0/-0)

1000 kilograms = 1 metric ton.
1 metric ton is just under 1 ton, I can stack 8,000 liters on my back axel and still be perfectly fine. and I didn't even need to bring a calculator either.

I guess I don't see the difference between doing the math up front or doing it on the back end as being any better.
I prefer not to do unnecessary math.

[ - ] cyclops1771 [op] 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 6, 2022 20:41:38 ago (+1/-0)

I didn't say metric ton. But a metric ton is 2200 lbs, and an imperial ton is 2000 lbs. You just overloaded your truck by 1600 lbs.

You using metric just ruined your truck and cost you $50k. All because "doing simple maths is hard."

[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 2 points 2.4 yearsJan 5, 2022 21:49:49 ago (+2/-0)

I’ve dealt with a lot of General Atomic prints. It would always make me laugh when you would see shit like 228.6x 279.4mm (9x11”).

[ - ] cyclops1771 [op] 2 points 2.4 yearsJan 5, 2022 21:57:06 ago (+2/-0)

If I had a dollar every time I heard MrsCyclops say, "Honey, can you please reach up and grab me that 228.6 by 279.4 pan? I can't reach it!" I'd be retired by now.

[ - ] IwuvU 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 5, 2022 23:06:54 ago (+1/-0)

That's because that particular thing was designed in imperial and ported to metric. Surely you know this. But another great thing about metric is 9.4 is about the same as 9mm. 9.5 if you're really ocd.

[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 -1 points 2.4 yearsJan 6, 2022 01:40:51 ago (+0/-1)*

What are you talking about? Have you ever dealt with tight tolerances or dimensional reports for the government? Depending on the tolerancing, you can be looking at a non conformance with those numbers.

[ - ] binrobinrro 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 7, 2022 22:00:21 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah, but we're talking about a pan here.