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submitted by 3Whuurs to Covid1984 2.3 yearsJan 4, 2022 22:48:52 ago (+17/-0)     (www.ctvnews.ca)


And apparently their western province health commissar has ordered all vaccinated people to stop getting tested.

Infectious disease specialist
Only thing the propagandist could respond with is “but but but so how important are the boosters then”… lol

4 comments block

[ - ] Rotteuxx 1 point 2.3 yearsJan 5, 2022 09:14:07 ago (+1/-0)

It's been like that since the beginning, it's the only way to get the numbers they're after.

That's also why ppl with the 1st dose of clotshot are counted as unvaxxed in the first 14 days, they have lots more chances of testing positive and having issues requiring hospitalisation.

[ - ] 3Whuurs [op] 1 point 2.3 yearsJan 6, 2022 00:05:54 ago (+1/-0)

Exactly, that’s another thing people aren’t catching on to when seeing the vaxxed vs human stats. That most of the human (unvaxxed) hospitalizations AND cases are among people with the 1st 2 shots already.

[ - ] pickingrinninspittin 0 points 2.3 yearsJan 5, 2022 08:29:22 ago (+0/-0)

The CDC has admitted that PCR tests are useless for screening purposes but here's this fucking idiot referring to it like it's the gold fucking standard. I don't know who she is but she and every other individual who had a hand to play in this travesty of public health policy deserves to be rounded up, shot in the back of the head, and dumped in an unmarked grave where they will at least provide some nutrients to the soil which is the only thing of value they have done in their whole fucking miserable lives.

"B..b..but I was just following orders" Well done, you brain dead puppet of the Marxists and Jews.

[ - ] Cannonball 0 points 2.3 yearsJan 5, 2022 08:14:04 ago (+0/-0)

I love genocide I also love how I predicted these Illuminati drones in Isreal etc gobbled up their own bullshit it's a work of art it's a shame that the masses didn't rise up and boot fuck them however who cares Canada is a joke they sold our country off decades ago when Treadeau Pierre Elliott cuckhold turned us into a service corporation.