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I used to think our ancestors were barbaric for burning people at the stake, stoning to death, etc etc. But I’ve come to realize that is what needs to be done to prevent chaos and corruption.

submitted by jewsbadnews to whatever 2.5 yearsJan 2, 2022 19:13:04 ago (+62/-0)     (whatever)

All this bullshit going on in our fucked up world makes me have thoughts of brutally killing the fuckers causing the problems. I want to stab them to death and hear them scream in agony, i want to torture and burn them alive, i want to peel the skin off their muscles. But if there is a spider in my house i capture it so I can return it outside. It is our natural response to have these thoughts, it is in our violent species DNA that God/evolution gave us to right the wrongs and put down destructive people and make sure it doesn’t come back. We no longer can have wars that we constantly had throughout our entire human history that kept us strong and healthy and even gave us purpose. Thanks to the nuclear bomb it has basically neutered us and now we are not letting out our pent up natural urges for justice. I now just thought this was the reason the guy who just went on that shooting spree in Denver Colorado did what he did, he said he was tired of the weak mocking the strong.

52 comments block

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 12 points 2.5 yearsJan 2, 2022 19:24:55 ago (+12/-0)

I think if there's to be another genocide, which there absolutely should be, then it should be as clinically emotionless as possible. I abhor violence, but I know it's a necessary evil. It's just my opinion that we're better than rage purging. Don't mistake me, I think about the same kind of thing that you do. I just look at it the same way as putting a rotten apple in the compost pile. It's a chore that needs done.

[ - ] account deleted by user 6 points 2.5 yearsJan 2, 2022 21:34:11 ago (+6/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] localsal 3 points 2.5 yearsJan 2, 2022 19:35:32 ago (+3/-0)

The French Revolution got a bit carried away with the purges, but all in all, what is really needed is a "kill them all and let God sort it out" moment in history.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 2 points 2.5 yearsJan 2, 2022 19:39:53 ago (+2/-0)

Not my place to judge them individually. You know a tree by it's fruit.

[ - ] Garrett 1 point 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 08:31:38 ago (+1/-0)

the french revolution targeted poor french people and in the end jews got more power.. smells fishy to me

[ - ] WhiteCollarCriminal 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 10:10:40 ago (+0/-0)

If every white man woke up tomorrow and killed one nigger, the nigger problem would be over, in the USA anyways. That doesn't solve the parade of dark chocolate mud people coming across the border every day but hey, there's always Wednesday!

[ - ] con77 5 points 2.5 yearsJan 2, 2022 20:41:10 ago (+5/-0)

they didnt have trannys and blm either

[ - ] Clubberlang 2 points 2.5 yearsJan 2, 2022 21:32:47 ago (+2/-0)

Rewarding mediocrity is what happens when this isn't practiced.

[ - ] Ironcrusader88 2 points 2.5 yearsJan 2, 2022 23:02:06 ago (+2/-0)

If it makes you feel any better the vaccines will kill off pretty much all these idiots. That just leaves the Jews and the traitors at the top. But yeah in the future liberal Whites deserve the most outright suffering imaginable. Like not even kidding William Pierce was right that in order for Whites to survive we have to under go true suffering in order to purify our race and travel the stars. Agenda 21 is truly an evil plot created by kikes and all the people should genuinely die a truly slow and painful death in Minecraft but at least it’s giving the much needed eugenics program that our race desperately needs that spawned from the industrial revolution and baby boom. The Spartans were honestly right in their assertions on eugenics for the most part.

[ - ] GeneralDisarray 1 point 2.5 yearsJan 2, 2022 20:04:42 ago (+2/-1)

The Salem witch trials are used constantly as an example of the confusion and injustice that can come from having these reality warping psychopaths tried.

But take a look at one example that shows the process working. The paisley witch trials happened four years after Salem and they did justice!


The victim that was saved from them went on to become an industrial pioneer in textiles and helped make this town the richest in the uk!

These are the people that these predators target. The ones that will make the world a better place!

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer 1 point 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 00:36:31 ago (+1/-0)

A lot of the "witches" that were killed also happened to very often be criminals of some very serious crimes.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 09:15:19 ago (+0/-0)

So why not try them for those crimes?

[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 09:14:36 ago (+0/-0)

But take a look at one example that shows the process working. The paisley witch trials happened four years after Salem and they did justice!

How did they "work" or "do justice"?

Any of those symptoms could be easily faked or imagined. Honestly the whole thing sounds similar to a covaids scare.

[ - ] RMGoetbbels 1 point 2.5 yearsJan 2, 2022 23:04:51 ago (+1/-0)

..........sharpening pointy sticks at both ends to mount heads on when the time comes.........

oooooo, this gonna be good.

[ - ] Merlynn 1 point 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 13:26:42 ago (+1/-0)

Replace "witch" with "jew" and "homosexual" with "jew",and you start to understand what was really going on. They want you to think those were arbitrary punishments born of ignorance. It's layers on layers of lies.

"They were killed because of ignorant superstitious belief!" Cries the jew. But the truth is they were criminals doing horrible shit. The "witch trials" the jew media shows us are nothing like the trials they actually held. Because if the people were "ignorant savages" their judgements against the jews must be unjust.

"The way they were killed was barbaric!" The jew lies. These were simple people confronted with terrible things. Stoning was because they didn't have a proper headsman axe. Burning was for people who committed the worst crimes and deserved to suffer.

"They certainly had nothing to do with us! They were accused of being witches,not jews!" Yet every picture of a witch carries a jewish bent. Homosexuals also seem to be rather jewish. Harvey Milk comes to mind. I'd like to burn that faggot at a stake. All to cover up their past crimes.

In the end,it's just lies and lies and lies. Stop listening to the jew media. Pick up a history book that wasn't written by a jewish hand. Learn what really happened.

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 2, 2022 20:19:18 ago (+5/-5)

The Jews invented Christianity so you wouldn't kill them.

If you think about it, all the people getting burned at the stake were decided by some pedophile priest.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2.5 yearsJan 2, 2022 22:49:35 ago (+1/-0)

Jews did not invent christianity so that you wouldn’t kill them. That is a ridiculously wrong headed way to understand christianity. Did secular jewish communists invent marxism so that gentiles would be nice to the orthodox? Absurd. These were just jewish schisms, and christian jews were evetually absorbed in to the gentile population.

[ - ] Master_Foo 3 points 2.5 yearsJan 2, 2022 22:57:18 ago (+3/-0)

OK, is this something you've actually thought about? Or are you disagreeing because you don't like the implication?

It was 100% totally fine for a White man to kill a Jew before Christianity. Then The Jews started brainwashing slaves in Europe with this new slave morality with a Jew as the master... And then, killing Jews started to become more and more of a problem.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 2 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 00:28:01 ago (+2/-0)

OK, is this something you've actually thought about?

No you are the only one who has ever thought about this sort of thing.

Or are you disagreeing because you don't like the implication?

Is this the part where you call me a christcuck?

Were pagan romans allowed to kill rando jews for any reason? Did christianized europeans never kill jews? Your oversimplification is false. Pre-christian europe had rules about who you could kill and when. So did christian europe. Jews were driven out of palestine and then Rome in the pagan empire. “Pogrommed” just like christians did thousans of years later. “Tolerant” pagan rome was the civilization that allowed jews and jewish christians to participate in society and eventually become citizens in the first place. Whats the implication there?

Face it, christianity was not the jews’ magic pass to europe. They have infiltrated many other non christian societies. Its what they do. Whites are less christian than they have been in thousands of years and still jews play agnostic whites like a fiddle. Christians are in fact generally more resistant to the new jewish angle than the atheists. Your theory is too simplistic and doesn’t explain why many christians here hate jews and why so many white atheists and agnostics are so malleable to them.

You are too purist, and its not constructive. You spend all your time attacking right wing whites. How does that help us? Odin is gay btw.

[ - ] Master_Foo 2 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 00:58:05 ago (+2/-0)

Is this the part where you call me a christcuck?
Well, the argument you are making is a Christ-Cuck argument. It's not my fault. If you don't like the implications of being called a Christ-Cuck, maybe you shouldn't act like a Christ-Cuck.

Were pagan romans allowed to kill rando jews for any reason?
Yes. See "The Roman Persecution".

Did christianized europeans never kill jews?
No, Christianity makes Jews a protected people. You'll get an OCCASIONAL inquisition.
But, the only reason we have the "109 times" meme is because for the most part Jews were protected and only 109 times were they persecuted and kicked out of White nations.
It shouldn't even HAVE a number. It should be a continual thing. Right? So... Who is protecting the Jews?

Pre-christian europe had rules about who you could kill and when.
That applied to the in-group. Not the out-group. Jews are an out-group by default in EVERY White Pagan society.

They have infiltrated many other non christian societies.
Yes, and they also have Communism and the Banks to protect them in other societies. Christianity is just ONE way they subvert a foreign peoples.

Whites are less christian than they have been in thousands of years and still jews play agnostic whites like a fiddle.
It's because the damage has already been done. Ask an Atheist if it's OK to kill a Jew. If he says "NO It's wrong to murder", then he isn't an Atheist. He's a Christian.

Christians are in fact generally more resistant to the new jewish angle than the atheists.
You worship a Jew as your Lord and Savior.

doesn’t explain why many christians here hate jews
You don't hate Jews. You worship one as your Lord and Savior.

why so many white atheists and agnostics
They aren't Atheists and Agnostics. They are Christ-Cucks just like you.

You are too purist
An Ethno-Nationalist MUST be a purist. That's just the way it is.

its not constructive
I suppose you'll explain to me how worshiping a Jew is more constructive to building a nation free from Jews?

You spend all your time attacking right wing whites
No, I spend my time pointing out that they aren't actually right-wing... They just think they are. Betraying your own people to serve a Foreign-God is a left wing activity.

How does that help us?
There is no "us" until you forsake your Foreign-Jew-God. You are the division. You are on the side of the Jew. And that's why you are being thown in the oven with the Jews you consort with.

Odin is gay btw.
It's better than worshiping a Jew. Worship Lucky the Leprechaun for all I care. Just so long as your God is a White God and not a Jew God.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 09:13:44 ago (+1/-0)

blah blah blah christcuck

So tired of your nigger argumentation. You are incapable of having an civilized debate so you just harass everyone like a school yard bully with a sexual slur. Even I as an atheist woman am told Im a husband who has been sexually cuckolded by a jew— why? Because its the only comeback in your repetoire. Over and over you drone on, cuck, cuck, cuck. You sound like a chicken. Probably because you have a similar brain to one. If you weren’t a nigger masquerading in white skin, there’d be an interesting discussion here. But like so many other retards around here, its just a scatology competition.

Yes. See "The Roman Persecution"

Every single pre-christian attack on jews is comparable to one that happened after christianization. You are cherrypicking. Tons of instances of pagan rome tolerating Jews, tons of instances of christians attacking them. The common facctor isn’t christianity, its a social parasite that adeptly manipulates its host. You want to attack a specific group of whites because they follow a tradition that was started by opportunistic jews. But you’re arbitrary. Lots of non-christians are falling for jewish fallacies and they are worse, much worse.

You are attacking an blaming some whites for what some other whites fell for 2000 years ago. All your ancestors fell for this for thousands of years. You are from a long line of chistcuck traitors. Shouldn’t you goodify yourself?

They aren't Atheists and Agnostics. They are Christ-Cucks just like you.

No secular left wing whites are not christians. Theyre atheists and agnostics. Im an atheist. You are just babbling. Nobody thinks antifa are christians.

An Ethno-Nationalist MUST be a purist. That's just the way it is.

An ethno-nat is not defined by ideological purity, wrong. Ethno-nationalism doesn’t proscribe religions or philosophies. It simply emphasizes genetic homogeneity. The puritans weren’t about race, they were about purity of a theology. Every time someone talks about purity you think its referring to racial purity? Thats because youre a moron.

There is no "us" until you forsake your Foreign-Jew-God.

Ive been an atheist for longer than you’ve been alive probably. So why don’t I agree with you? Oh yeah because you argue like a nigger. Because you are too much of a coward to attack jews so you attack right wing moral whites.

It's better than worshiping a Jew. Worship Lucky the Leprechaun.

Thats what you want whites to do. Worship a leprechaun that you and I know is fake. Why? Its a jewish like gimmick. An honest white person would formulate a philosophy for whites that didn’t involve worshipping fake and gay cartoon characters. Odin is a con. A hoax you want to perpetrate on whites that you don’t even believe yourself. You’re a huckster trying to con whites. You should ask your parents if their are any jews in the family tree seriously.

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 19:40:29 ago (+0/-0)

You aren't an Atheist. You are a Christian. You still go along with Christian concepts like... "It's wrong to kill a Jew".
And... BTW ask Antifa if it's OK to kill Jews. They will agree with you that it's wrong to kill Jews.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 21:36:28 ago (+0/-0)

I am an atheist as Ive told you many times. You can’t acceept that an atheist could disagree with your position that christians are race traitors so you just make up stories to suit yourself. Everyone here that has interacted with me knows Im an atheist.

You still go along with Christian concepts like... "It's wrong to kill a Jew".

If I did “go along” with this it certainly wouldn’t make me a christian, and I have never advocated such an opinion. More fabrications.

And... BTW ask Antifa if it's OK to kill Jews. They will agree with you that it's wrong to kill Jews.

Non sequitur but it proves my point because they are atheists.

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 22:32:27 ago (+0/-0)

They aren't Atheists, They serve a Jew and so do you.

I'm an "Atheist" as well. But I recognize that we have an instinct for superstition. It's natural. It's a survival mechanism. We need it. But, you can never get rid of it. You need to satisfy this instinct for superstition somehow.

How are you satisfying your instinct for superstition? The Christ-Cucks satisfy it by replacing their native White-Gods with a Jew-God.
You think you've dumped the Jew-God. But, you haven't. You are still serving the Jew.

I'm happy to just treat the White-Gods like sports team mascots. They are there satisfying my instinct for superstition and the Jew can't manipulate it for their own gain.

Meanwhile, the largest demographic of Zionists in the United States are Evangelical Christians.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 22:57:13 ago (+1/-0)

They serve a Jew and so do you.

Antifa are overwhelmingly atheists, as I am. The definition of atheist is not whether you serve jews, and I don’t and they do. You unwittingly serve jews by dividing and weakening our people.

But I recognize that we have an instinct for superstition. It's natural. It's a survival mechanism. We need it. But, you can never get rid of it. You need to satisfy this instinct for superstition somehow.

How are you satisfying your instinct for superstition? The Christ-Cucks satisfy it by replacing their native White-Gods with a Jew-God.

I don’t have to safisfy my instinct for superstition. My brain simply works in inherently illogiccal “superstitious” ways as it seeks out ideololgies. I don’t need to feed it a fake god character to satisfy it like a dog with a bone. It doesn’t work to worship Odin if you don’t really believe in it.

I have scientific understanding which makes supernatural religions less appealing to me. That doesn’t mean that my understanding of right and wrong doesnt have a religious nature or that I can’t utilize ritual to gain psychological momentum or build social bonds with others. You don’t need to believe in magic to have a religion. You don’t need to pretend to believe in magic either.

The fact that you don’t really believe in your god is problematic and does not bode well for the future of your religion.

Atheists are the biggest hand maidens of the jewish agenda. Many believe that traditional morals have no purpose and they eagerly implement the jewish “solutions” that promise to bring about a classless antiracist utopia. Evolution can create an understanding of how societies really work and it can explain why jewish ideologies fail and why jews behave like they do. What is the point of promoting a fake god when you can promote true understanding of human nature? It is the only “religion” that can truly protect our people from being exploited because it explains why people exploit each other.

[ - ] TheYiddler 1 point 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 08:07:21 ago (+1/-0)

Christianity is Judaism for the jealous people that couldn't be born into it.

It evolved quite a bit from there, but it is very much like a softer Islam with how it conquered Europe.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 09:21:39 ago (+1/-0)

Christianity is Judaism for the jealous people that couldn't be born into it.

I don't think so, all of the initial christians were jews, and I suspect most of the early church were hellenised jews. I think a simpler explanation is that it was simply a jewish cult which was later spread to europe by jewish refugees who discovered it was a very effective tool to gain power (or at least refuge) in european societies.

but it is very much like a softer Islam with how it conquered Europe.

Actually I think it has more in common with marxism, which given it's shared jewish origin shouldn't be surprising. Both religions initially infiltrate via lower social classes, then once those groups are assembled into mobs their power is used to broker deals with the elites and the productive class get squeezed from both above and below. Eventually the cult establishes dominance and starts to preach orthodoxy and obedience.

Islam by contrast tends to spread via invasion. New lands are conquered in the name of the caliph, those lands are divided and given to the soldiers as rewards and djimmis are milked for taxes to fund further invasions.

[ - ] CHIRO 1 point 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 18:53:03 ago (+1/-0)

The most important figure in early Christianity for the sake of the Church of Rome was Paul, a well-to-do Pharisee from Antioch. He was born into Jewish quasi-royalty and became the most important evangelical in the history of the Christian church. Rome conquered Europe; Christianity spread through the byways established by Rome.

[ - ] CHIRO 1 point 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 19:00:04 ago (+1/-0)

This is next-lvl retarded. The Jews had a much more stable relationship with the Romans than Christians did - see the 'red martyrs'- until the time of the Jewish revolt. I wonder...if the point of 'inventing' Christianity had been to protect the Jewish people, why did so many Jews reject Christ, and maintain their nationalist movement leading to the Jewish-Roman Wars. These wars postdated Christ and resulted in what was basically disaster for Jewish society at the time, another diaspora in effect. Christians in the Roman empire weren't faring well either; they were persecuted under various regimes up until the 4th fucking century AD.

Any attempt to look at the history of either Jews or Christians in early antiquity as a Jewish attempt to 'hide' is beyond stupid.


[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 19:22:39 ago (+0/-0)*

why did so many Jews reject Christ
The Jews didn't invent Christianity to enslave themselves. They invented it to enslave YOU the Shabbas Goyim.

A Jew accepting Christ as his Lord and Savior is like the slave master skipping through his own cotton field picking cotton.

The Jews didn't invent Jesus for the Jews. The Jews invented Jesus for YOU, the slave.

Christians in the Roman empire weren't faring well either; they were persecuted under various regimes up until the 4th fucking century AD.
What do you expect should happen to subverters? You can't trust a Christian. They value a Foreign-Jew-God above their own people.

[ - ] CHIRO 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 19:50:09 ago (+0/-0)

All of the early Christians were Jews. Are you suggesting that the Christians were slaves and simultaneously their own masters, even while being persecuted brutally? This does not make sense.

So maybe you choose to argue that the Jews who invented the Christ were willing to sacrifice some of their own in order to create this golem that would deflect Rome's aggression away from the heart of the Jewish homeland, namely, by sending them into the heart of Rome. This would be an interesting line of argument.

But it too will fail with a little bit of scrutiny. It would have made no sense to any Jew of that period (the same sacrificial Jews that the 'master' Jews were trying to trick) that Jesus would have been killed. This fit very poorly with orthodox Jewish understanding of the messiah. It makes no sense, then, that the Sanhedrin would have fought so hard for Pontius Pilate to crucify Jesus. The Pharisees would have been far better served by letting Jesus live and continue to preach. He was the charismatic force, the so-called 'cult leader' (on this view). The reality is that if your theory was true, the Pharisees would have been secretly subsidizing Jesus' ministry and sponsoring his trips around Palestine in order to recruit even more followers.

History transmits something completely different. Not only were the Pharisees radically opposed to Jesus as if he were an enemy within their ranks, they actively tried to kill him, and the entirety of history that followed was a bitter animosity between Jews and Christians.

> The Jews didn't invent Jesus for the Jews. The Jews invented Jesus for YOU, the slave.

I just told you that shortly after the time of Christ, the Jewish state was completely obliterated. So was that also part of the plan? Are you really suggesting Jews played such a long game that they predicted history up until the 20th century, including the schism of the Catholic Church, so that a mostly Protestant Allied Force (oh yeah, they also predicted the British Empire and the United States of America) would be manipulated by their Christian belief to help the Jews recover Israel as an independent state? I'm conspiratorial by nature, but this is beyond the pale. Do you realize what you're suggesting? If this were remotely true, it would reasonably add credit to the reality of their God, not detract from it.

> What do you expect should happen to subverters? You can't trust a Christian. They value a Foreign-Jew-God above their own people.

You're not even talking sense at this point.


[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 20:23:22 ago (+0/-0)

There were Jewish slaves. Read the Bible. There are laws that codify it. You are worth 30 sheckles according to your God.
Read Titus 2:9 and realize that Jesus is talking about YOU.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 22:33:26 ago (+1/-0)

Haha you have no argument.

Jews aren’t playing 23D chess. They don’t set out to invent religions like christianity or judaism or communism to enslave people. It just comes naturally. Jewish christians and other jews were not collaborating to exploit gentiles. Christianity was a real jewish schism. Christian jews may have been exploiting gentiles in the early church but they bred with them until they became extinct as a distinct group within christianity.

Was that the plan? That jewish christians intermarry with gentiles to such an extent that their signal within the christian population was no longer detectable? Are supposed to believe that this was all planned out by the maccabees or the sadduccees? Absurd.
Jews are just good at infiltrating other people’s societies. They infiltrate muslims, buddhists, hindus, you name it. Eh why do I bother.


[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 23:40:55 ago (+0/-0)

I never said the Jews are playing 23D chess.

Is there a conspiracy among rain drops when they all converge to create a river? No, of course not. They do that because that's the nature of water and gravity.

Likewise, Jews don't need to play 23D chess. They all have an instinct for subversion. So, just like the rain drops will inadvertently make a river, the Jew will inadvertently destroy your civilization. All the singular Jew wants is a few sheckles off your labor. But together, the plural Jew will accidentally create Christianity.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 01:28:30 ago (+0/-0)

Every courthouse lawn should have gallows and make it show every Saturday.

[ - ] 3Whuurs 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 01:42:38 ago (+0/-0)

All you need is the same technology being used on us.

[ - ] 3Whuurs 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 01:51:08 ago (+0/-0)

Ethnostate foreign policy should be as civil as possible, something Bill Gates would recommend, for scale sake.
Once a proper ethnostate, brutality needs to be exclusively reserved for leadership, cause even the Reich would have eventually attracted psychopaths to power like every other power structure. .

[ - ] big_fat_dangus 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 02:42:59 ago (+0/-0)

Absolutely fucking based and truth pilled.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 09:08:30 ago (+0/-0)

Stoning and burning are extreme responses to extreme situations. If things have gotten that bad it is already an admission of failure. I have no problem saying that we live in a failed society.

[ - ] tom9152 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 09:40:19 ago (+0/-0)

Spoiled children become leftists. Can't handle criticism. Parents (government) will save them. Getting free stuff they didn't earn. Spoiled.

[ - ] thebearfromstartrack4 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 10:43:47 ago (+0/-0)

You are CORRECT sir. This ZERO tolerance bullshit is FROM those who preach inclusion TOO. TOTALITARIANS. LIBERALS.

[ - ] Larebile -1 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 08:43:25 ago (+1/-2)

You’re a stupid fuck.

[ - ] 1Icemonkey -3 points 2.5 yearsJan 2, 2022 23:52:34 ago (+0/-3)

You’re twacked homie. There are no nukes. Never have been.

[ - ] jewsbadnews [op] 1 point 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 02:25:02 ago (+1/-0)

How did they make all that footage then? Looks pretty real.

[ - ] big_fat_dangus 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 3, 2022 02:43:47 ago (+0/-0)

Pay no mind to the schizos