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Syrian Lannister

submitted by LawFag to funny 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 12:17:54 ago (+41/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


57 comments block

[ - ] natehiggers 4 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 12:21:46 ago (+4/-0)

He demands trial by jihad

[ - ] Khash1488 2 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 13:01:19 ago (+5/-3)

White muslim alliance now, armies of nationalist muslims should march into Israel through Syria & overwhelm them. If they do not then the rest of the Middle-East will end up just as the Palestinians did. I fucking hate jews with all my heart. Isis are a jew controlled crypto kike force, they never once harmed any jews and in fact only cause destabilization which leads to more jewish involvement and land grabs. Assad is the protector of ancient Christian & Muslim peoples/history alike.

[ - ] derpfroot 4 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 13:20:44 ago (+5/-1)

Not our fight. This is the same reason we want nothing to do with israel. They can settle their own shit. We have our own stuff to deal with. Let them kill each other.

[ - ] Khash1488 5 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 13:31:37 ago (+6/-1)

It would greatly weaken the jew world order. You wouldn’t delight in subversive jewland getting what they deserve? Israel is like their home base. I am half Syrian half Norwegian, so I have bias. I am a Christian White Nationalist but this is a conclusion I have come to. I feel as if the Middle-East is more primed for anti-zionism. The alliance would be similar to Germany & Japan, two separate battlefields but united under a mutual opposition to world jewry. I don’t want Europeans dying in sandland unless it means that they regain Jerusalem and the other former white empires. The reason I look like 100% German is because some Syrians and Turkish have remnants of dna from the whites who once civilized the area. You are missing out on a great ally which is exactly what the anti-Christ synagogue of Satan wants. Saddam Hussein was a great man, basically arab national socialists, of course the jews get us brainwashed to fight and hate them. And then in turn brainwash the arabs and displace them into Europe/the west.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 19:31:46 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] natehiggers 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 14:07:45 ago (+1/-1)

The Japanese were honorable and trustworthy, it's part of their culture. Arabs and many other Muslim cultures have a culture of lying and deceitfulness.

Saddam was a great man and a great leader, I largely suspect he also wasn't a very devout Muslim.

[ - ] Khash1488 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 14:43:24 ago (+0/-0)

Funny how you call japs trustworthy. I really like the Japanese people and history too, they are the master race of asians and descend from Siberian Ainu. But I see absolutely no reason why they are more trustworthy? They will also support their own people and land over Europe, which is good and how all the races should be. Love and preserve your own people.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 16:10:41 ago (+0/-0)

Highly polygamous people are not trustworthy and the reason is genetic. Japanese are historically less polygamous than towel heads.

[ - ] Khash1488 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 16:16:07 ago (+0/-0)

Lol I don’t know any muslims who are polygamist. All of my Syrian family and associates have been faithful monogamous people. I have yet to meet a polygamist arab, but the arabs I know aren’t brown. Syria comes from the word Aryan just like Iran.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 16:47:15 ago (+0/-0)

It doesn’t matter that you and your relatives are not polygamist. Populations in which polygamous unions are more frequent historically have genetics for higher violence and corruption . We are talking about what you ancestors have been doing for the last 20 or 50 generations.

When males are able to succeed reproductively by hoarding multiple women they generally do; that is, more polygamous males will replace more monogamous ones. The tendency for polygamy/monogamy is genetic.

When a population becomes more polygamous the males also become more violent and more greedy. This is because violent males who kill off the competition are successful polygamists, as are males who hoard enough wealth to hoard many females. Polygamy incentivized greed and violence in males. This is why muslim nations tend to be more violent and corrupt. Its these genetic traits that are favored in a polygamous system. There is less trust between males because they are always trying to steal each other’s females. It is not a direct result of reading the Koran but rather a genetic state that was brought about by the religion.

It is a behavioral problem that will hang around for many generations after polygamy stops. The most monogamous groups (historically) are the germanics. Cold weather tends to favor monogamists over polygamists but I won’t bore you here with why that is.

I understand that syrians and Iranians are not the same as actual arabians or pakis or libyans. But I think people tend to focus on who there ancestors were 2000 or 5000 or 10,000 years ago while not realizing that we are still evolving, and that some of our behavioral difference comes from how our ancestors were living more recently.

[ - ] Khash1488 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 17:13:34 ago (+0/-0)

Yes arabs are clearly different and have evolved different traits. But to blanket all groups of arabs as goat fucking child bride polygamists is disingenuous. Some 100% arabs in Syria have blonde hair and blue eyes, and others are nearly indistinguishable

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 17:44:33 ago (+1/-0)

If you reread that long boring comment, you will find that Im saying that blond hair doesn’t preclude you from having polygamist traits. Any population that practices polygamy will develop these other traits like violence, theft, deception.

Polygamous societies favor males with genetic traits for high libido, high violence, and high theft and corruption. These traits help males succeed in polygamous society. So does taking very young brides, in the case of polygyny, which is what we are talking about with the ME.

White people will become more corrupt if we continue to practice divorce, out of wedlock sex, etc. Its all the same. It leads to genetic changes that favor success in a polygamous environment.

Check out this article for a better explanation. https://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/monogamous-societies-superior-to-polygamous-societies

[ - ] Redhairin 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 1, 2022 08:31:41 ago (+0/-0)

"Japanese were honorable and trustworthy"

I doubt the past POWs in the Japanese prison camps would agree. I know the Chinese and Filipinos wouldn't....the older ones still have a hate-on!

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 16:05:04 ago (+0/-0)

The problem is that Islam is a world conquest religion. The Muslims invaded into Europe with armies before they invaded as "refugees".

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 16:13:10 ago (+1/-0)

Yes but it could be a limited alliance in which whites and muslims agree to terms after defeating jews. And if they fink we fight a war with them as well. After were done with the jews.

[ - ] Khash1488 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 16:11:17 ago (+0/-0)

Jews were the ones who encouraged the crusades, and also were the ones who orchestrated and helped the moors conquer Spain. Carthage may not have been urged by the jews, but who cares anyways what are you afraid of some good old fashioned holy warfare? Fuck the muslims up if they step foot on Europe.

[ - ] chrimony 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 22:30:44 ago (+1/-0)

Fuck the muslims up if they step foot on Europe.

They're already in Europe, and are on pace to taking over without firing a single shot.

[ - ] Khash1488 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 1, 2022 04:35:17 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah it is disgusting how the sandniggers are raping, beating, killing, all while they laugh and get away with it because of jews like barbara spector and all the other politicians. They are a disgrace to my people. Personally I care the most about Germany & Norway, and it is downright evil what is going on. Listen to Mr. Bond and hear what he has to say about the current state of Austria. Those muslims will burn in hell. I get why especially native Europeans are much less understanding of muslims, but I promise that the jews have the greatest influence of all even on the arabs. It’s a jew tactic to blame and hate muslims, many good muslims have died because they opposed zog. The rapefugees sure are making the arabs who want to free their people from zog look bad though. Jews say one jewish fingernail is worth more than a million arabs and are committing genocide on the middle east, bringing degeneracy. reguardless of alliances or not I am just saying that real muslims who aren’t braindead absolutely hate the jews and the jew world order. We hate sin & blasphemy. The jews are the cause of all genocides, the vast majority are literally Satan’s followers.

[ - ] Redhairin 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 1, 2022 08:34:25 ago (+0/-0)

All three of the Abrahamic-based religions qualify as "world conquest" cults...they just use different methods.

[ - ] Khash1488 3 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 13:32:59 ago (+4/-1)

My grandfather fought Israel in Syria in the seven day war & they lost because the jewish soviets betrayed them all the way, beginning with selling them faulty tanks and weaponry.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 16:08:32 ago (+1/-0)

This is stupid. Anyone fighting jews is a potential ally. We don’t have to get married.

[ - ] Khash1488 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 16:29:09 ago (+0/-0)

Still muslims are obviously not going to be openly allowed to immigrate to white nations. Remove the jew from power and the brainwashed refugees will go back to the sand and culture that they love. Also just as an fyi, arabs are a mixed people and have great genetic diversity, it is Islam that unites them as a people. Some arabs are more white whereas some are less. The Levant & Balkans are home to the whiter arabs.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 17:07:31 ago (+0/-0)

I addressed this elsewhere. I believe monogamy is the key to high trust, highly productive societies with higher levels of egalitarianism because monogamist males are less competitive and compete through economic productivity. You will notice that Albanians and Bosnians still have a lot of crime and violence in their populations compared to neighboring christians. Its not a choice. Its not really culture either although the culture and the genetics are related.

Polygamy is the underlying motive of the majority of male violence, crime, and corruption. We all have male polygamists in the family tree. The question is how many and how long ago. Blacks for instance have been highly polygamous for 200,000 years straight. Whitish middle easterners would have more mixed history. As I said before, cold weather seems to kill polygamists, because it is a highly inefficient economic strategy in winter among populations reliant on meat.

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 22:17:44 ago (+0/-0)

Yes yes, we all know levant is somewhat less brown and the Balkans are somewhat whiter. Still don’t make them White. Go back to your mudhut village, mohamad, nobody cares

[ - ] Redhairin 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 1, 2022 08:45:33 ago (+0/-0)

A potential useful tool and useful idiot maybe. An ally? Never. Only an idiot allies himself with a sworn enemy, ever ready to slit your throat the first time you turn your back, drop your guard, or give the jackal any reason to think it no longer needs you. Kinda like buying a rabid guard dog to patrol your perimeter.

[ - ] natehiggers 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 13:31:10 ago (+1/-1)*

Muslims are untrustworthy and it's part of the Koran to lie to and kill infidels like us. The Koran also encourages degeneracy like race mixing, rape, incest, child brides, plural marriage and pedophilia. Muslims are little better then the kikes and should never be trusted.

While they aren't our primary enemies they also aren't our allies and as such should be treated with hostility. Also any White of European heritage who converts willingly to Islam is a race traitor and should be executed.

[ - ] Khash1488 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 13:40:42 ago (+1/-1)

Muslims don’t brainwash and genocide the white race. They don’t teach that Jesus is boiling in excrement like the talmud does.

[ - ] natehiggers 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 13:45:34 ago (+1/-1)*

First off I'm not a Christian and will likely never be one. Second any alliance between Whites and Arabs is doomed to failure because Arab Muslims are untrustworthy when it comes to dealing with Infidels like me. They would willing turn on Whites and start invading European lands as part of their "caliphate". They only Muslim leader that is even trustworthy is Assad and that's because I suspect he is a true Fascist.

[ - ] Khash1488 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 13:57:50 ago (+1/-1)

You don’t need to trust them or give them any concessions, it is a mutual team up to stop the new world order. I do agree that at least half of the muslims would get greedy and seek to impose a caliphate in Europe, this is what the jews brainwash them into pursuing. And the fake muslims do have a history of choosing the jewish lures of power & money over their own people and faith. But it will not be allowed, I think even the Middle-East wouldn’t be a universal caliphate, the Levant would still have Christianity. The jews wont even let the arabs have a non-jewish caliphate now in the middle east, they would be more than happy to free their land of jews and western degeneracy.

[ - ] natehiggers 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 14:01:40 ago (+1/-1)

You answered your own question. They would turn on us, Arabs are largely a greedy and savage culture. They fight with each other over religion and resources, you think they are going to share the world with us. The minute it becomes convenient the Muslim world will turn on us a declare jihad on Europe.

[ - ] Khash1488 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 14:30:42 ago (+0/-0)

Even if that is possible, the risk would be worth bringing the jew world order to its knees. I think you are overplaying the threat to a nationalist Europe that non-jewed muslims would pose. Certainly the threat would be easier to defend against than jews, who do all of their opposition in secret and use others. Muslim armies would be easily conquered and would serve good practice for the warriors of Europe. Jews are more subversive and never attack direct. An army is easier to repel than a fifth column.

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 22:20:44 ago (+0/-0)

Stfu you lying faggot. The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy, in this case

[ - ] Khash1488 -1 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 13:50:13 ago (+1/-2)

That is why you are trash and will never save your people from the children of the devil. If you are an actual European I pray that you see the truth one day before your time on earth is over, otherwise enjoy hell and a soul/life wasted. Jesus says that you will cry & be filled with regret in the flames but be unable to repent, so repent now while you can.

[ - ] natehiggers 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 13:51:26 ago (+1/-1)

Jesus is a creation of the kikes. I refuse to worship something the kikes created. Why would I ever worship a dead kike on a stick.

[ - ] Khash1488 -1 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 14:00:12 ago (+0/-1)

You sound retarded. Hitler would be disappointed in your inhumanity. Real nationalists follow God. Europeans are God’s people and Christianity is the preservation of your holy blood and soil. Jesus still offers you forgiveness if you disown this corrupting way of thinking.

[ - ] natehiggers 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 14:03:47 ago (+0/-0)

My ancestors were forced into Christianity by Rome. My forefathers worshipped the Pagan Gods of old. I have no hostility towards Christians, but their Reliagon is Jewish in Origin and not for me as a White man of European heritage.

[ - ] FacelessOne 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 14:12:02 ago (+1/-1)

So you take the Side of jews and hate Jesus

[ - ] natehiggers 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 14:13:25 ago (+0/-0)

No, I simply worship the Gods of my ancestors.

[ - ] Khash1488 -1 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 14:02:48 ago (+0/-1)

You sound retarded. Hitler would be disappointed in your inhumanity. Real nationalists follow God. Europeans are God’s people and Christianity is the preservation of your holy blood and soil. Jesus still offers you forgiveness if you disown this corrupting way of thinking.

[ - ] Khash1488 -1 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 13:39:20 ago (+1/-2)

Blah blah blah another ignorant most likely jew. You call yourself based and knowledgable but can’t see how the jews are much greater enemies than Islam? Why would they kill us when the Quoran tells them to make converts? 20% of Syria is Christian, St.Peters Basilica has been protected and cherished there for a millennium, my middle name is given from a Christian saint. If anything Islam directs them to kill subversive sinner jews and reprobates. Focus on the jew and dismantling his chokehold at all costs.

[ - ] Shotinthedark 4 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 13:10:22 ago (+4/-0)

He need a extra small suicide vest

[ - ] JudyStroyer 5 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 13:35:53 ago (+5/-0)

Yeah, the kinds that kids have with a leash attached

[ - ] account deleted by user 5 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 13:40:50 ago (+5/-0)

account deleted by user

[ - ] thebearfromstartrack4 2 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 14:46:21 ago (+2/-0)

and he was ALIVE at the end. Something SHAMEFUL about that. "Elites" no matter WHAT.

[ - ] xmasskull 3 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 15:20:34 ago (+3/-0)

Syrian Peter Dinklage.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 16:06:43 ago (+0/-0)

That is the cutest jihadi ever!

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 22:22:42 ago (+0/-0)

Showing your true jewess colours here, “Helena”.
Only a subversive sick woman will find a 2 foot tall stinky goat fucker, who wants to genocide White Europeans, cute

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 31, 2021 22:41:34 ago (+0/-0)

This reeks of desperation. Your “boy who cried jew” propensity only shows how weak your debate skills are. You undermine your own credibility by issuing petulant ad hominems that literally no one believes. Carry on being ridiculous sweetheart. Good to know you are thinking of me constantly.

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 1, 2022 14:22:24 ago (+0/-0)

Bla bla bla
Your reply reeks of deflection
Get fucked Rachael

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 1, 2022 16:15:38 ago (+0/-0)

Your mom is Rachael

[ - ] boekanier 0 points 2.5 yearsJan 1, 2022 05:29:50 ago (+0/-0)

Allah is laughing at this idiot.