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Anyone still wearing a mask in public disgusts me

submitted by nada to whatever 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 00:23:29 ago (+42/-0)     (whatever)

I take solace in the fact there is a chance they could all be dead soon.

35 comments block

[ - ] MadJack 1 point 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 18:30:30 ago (+1/-0)

Some people who are Immunocompromised should wear them. Some causes are cancer and chemotherapy.

[ - ] ForgottenMemes 0 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 13:48:45 ago (+0/-0)

It's the law around here. I still don't do it, but many people comply with laws no matter what.

[ - ] Merlynn 0 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 13:47:54 ago (+0/-0)

It's not a mask,it's a scarf and I'm fucking cold.

[ - ] fnbs 0 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 13:07:43 ago (+0/-0)

Anyone from the very beginning who willingly putting one of those face diapers have disgusted me

[ - ] TheDivineLight 0 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 11:01:21 ago (+0/-0)

Thank god my area is only semi masktarded, but the ones wearing them, always give them that look of disgust. Deep down they know.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 0 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 12:58:40 ago (+0/-0)

I live in an area where masking is basically gone, except for the less than 1% that still do, and it really does make you wonder what's going on with them. There are people who make lifestyle decisions that I don't agree with, and would never do myself, but I can still basically understand why they do it...and then there are the people who wear masks. They walk into a store and no one is wearing a mask, not the shoppers, not even the employees...how does that make the mask people feel?

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 10:55:34 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] RedBarchetta 2 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 10:52:53 ago (+2/-0)

Orange County, most all white people have said fuck it, we're onto the scumbag newsom and just don't. I go into the gym and they ask when I enter. Sir, please put on a mask. "Nope" or "No thank you, I am not sick." that's the last of it. But it is every night.

[ - ] solomonpapermaster 1 point 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 10:43:49 ago (+1/-0)

I saw a dumbass outside waiting for the bus.

He was wearing a face mask and a t-shirt. Yes a t-shirt with nothing else on top of it. Outside. In the middle of winter. In Canada.

Thank god he had his mask for protection.

[ - ] derpfroot 2 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 10:38:00 ago (+2/-0)

The weird thing about that is that a masks has never been shown to eliminate, or even reduce, airborne virus transmission.

[ - ] Blackpowerwhitepowder 1 point 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 09:49:23 ago (+1/-0)

I’m in the sub fag metropolis of la and I do not wear masks, I haven’t and won’t test of get vax.

Best advice I can give is this, never stop moving when you’re going into a mask place, just ignore, or acknowledge and smile, say thankyou and keep it moving. Basically I’m doing what the Mexicans and old Asian ladies do, I’m just smiling and nodding and going about my buisness. If I get stopped directly I just say “I’m not doing that thankyou.”

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 0 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 13:00:06 ago (+0/-0)*

People had a hard time believing me when this all started, but, like you, I just calmly say no thank you and keep walking. Works every time.

[ - ] v0atmage 2 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 09:35:13 ago (+2/-0)

Anyone still wearing a mask

Still? Anyone who bought into the premise in the first place is either really stupid or really obedient.

[ - ] Unreasonable 1 point 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 09:04:20 ago (+1/-0)

I moved to a part of the country where nobody wears masks. It’s glorious.

[ - ] Redhairin -2 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 08:59:27 ago (+1/-3)

And your disgust means about as much to me as the indignant outrage of the idiot that tried to rip my mask off in the early days of the Branch Covidian Hysteria...which is to say, none at all. I don't give a flying fuck whether you wear a real mask, wear a fake mask, or wear no mask. Since my 3M surgical mask has kept me flu & colds free for the past 2+ years, I got no doubt it will continue to do so against anything you are packing in your swollen-eyed, snot dripping, coughing & groaning body. In other words, the consequences are all on you, and none on me, so this one gets filed under 'not my problem'. You like dealing with the flu? You love trying to beg the doctor out of the antibiotics he has zero intention of giving you? You have my blessings. There are way too many retarded attack dogs on both sides, desperate to make control-freaky decrees on what others have to do, and absolutely cannot do because WE say so.

[ - ] v0atmage 1 point 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 09:35:54 ago (+1/-0)

Masks are fake and gay.

[ - ] DonaldJTrump 0 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 08:17:44 ago (+0/-0)

I used to feel similarly but I've adjusted my reaction, not my convictions. Of course it's largely foolish, especially outside. That said, your reaction adds to your own cortisol level. Better to learn to forget it as quickly as possible. I suspect many of us have higher basal levels of stress over things like that and those reactions are likely just as much an intended side effect as anything else.

[ - ] Steelerfish 5 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 07:46:22 ago (+5/-0)*

I don’t mind because it is a dead giveaway of who the New Yorkers and Massholes are down here in FL. You can tell they are miserable and seething at us locals who simply don’t give a fuck.

I have seen several dumbasses laying out on the beach wearing nothing but a bathing suit and a mask…
They must think the face tan line affirms that they are a righteous, responsible citizen that cares about everyone’s health, but oblivious to the fact it screams “I’m a fucking idiot sheep”……

[ - ] goatfugee12 0 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 06:31:38 ago (+2/-2)

If it's a really old man or a really old woman it doesn't bother me but for any1 under say 65ish I think of them as non human. I know the mask does fuck all but when you're 85 you may be a bit more precautious

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 11:44:03 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] texasblood 6 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 05:11:29 ago (+6/-0)

It means they are jabbed,just leave them be their time is short.

[ - ] Her0n 0 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 05:03:22 ago (+0/-0)

When I smile at people and they act afraid of me I start laughing at them. I’ve had to tell multiple people to stay home if they are that scared. Every major store has free curbside pickup if they can’t live without their shit.

I’m glad I only leave for work anymore, even then it’s only for a few days a month at most.

My heart goes out to you guys who have to constantly deal with this shit.

[ - ] 9000timesempty 0 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 04:09:23 ago (+0/-0)

It's getting hard to not say something or at least smirk. I'd rather just call them fucking morons when I see them but I have my work shirt on most of the time.

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 04:05:07 ago (+0/-0)

At this point if the government said it was illegal to wear masks they'd have a near revolution. How else will others know how much they matter. You'd have to beat them half to death to make them realize they really really do not matter

[ - ] deleted 8 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 01:37:09 ago (+8/-0)


[ - ] FalseRealityCheck 3 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 10:17:32 ago (+3/-0)

The world is a fucking freak show.

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 0 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 12:05:29 ago (+0/-0)

The world's a freak show and I've got front row seats.

[ - ] Kozel 12 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 00:43:08 ago (+12/-0)

In California Gay Area walking on a hiking trail some months ago. The entrance to it said one must wear a mask on the trail. I kept throwing that sign away but faggots kept putting it back. Anyway, about 2/3 people passing me would either be wearing a mask or would put one on as they walked past me. Outside. In the sunshine. On top of a hill. In nature.

[ - ] 1Icemonkey 4 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 00:53:50 ago (+4/-0)

I’m north of you in Sac Co, and they are just as fagged out.

[ - ] Kozel 4 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 00:56:56 ago (+4/-0)

I'm northeast of you snowboarding. They don't wear masks here. Well, almost...

I was getting on a chairlift that seats 4 and this chinx family of 3 wearing masks on a mountain top in the snow asks me if I would mind taking the next lift. i tell them it seats 4 and to keep it moving. ended up riding vip by myself. fucking weirdos.

[ - ] 1Icemonkey 2 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 10:47:18 ago (+2/-0)

Hell, those chinx wear masks on a good day. It’s dey kultchah!

[ - ] Youdgetfuckedfaggot 0 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 12:22:40 ago (+0/-0)

Walked past a daycare the other day and the gook was the only one wearing a mask. I was surprised to only see one gook!

[ - ] lord_nougat 1 point 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 02:12:18 ago (+1/-0)

That's relatively uncommon down here in the harbor.

[ - ] boekanier 1 point 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 03:32:57 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] Speakfreely 0 points 2.4 yearsDec 30, 2021 00:38:20 ago (+0/-0)

Relax there