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yesiknow 1 points 2.4 years ago

Technocracy should have been fire bombed and it's cult members drowned in 1930.

The original groups were engineers who were thoroughly convinced they should rule the world and have all bureaucrats and tax dollars under their control. They started after just after radio came along and electricity was magic and sci fi images with thunderbolts and lightening strikes was everywhere. People assumed they were dull witted sci fi fanboys with delusions of grandeur. THat's what they were.

Technocracy member MK Hubbert invented the peak oil theory and he got his education in the 1920's and 30's and used data tables not reality; like how the Club of Rome used a computer in 1968 to say the world will die if the population isn't 500,000 people and all resources and money and control has to be given to the UN OR ELSE!!

The problem was that the "official" technocracy club was a hokey little group who had a sign outside their clubhouses on the west coast that looked like the same sign Safeway stores used and nobody took them seriously. It was the next generation fanboys that ran with it. They just added in the abuse of EST style self improvement from jew psycho arts.

NO original thought has ever been formed by any of the current technocrats even though they're all old as shit, and deserve to be hanged. Mot of probably can't operate a laptop alone.

And the writer is wrong to say it's technocracy, not communism. They're the same damned thing and the reason nobody will pay heed is because they've been abused by communism already and can't hear any more than that dumb wife with two black eyes can hear people saying "get out"