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Compilation of questions for normies using the Socratic method, for the purposes of checkmating and redpilling them.

submitted by alacrity167 to whatever 2.5 yearsDec 21, 2021 14:18:44 ago (+14/-0)     (whatever)

Archive link: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/269301421/

“I've been devising a few simple questions that we can use to subtly redpill normies - your gf, your friends etc. The objective is to make them examine their beliefs, and gently introduce them to critical, rational thinking through simple Socratic questioning. There’s a special emphasis on highlighting contradictions in woke ideology. I'd like your feedback and ideas, anons.”

A transwoman goes to a waxing salon owned by a muslim woman who is religiously against sharing intimate space with a man. The transwoman demands to have her penis and balls waxed. The muslim woman refuses. Who is in the wrong? If you were a judge of this case, what would your ruling be?
(1b) >A Christian bakery owner refuses to bake a cake for a gay couple, citing religious objections. Is this acceptable? Explain your answer.
If congress was 50% cis-men and 50% trans women (MtF), would you agree that it had a fair gender balance?
Many people support immigration, saying that "immigrants do jobs that locals won't". Do you think it's ethical to import foreigners to do such jobs, rather than improve wages and working conditions until locals are happy doing them?
If the criminal justice system in the USA is white supremacist, why are asians incarcerated at lower rates than whites?
BLM says that the disproportionate incarceration and police killings of blacks is evidence of racism. Do you think that the disproportionate incarceration and police killings of men is evidence of sexism?
A girl’s 100-meter sprint race is held. The three finalists will receive a full-ride scholarship to a prestigious university, worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. All three winners are pre-op transgirls. The 4th, 5th, and 6th place are cis-girls. The cisgirls complain that the transgirls had an unfair advantage. Are they being bigoted?
The NBA is majority black. Do you think this is evidence of racism among coaches? Most software companies are majority white. Do you think this is evidence of racism among tech CEOs?
Black people tend to do poorly in standardized tests compared to the national average. BLM says this is because of racism. Why do Asians do better on standardized tests compared to the national average?
Do you think an innocent person should be punished for crimes their parents or grandparents committed? How about their siblings or cousins? What about their distant ancestors?
The British brutally colonized Ireland, starving and killing millions of Irish and banning their language. So many Irish died that their population still hasn’t recovered to its pre-industrial level. The Japanese brutally colonized Korea and Taiwan. Today, Ireland, Korea, and Taiwan are successful and wealthy. Why do you think that other former colonies like Congo, Zimbabwe, and Haiti aren’t successful today?
In the 1960’s, the NY Philharmonic replaced open auditions with blind auditions to select its musicians (in blind auditions, the musician is hidden from view). The gender ratio went from 3% women to almost 50% women. Today, they are considering removing blind auditions, because too many musicians are white and asian and not enough are black and hispanic. Which system do you like best: blind or open auditions?
Tall parents are more likely to have tall kids. Fair parents are more likely to have fair kids. Do you think that smart parents are more likely to have smart kids?
Approximately 360,000 Union soldiers sacrificed their lives to free the slaves during the American Civil War. Many of them left behind widows and fatherless children. Do you think that their descendants should pay reparations to the black descendants of slaves?
It’s often said that discrimination is acceptable as long as we’re “punching up”. Who do you think should decide which way is “up”? Could “up” change over time? Jewish people are the wealthiest minority in the USA, with the lowest incarceration rate. Are Jewish people “up”?
It’s often said that diversity is our strength. Many institutions have diversity offices and have made diversity a core objective. If you could decide, what would the demography of a perfectly diverse country look like?
The People’s Republic of China encourages citizens from the majority ethnic group (Han Chinese) to immigrate to Tibet, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong. The Chinese Communist government believes that through immigration and interbreeding, they can improve those regions. Some Tibetans, Uyghurs, and Hong Kong citizens dislike immigration and are afraid of being ethnically replaced. Are they being racist?
Joe Biden recently celebrated the fact that the USA is becoming less white. Today, the USA is 60% white, and the rate is dropping by around 0.5% per year. Under-16’s are already majority nonwhite. What do you feel is the perfect % of whites in the USA?
You have to leave a 3-year-old child unsupervised with a dog for 20 minutes. You can choose one of the following breeds: Pit Bull, Golden Retriever, Rottweiler, Springer Spaniel. Which do you choose? Why?
After the Korean War, the Korean peninsula was divided. South Korea was supported by Capitalist America, and North Korea was supported by Communist China and the USSR. Today, we can see the two different ideologies in action. If you could choose to live in one of the two, which would you choose?
Mao Zedong is responsible for the deaths of at least 50 million Chinese people. Stalin is responsible for the deaths of at least 15 million people. Pol Pot is responsible for the deaths of almost a third of Cambodians. Why do you think that it’s acceptable for young Americans to wear hammer-and-sickle insignia and call themselves communist?
Many democrats feel that access to abortion is very important. Black people are 13 percent of the population, but have 37 percent of the nation's abortions. Is this good or bad? Why?
When white people move into a majority-nonwhite neighborhood, the phenomenon is often called "gentrification". Should the government or local communities take steps to prevent gentrification? Explain your answer.
White people often prefer to live in majority white communities, and move accordingly. This phenomenon is called "white flight". Do you feel that the government or local communities should help minorities move into white neighborhoods, and/or prevent white people from moving away from minorities? Explain your answer.
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden have all referred to the USA as a “Nation of immigrants”. Justin Trudeau has also called Canada a “Nation of Immigrants”. How do you think Indigenous Peoples and First Nations feel about this view?
Since 2015, Sweden and Germany have accepted hundreds of thousands of non-European immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees. Five years later, these ‘New Europeans’ have an average 78% unemployment rate. Should there be a limit on how many refugees and asylum seekers a country accepts?
The USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are all former British colonies. Bolivia, Guatemala, Peru, and Venezuela are all former Spanish colonies. Why are the former countries so wealthy, while the latter are so poor?
A genie forces you to live in a foreign country for the rest of your life. You will magically receive citizenship and speak the local language fluently. You are allowed to select five countries to live in, from which the genie will randomly choose one. Which five countries do you choose? Do you think that a Republican, a Neo-Nazi, or member of the alt-right would choose a similar list of countries?
In 2019, many muslim parents in Birmingham UK protested against local schools teaching their children about LGBTQ issues. Do you think that the government should force muslim parents to allow their children to learn about homosexuality, trans, and queer issues?
Do you feel that all human lives are intrinsically and equally valuable, or are some human lives more valuable than others? Do you think that saying “All Lives Matter” is wrong? If so, why?
Disney recently decided to change Splash Mountain’s theme, to distance itself from racism in “Song of the South”. Many people feel that old-fashioned attitudes, even if they were normal in their historical context, should be removed from present-day institutions. The Prophet Mohammad married his wife Aisha when she was between 6 and 9 years old. Should muslims reject this aspect of the Prophet’s life?
Many people support immigration policies because immigrants bring valuable skills to our country. This often means that poorer countries suffer from “brain drain”, losing valuable skills necessary for national development to emigration. Do you think that US, Canadian, and European open border policies are ethical? What role do these policies play in perpetuating global inequality?
Citizens in developed countries consume far more resources than those in developing countries, and have far more negative environmental impact. Immigration is often cited as a way of boosting the ageing population of developed countries. Is it positive, overall, for developed countries to try and grow their population in this way?
French psychologist Alfred Binet invented the IQ test. It is often said that IQ tests are racist, Eurocentric, and/or white supremacist. Do you agree? Ashkenazi Jews and Northeast Asians (Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Mongolians) tend to score higher than whites on average on IQ tests. Why do you think this is?
Black immigrants to the USA are incarcerated at lower rates than US-born whites (472/10,000 vs. 898/10,000). Why do you think this might be?
You are walking home late at night, and notice two people following you. You are in a country where any citizen can legally own a firearm, and you are not armed. If you could choose, would you rather that the two people following you be Japanese-American women, or African-American men?
In living memory, Japanese-Americans were interned in camps, had their property confiscated, and had their pets killed by US officials. Many Chinese-Americans arrived in California as coolie labour and were subject to the Chinese Exclusion act. Television shows often mock Asian Americans. Why do you think these groups are successful today?
Local communities often object to having asylum centers and refugee relocation programs in their area. Should local communities be listened to in cases like this, or should the central government override local objections and force them to accept refugees?
Do you think that telling a white person that they’ve “never been judged by their skin color” is judging them by their skin color?
During World War 2, Germany was completely burned to the ground, destroyed by both Allied and Russian forces. Despite this, Germany was rebuilt with aid from the Marshal plan, from which it received 14billion dollars. African nations have received a total of 848billion in aid since 1960, yet no African nation is anywhere near as wealthy as Germany. Why do you think this is the case?
Recently, the City of Berkeley voted to halve the police budget. If you could examine any data from Berkeley in one year's time, what data would you examine to assess if this decision was good or bad?
Increasing the supply of labor decreases wages. Do you agree that low-skill and low-education Americans who complain about low-skill and low-education immigration are racist?
On average, black people tend to perform poorly on IQ tests. Because of this, the state of California has made it illegal to administer IQ tests to black citizens. Do you think this is a sensible law?
When a dog misbehaves, it’s often said that we should “blame the owner, not the dog”. When a child misbehaves, it’s often said that we should “blame the parents, not the kid”. Do you agree that white people are partly or mostly responsible for high black crime rates?
The Smithsonian African American Museum recently published an infographic that described white culture as valuing “objectivity, rationality, rugged individualism, delayed gratification, and politeness”. What do you think some examples of black culture might be?
Feminists sometimes say that males suppress their emotions, leading to high violent crime rates and suicide. Recently, a prominent feminist made a popular series of mugs and T-shirts with the text “I Drink Male Tears”. Do you think this is a helpful way to encourage men to be more open about their vulnerabilities?
In the 1950’s, the USA was 90% white and had an obesity rate of 1%. Today, the USA is 60% white, and has an obesity rate of 40%. Do you think that genetics are mainly to blame for the obesity rate, or do other factors such as diet and lifestyle play a main role in explaining it?
In 2018, signs appeared in Melbourne reading “Islam Is Right About Women”. Many locals reported distress, and demanded a police investigation. What do you think “Islam Is Right About Women” means?
During African colonialism, European powers drew national borders without regard for traditional tribal delineations. In the post-colonial era, these borders are sometimes blamed for ethnic violence, as different ethnic groups don’t peacefully coexist, as was the case in Rwanda. Vermont is 96% white, and has the lowest crime rate in the USA. Do you agree that diversity is strength?
Following the London Bridge Terror Attack, London mayor Sadiq Khan declared that muslim terrorism was “part and parcel of living in a big city”. Tokyo has a population of 9 million, and has never had a muslim terror attack. Why do you think this might be?
In 2017, signs appeared on US college campuses with the text “It’s Okay To Be White”. Many students complained about these signs, and several investigations took place. What do you think is the appropriate punishment for a student who thinks that “It’s Okay To Be White”?
Black people are often followed around by shopkeepers who want to “keep an eye on them”. One aspect of white privilege is not being suspected in this way. Why do you think that shopkeepers don’t follow whites around to “keep an eye on them”?
If technology existed to detect if a foetus was going to be gay or trans, would you agree that the decision to selectively abort should be "her body, her choice"?
According to the BBC, 58% of rapes in Sweden are committed by persons born outside of Europe. Due to internalized white supremacism, many white women sexually discriminate against black and middle eastern men. How would you reform the educational system to ensure that white women and girls are more willing to have sexual relations with nonwhite migrants?
Many people are familiar with Aesop’s “Fable of the Boy who cried Wolf”. According to the leaked video revealed by the Daily Mail, while calmly sitting in a car several minutes before he was grappled by police officers, George Floyd stated that “I can’t breathe”. Do you think that the police officers took this fact into account when he later repeated that “I can’t breathe” while being subdued?
In 2012, approximately 3% of Swedish women reported having survived sex crimes. Following the refugee influx to Europe after the destruction of Libya and the Syrian Civil War, the number of female sex crime survivors increased over 400%, to 13% in 2018. Describe some of the ways in which immigrants and refugees enrich “stale and pale” European culture.

4 comments block

[ - ] Tbneer967 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 24, 2021 18:46:56 ago (+0/-0)

Thanks for posting this, it is some quality stuff for the most part.

[ - ] BlowjaySimpson 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 22, 2021 10:30:36 ago (+1/-0)

Should white people be a majority in any place on this planet?
Should black people be a majority in any place on this planet?

[ - ] StealthNinjaTaliban 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 21, 2021 21:28:35 ago (+1/-0)

I read today that the new Matrix movie is "taking back the red pill"

[ - ] NosebergShekelman 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 21, 2021 15:05:42 ago (+1/-0)

If a white man pulls out a ten inch cock, do you feel it oppresses black men?