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25 comments block

[ - ] Nosferatjew 8 points 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 14:06:09 ago (+8/-0)

Send it to Israel.

[ - ] lord_nougat 6 points 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 14:50:54 ago (+6/-0)

Does it take a quarter?

[ - ] ItsBacon 4 points 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 14:09:05 ago (+4/-0)

Used to commit a murder within 2 years.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 2 points 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 17:48:56 ago (+2/-0)

"Re-education apartment"

[ - ] oldblo 2 points 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 21:13:05 ago (+2/-0)

Wrongthinker Recycling for a healthier, safer community.

[ - ] yesiknow 4 points 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 13:32:58 ago (+4/-0)

Why not? Leftists kill their own soul first, so there's no sanctity of life at any time during their entire life span.

I knew a nurse that fled one of those Scandinavian socialist holes because she was sickened by how quick and casual the hospital staff was about suggesting euthanasia. They have no proper concept of other people.

[ - ] jewsbadnews [op] 2 points 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 18:35:33 ago (+2/-0)

Cause they are 85-90%+ non-religious over there.

[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 3 points 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 13:22:59 ago (+3/-0)

Something familiar about those bagsā€¦

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 17:46:35 ago (+0/-0)

Taste the rainbow.

[ - ] oldblo 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 21:01:50 ago (+1/-0)

Makes living in society intolerable.
Offers a death that isnt fighting against the problem.

[ - ] ForgottenMemes 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 20:28:32 ago (+1/-0)

I can't wait until someone is murdered with one of these.

[ - ] oldblo 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 21:04:19 ago (+1/-0)

It will likely be the go to method of suiciding someone.

[ - ] RecycledElectrons 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 10, 2021 21:26:53 ago (+0/-0)

Has anyone told a nigger that it's a flying car yet?

They are only available to POCs.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 17:49:23 ago (+1/-0)

I bet the fat bitch is a jew, look at that curly hair.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 17:56:38 ago (+0/-0)

Look closer, all of them are jews. Only the younger woman with the dark hair might be a shiksa.

[ - ] GoldenAgeWhen 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 17:37:50 ago (+1/-0)

I deal with an addict who is also suicidal. they really need to have a better fix for these people. It would be so much cheaper for the tax payers to buy a large piece of land and allow these people to start over for a few years, than it would to let them hang by a thread for the rest of their lives.

you want out of your situation, instead of eating lead you call up a number and get a ride to a camp you can't leave for x years; and leave your whole world, and all its problems, behind. It isn't perfect, but right now they put these people in facilities filled with other addicts and access to drugs, and they can leave whenever they want. the person i'm talking about has tried like 10x, and been in the hospital dozens of times, all on your dime.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 2 points 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 17:47:30 ago (+2/-0)

I think they call that prison.

[ - ] FellowWhite 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 18:21:31 ago (+0/-0)

I deal with an addict who is also suicidal. they really need to have a better fix for these people. It would be so much cheaper for the tax payers to buy a large piece of land and allow these people to start over for a few years, than it would to let them hang by a thread for the rest of their lives.

What if instead of a thread a rope is used?

[ - ] GoldenAgeWhen 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 18:33:45 ago (+0/-0)

In many/most situations i would agree, but this person is still possibly redeemable, and if the options weren't horrible then they would have been fixed 10 years ago. If there was a policy, like in other totalitarian areas, i could see rope being the policy, and that would keep many from ending up on this path.

[ - ] Nein 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 19:02:56 ago (+0/-0)

That's actually a suffering reducing good thing

[ - ] oldblo 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 21:10:14 ago (+1/-0)

The suffering is artificially induced upon society. It will continue to be so after a suicide.
Suicide of course causes suffering to others as well.
All that it offers is more pain in the world and a way to decrease the surplus population.