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Jewish Washington Post Editor Who Trashed Anti-Vaxxers Dies Of 'Sudden Cardiac Arrest'

submitted by John_B_14 to Jews 2.8 yearsDec 7, 2021 09:03:52 ago (+65/-0)     (www.informationliberation.com)


Dec. 07, 2021

Washington Post editorial page editor (((Fred Hiatt))), a bloodthirsty neocon who used his position to shill America into the war in Iraq and push forced vaccines, died on Monday after suffering from sudden cardiac arrest.



Both of his parents came from Jewish families.



In July 2021, the Washington Post imposed a vaccine mandate on all employees.



20 comments block

I don't understand why ANYONE gives a rat's ass what OTHER people CHOOSE to do (or not do) regarding the vaccine. HOW do we have people like this in our nation?At some point in your adult life, being INTELLIGENT, you HAVE to realize that it does not fucking MATTER what YOU Think. YOU have NO idea what the TRUTH is.