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11 comments block

[ - ] Centaurus 9 points 2.5 yearsDec 4, 2021 05:30:00 ago (+9/-0)

PPSD, lol.

Next up: Lack of gun control is causing heart related problems in children.

[ - ] SaneGoatiSwear 2 points 2.5 yearsDec 4, 2021 06:01:24 ago (+2/-0)

PPSD wtf.. normies will believe anything at this stage.

[ - ] Centaurus 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 4, 2021 06:05:54 ago (+1/-0)

You and I both know that the average person on the street is a brainwashed fool.

[ - ] Empire_of_the_Mind [op] 2 points 2.5 yearsDec 4, 2021 09:48:27 ago (+2/-0)

don't give them any fucking ideas bruh

[ - ] Cunt 7 points 2.5 yearsDec 4, 2021 07:24:31 ago (+7/-0)

It's like when normies admit the numbers of vaccinated people seem too high in light of the number of anti-vax people they know and see at protests and then say the government figures are correct and it's the anti-vax people lying about not getting the clot shot, ashamed to admit they folded and got vaccinated against their beliefs.

[ - ] dingbat 2 points 2.5 yearsDec 4, 2021 10:02:32 ago (+2/-0)

The gaslighting is some next level shit.

[ - ] Wahaha 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 4, 2021 06:25:13 ago (+1/-0)

But were they vaccinated or unvaccinated?

[ - ] Youdgetfuckedfaggot 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 4, 2021 08:31:18 ago (+1/-0)

I didn't even catch the obvious correlation between vaccines and heart illness immediately. I'm so stressed and angry lately my heart does feel like it's going to explode, so I wasn't actually suspicious. 300,000 seems light to me.

[ - ] Empire_of_the_Mind [op] 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 4, 2021 09:50:17 ago (+1/-0)

numbers reported in the (((media))) are always fake. they did a ton of research to determine how people react to various numbers and use whatever number suits their goal. Yes really! anyway, "300,000" is a calming number, due to the zeroes, but it also transmits the key message: a fuck ton. that's a number that tells people that it's really common.

[ - ] Psychicrussiaspy 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 4, 2021 08:33:40 ago (+1/-0)

Bullshit setup propaganda

[ - ] germ22 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 4, 2021 14:30:13 ago (+0/-0)

Yup, nothing to do with the vax. So glad to hear, now i can rest easy and get the clot shot. /s