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7 comments block

[ - ] con77 3 points 2.8 yearsNov 26, 2021 13:03:06 ago (+3/-0)

A long time ago I worked at a HESS mart. Part time. Shit job. I looked at the schedule for the week of Thanksgiving and they had me scheduled for a 18 hour shift that day. I told them I quit and walked out.

[ - ] FinsterBaby 1 point 2.8 yearsNov 26, 2021 15:47:54 ago (+1/-0)

LOL. I worked at HESS overnight shifts as a kid (in the booth, not the mart) and some drunk asshole banged on the window so all the stacked cigarettes and other items fell to the ground and I had to reorder everything.

Then he came back like 30 minutes later and offered me a line of coke. LMAO.

[ - ] 2Drunk 1 point 2.8 yearsNov 26, 2021 17:41:05 ago (+1/-0)

Did you partake?

[ - ] i_hate_sodomites 0 points 2.8 yearsNov 28, 2021 12:09:50 ago (+0/-0)

Oh my god. Some entitled suburbanite has to come with with a plan "B". What a fucking travesty....

[ - ] YamaMaya 2 points 2.8 yearsNov 26, 2021 14:34:08 ago (+2/-0)

Maybe dont do thanksgiving orders. What kind of cunts do this to their employees? Imagine you cant spend time at your own family dinner because you have to cook for some lazy cunts who order their thanksgiving from a fucking restaurant.

[ - ] PygmyGoat 1 point 2.8 yearsNov 30, 2021 04:49:58 ago (+1/-0)

I worked as a kitchen janitor for a hotel restaurant. We worked EVERY holiday. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, etc. People get lazy and don’t want to cook for themselves anymore. I quit after 4 months.

[ - ] FinsterBaby 1 point 2.8 yearsNov 26, 2021 15:45:24 ago (+1/-0)


Stupid whores need to cook for their families.