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fucking south park with the bug eating propaganda

submitted by Systemisgay to videos 2.5 yearsNov 25, 2021 17:40:13 ago (+9/-0)     (youtu.be)


8 comments block

[ - ] voatersarefucktards 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 26, 2021 16:49:33 ago (+0/-0)

They're making fun of it retard

[ - ] AlexanderMorose13 -2 points 2.5 yearsNov 26, 2021 09:58:12 ago (+0/-2)

South Park resident here. For all those of you who think that South Park has lost its edge, it has done quite the opposite. South Park has evolved into a full on trolling show. It's always been that kind of show over the years, now, they're just less subtle about the trolling that they do because we ALL troll everybody on social media as a tool to educate.

South Park did not endorse the bug eating, they just sort of poked at it to imply that bug eating became more popular than meat consumption because it was deemed more "ethical and sustainable" by other people. Every business was part of a subscription plan, so they were all labelled "plus" or had some variant of a rewards benefit program. All the elderly lived in old folks' homes, which were basically high tech prisons with constant surveillance and even watchdog patrols. I was laughing hysterically when Cartman's reintroduction was that he converted to judaism and began acting like an orthodox jew. There was a thread started on YouTube with a reference to the "My Future Self and Me" episode where Cartman decides to destroy his youth and ended up a fat car mechanic. This was way funnier.

South Park knows where the line is and how to manipulate it. A couple of seasons ago, during the "Craig's Mom's Bush" episode, Butters broke into Cartman in the bathroom on the toilet with his pants down and Cartman took a shit in front of him. This would have caused massive outrage during the early seasons of South Park, but this happened without so much as a whimper from everyone.

[ - ] HomerChimpson 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 26, 2021 06:48:35 ago (+1/-0)

It seemed more mocking than supportive of bug eating. It was presented sarcastically, just like the "its the future, what we care most about is keeping old people from getting sick" while keeping those old people in what is essentially a prison

[ - ] Hermes 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 26, 2021 01:36:33 ago (+1/-0)

Wow, I should have always known because it is a television program, but fuck South park. Controlled op bullshit

[ - ] iSmokeMemes 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 25, 2021 23:15:45 ago (+1/-0)

This doesn't even seem, at all, like the same show/writers from 5-6 years ago.

This lazy/soulless narrative pushing isn't what I would have expected from Matt and Trey awhile back. Now, anyone who still produces has already caved...

[ - ] frankenham 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 25, 2021 23:31:53 ago (+1/-0)

They've been doing the show for 20years or so now. They've even admitted in the past several times that they're pretty burnt out on it. Probably just propped up with a shit ton of money and shadow writers pushing agendas. But that's not to mention they've also slowly morphed into the type of people they used to make fun of as well.

[ - ] iSmokeMemes 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 26, 2021 10:42:50 ago (+1/-0)

Yeah, doesn't surprise me at all. They used to take shots at both "sides" pretty evenly, now they just parrot every other MSM bullshit.

As far as getting burnt out only to continue when a ton of cash is thrown at you, the same thing happened to the writer for Archer. He said after the 6th or 7th season that he wanted to wrap up and quit the show, only for FoxFX to say "No! So popular! Have more money!" and he admitted later on that he just took that money and half-heartedly kept making episodes. Just like South Park, it gets pretty obvious pretty quickly when the writers for these shows don't give a crap about what they're doing anymore.

[ - ] thebearfromstartrack4 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 25, 2021 19:46:54 ago (+1/-0)

It's getting pretty EZPZ to notice now manipulative TV ALWAYS has been especially now, that less discrete and less intelligent folk (girls and girly men (fags)) seem to be running things.