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women and low T Men

submitted by fightknightHERO to 4Chan 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 22:09:02 ago (+60/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


Who knew that only Autists and Chads are the only ones immune to kike propaganda?

33 comments block

[ - ] calx 10 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 22:17:39 ago (+10/-0)

Not just physically but mentally and emotionally. The majority of the pigeonheads on this god-forsaken planet just go with the flow to make it easy to process "reality" for themselves in the short term. In the long term they learn nothing and never evolve.

Well anyhow, I don't want a republic. Apparently no one can represent me even with my generous tax dollars. We're well past that.

Govern = control
Ment = mind

Government = mind control

Don't mind me I'm a few drinks in and thinking out loud. Is anything true? We've been lied to our entire lives since birth. +1

[ - ] xmasskull 5 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 22:44:29 ago (+5/-0)

Alcohol,usually brings out uninhibited clarity & truisms.Yes,it is all true.

[ - ] calx 5 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 22:55:54 ago (+5/-0)

In vino veritas :>

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 00:06:41 ago (+1/-0)

age quod agis

[ - ] PhimoticEmbrace 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 00:56:29 ago (+1/-1)

I'm your huckleberry.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 01:03:26 ago (+1/-0)

Alright lunger.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 01:05:24 ago (+1/-0)

Lol. We need government. We need to regulate each other’s behavior. Very much so. But power in our society must be decentralized.

Ive been thinking a lot about the amish and how all of their ordnungs are autonomous. They have a set of core principles and one ordnung decides whether or not another ordnung is similar enough to theirs for them to recognize and have a fellowship with. The christian part is irrelavant.

As societies grow they tend to want to become more centralized. The immediate result is improved efficiency but that is quickly followed by increased corruption. Large centralized bureacracies are magnets for the greedy and dishonest. After a few generations you are literally breeding for these traits in powerful ruling families. The appeal of central planning is basically irresistable for developing countries.

I used to think the amish were too balkanized because they are basically always excommunicating each other for ideological disagreements. But they are truly distributed, and highly efficient, and pretty uncorrupt. The excommunication or banning is the key to their decentralized society.

[ - ] LostProperty 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 06:25:36 ago (+1/-1)

Who's this "we" shit faggot? You don't speak for anyone else.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 09:20:43 ago (+0/-0)

Oh sorry, let me be more clear. Human beings. All homo sapiens must regulate each other’s behavior. I didn’t mean to assume. Niggers, spics, shitskins, whites, chinks. Humans are social and not solitary animals.

With wolverines its a whole diffierent thing. But humans all form societies, and the purpose of societies is to mitigate risk and improve economic efficiency.

But this causes the consequences of my neighbors risky behaviors to fall onto me. Therefore, with economic collaboration comes rules by which such collaboration must be governed. Risks, like reckless reproduction, gold bricking, intoxication, violence, disease spreading, deception must be regulated because they are inefficient and all societies have limited resources. The stricter the rules for behavior of the group, the higher the trust and consequently higher levels of collaboration can be accomplished, which leads to more efficient wealth production.

Groups with the highest in-group regulation of behavior are the most prosperous. Period. Thats why whites have nice countries. Niggers have formed loosely regulated societies in which all kinds of inefficient opportunistic behaviors have been permitted for hundreds of thousands of years and that is why they are niggers. But even niggers regulate. Perhaps you are from Mars?

[ - ] NuckFiggers 3 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 23:55:47 ago (+3/-0)*

For a number of reasons I was a very unpopular kid growing up and no matter what I did or how I acted I was always the kid that was picked on. Because of that I long ago stopped trying to fit in and I never really had a need to belong. That has been a blessing in so many ways I can't tell you. One thing it has given me is a distrust of anything that is adopted by the masses for no reason other than 'everyone does it'.

It's also made me feel like most people are complete fucking morons and will fuck themselves just to be accepted

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 02:27:22 ago (+0/-0)

I was the opposite. Highly social and never had trouble fitting in. I like people who are stupid as much as I like people who think they're smart. People who are very smart are difficult to acomodate, and they have to be accommodated if you want to spend time with them.

I don't want stupid people running the world and that's exactly what we have. I don't have to be genius with some kind of cutting insight to see what's going on. The complacent that don't give a fuck are getting rewards for being complacent and not giving a fuck.

[ - ] NuckFiggers 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 04:20:31 ago (+1/-0)

Someone smart enough to be running any country is going to take a downgrade in happiness, privacy and pay. Anyone smart enough doesn't want to be president.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 2 points 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 04:59:14 ago (+2/-0)

Democracy is still a shitshow even if you restrict voting to people free to think (but not necessarily knowledgeable in what they're voting on). I will admit this would be a less shit version however and the decline would be slower.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 09:55:21 ago (+1/-0)

Whats the test for high T alpha males and neuroatypical? Does a lab perform it? That won’t get corrupted.

How long until these individuals form and endogamous caste and become genetically efficient at occupying an upper caste niche— we will all evolve to exploit our economic niche. For elites this means maximizing their wealth and power.

We can never dispose of competition. But maybe we can manage it to acheive longer periods of stabilty? “Let’s put high T guys in charge because they don’t listen to anybody else” does not sound like a good long term plan.

As Ive said elswhere, We should probably kill the highest T guys. The people that really run this society, the most powerful tyrannical billionaires, are jews, but they are the most aggressive male jews. Perhaps they don’t have the highest physical fitness among males but I bet their T is pretty high relative to other jewish males. They control a pack of Karens in the bureaucracies but guys like Bezos who give zero fucks about whether others will think him too greedy and agressive are the problem. You can get rid of jews but the problem will eventually crop up again. Independence of mind has a down side. A strong man like Napoleon or Tito can straighten things out for a short time but its not a long term solution.

Eliminating female vote might solve some of your problem. (Im not agreeing to anything for the record) but nobody talks about raising the voting age. Making the voting age 30 or 35 will definitely improve things. People become more conserving and less manipulatable with age. Until about 65 and then it goes the other way.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 14:29:28 ago (+1/-0)

I'm not defending it, military elites tend to become hereditory over time and lose their effectiveness (knights, strelsky, jannisaries etc.)

As Ive said elswhere, We should probably kill the highest T guys. The people that really run this society, the most powerful tyrannical billionaires, are jews, but they are the most aggressive male jews.

Not all aggression is equal and not all aggression is caused by testosterone. I'd argue aggressive betas (like antifa) are more dangerous since they lack any kind of moral code beyond wanting power. Alphas tend to restrict their aggression to within a set of agreed rules as in the long term this can produce a more stable victory.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 16:59:58 ago (+0/-0)

not all aggression is caused by testosterone.

Lol I know.

TIL about jannissaries. Hmmm.

betas (like antifa) are more dangerous since they lack any kind of moral code beyond wanting power. Alphas tend to restrict their aggression to within a set of agreed rules as in the long term this can produce a more stable victory.

I dont know— agressive males seek dominance. They are betas until they achieve alpha status at which point they change tactics and favor stability.

We will always form hierarchies. Some alphas will be more magnanimous than others. Some will care more for their tribe, some won’t . As you say, there are all kinds of personality traits in play and they are not all driven by androgen. But political leadership, dominance, is so driven by androgens that FKH sees it as the basically the sole criteria for independence of thought. I don’t go that far, but he has a point. It just has to be balanced. White and chink males are highly cooperative because they are not high T. Not on average. Its a terrible idea to genetically favor high T. Middle easterners had a society that favored high T guys who had an appetite for high numbers of mates. That is the fundamental difference between them and greeks or southern italians. The reproductive success of high T guys is mitigated in monogamy.

TLDR testosterone is useful but you don’t want too much of a good thing. In europeans, testosterone is associated with economic productivity but also with violence and promiscuity.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 17:49:43 ago (+1/-0)

Jannissaries started out as enslaved enemy soldiers being used as shock troops, but they turned into an incredibly conservative caste living off gibsmedat and resisting any change whatsoever. So not entirely unlike the Roman imperial army.

Strelsky were similar but not slaves.

I dont know— agressive males seek dominance. They are betas until they achieve alpha status at which point they change tactics and favor stability.

I disagree. Betas will always be betas even when they achieve power. They're people who know deep down that they're not the toughest guy in the room, so their only recourse is to be more brutal and less respectful of the rules which makes them much more dangerous.

Alphas respect the rules because they can afford to and their subdued opponents are more likely to respect a fair victory than one won through trickery (in which case they might think they can win next time).

TLDR testosterone is useful but you don’t want too much of a good thing. In europeans, testosterone is associated with economic productivity but also with violence and promiscuity.

Sure, but like I said, high-T isn't the only thing that produces violence and low-T doesn't necessarily produce docility. High-t combined with other factors like low-IQ and low impulse control are a recipe for disaster sure, but high-t isn't the core problem.

[ - ] Master_Foo 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 02:20:05 ago (+2/-1)

Now, apply this exact logic to Christianity and realize, you worship a Jew.
1 Timothy 6:1-5
Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their masters worthy of all honor, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed. And they that have believing masters, let them not despise them, because they are brethren; but rather do them service, because they are faithful and beloved, partakers of the benefit. These things teach and exhort. If any man teach otherwise … he is proud, knowing nothing…. From such withdraw thyself.

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 01:51:47 ago (+1/-0)


did an anon just call me manly?

what the fuck timeline did i just pop in to...

btw big difference between autism and 'an autist' - people with actual autism are aneurotypical. 'autists' are not, in any way, 'neurodivergent' - they are the ones that are shunning psychological shit and using their entire god given brains as intended. their brains are working normally - its the fucking idiots running the gaslighting and being herded into sterilisation that are divergent.

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 01:53:41 ago (+1/-0)

you're either an autist or a chad if you can resist the jewish mind control

[ - ] Temp20210918c 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 00:40:00 ago (+1/-0)

I have thought that perhaps secret ballots should only be used for non-binding straw polls. I guess the whole point of a straw poll, though, is to see what's socially acceptable.

I think the free speech afforded by anonymity is definitely a useful thing but there's also some tension. To borrow from Picard, "If you can't find it within yourself to stand up and tell the truth, you don't deserve" a vote.

e.g., about what your position is.

Maybe instead of a secret vote, it should be a synchronized/ concurrent reveal of how each person voted to minimize influence by numbers.

[ - ] thebearfromstartrack4 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 00:37:51 ago (+1/-0)

Her proposal is the CLASSIS definition of what a REPUBLIC is. MOST people are not QUALIFIED to lead OR choose leaders. They are RULED by people "elites" who have the INTELLIGENCE to make the TOUCH choices for the good of ALL.

Democrats ALWAYS vote for more candy. JUST like children WOULD.

[ - ] LostProperty 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 22:24:26 ago (+1/-0)

Nice observation but your solution is shit. Men are better than women but we are still emotionally driven and retarded. Gtfo with that statist bullshit. Democracy and every other put politicians in charge scheme is a fucking scam.

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 2 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 22:39:10 ago (+2/-0)

Yeah democracy is pretty damn gay
but you must remember, people voted Hitler into power
he was democratically elected (real democracy, not the jew shit we have today) to become their savior & ruler

[ - ] mannerbund 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 10:44:48 ago (+0/-0)

Welcome to being in the mens club. You wouldn't be here were you susceptible. Unless you're a glow nigger, then you can kill your division and yourself, it will be a sweet murder suicide. Your family will love you for it. Your boss will actually appreciate it.

[ - ] carnold03 -1 points 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 08:42:55 ago (+0/-1)

So, if the US reverted to a republic, what happens when low T men once again dominate among the republics elites?

[ - ] PostWallHelena -1 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 23:43:23 ago (+2/-3)

I think to some extent this is true. When males select for submissive mates they are naturally going to be encouraging these traits for pliability. In particular, when males from one tribe invade another they are going to steal females and the female whom they favor will be ones that shift their allegiance easily. These females will have the best reproductive success in such events. Whites are the result of several such invasions, such as the “aryan” invasion of steppe people.

But beware of these high T alpha males. Youve seen my rants on polygamy. These are your potential polygamists. They will try to hoard more than their fair share of females. This will start a reproductive arms race between males as alphas will flood the society with their aggressive genes. Greed, horniness, deceit and violence— these are what make a successful polygamist. The whole society soon becomes flooded with males who have these alpha traits in spades. You think they’ll all cooperate because they are white? They wont. The trust of white society will be destroyed. A feature of polygamous societies is large wealth disparity. And of course a lot of incels, violent incels. High T males will reward themselves with women and wealth at the expense of all other males. Because evolution.

Interestingly, when you create a society full of high T males you often get even more submissive females. There’s more sexual dimorphism physical and mental.

Compare that with chinky guys who are pretty soy and you can barely tell them apart from the women.

Do you want more disparity in status between men? Do you want women to be even more pliable, conforming than they already are?

White society is remarkable for being that opposite of all these things. White women are now and have always been the most uppity bunch of women the world has ever known. You don’t like that when its inconvenient. But they are more likely to exhibit critical thinking then any other group of women. This is because females have more economic leverage in a monogamous system. And as Ive said elsewhere, monogamy promotes egalitarianism between males which leads to higher trust between males, higher economic cooperation, respect for private property..... white things. Theoretically if you could kill off the most dominant 1% of males you are going to solve a lot of social problems imo.

Rather than strictly selecting for intellectual rebelliousness or pure balls or whatever, consider selecting for honesty and objectivity. Rebelliousness is useful at a time like this. Afghan men made the American war machine give up and walk away. But they are stll a shithole.

Donald Trump is a good example of a high T guy. (Watch the faggots trigger because I cite him as a type) He did not and does not give a fuck what leftists say. Nixon was pretty ballsy but they convinced him to resign by saying mean things about him. That did not work with Trump. They had to commit wide scale fraud to get rid of him. But imagine having a society filled with Trumps. It would be difficult to get things done.

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 01:31:59 ago (+2/-1)

High T guy
Capitulates to spics, Fags, Niggers and Esp kikes

you're starting to sound mighty jewy again
Trumpstein constantly, i mean CONSTANTLY capitulated to the kike media
"i'm not anti-semitic i love jews!" https://files.catbox.moe/ghom63.mp4

every fucking post of yours contains half knowledge half feminist bullshittry about polygamy, you need to forgive your father for cheating on your mother or and stop being a man-hating cunt

maybe get a husband and start a family (i'm pretty sure you're too old for this but who knows, maybe a miracle can occur and you don't die a childless cunt)

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 10:16:20 ago (+0/-0)

This is why a decent intellectual debate is totall impossible on this site.

Am I fucking supporting trump? No. But if I mention his name,your retard alarm goes off and you start vomitting anti-MAGA purity bullshit. Fucking unbelievable. You did exactly what a said you would.

Donald Trump’s politics are irrelavant here. IRRELEVANT for the purposes of this discussion. How do you not understand that? You’ve got the IQ of a MAGAtard, no doubt about that.

I dare you to type these words: DONALD TRUMP IS A LOW T GUY

You won’t. Because it would be untrue. I could have said Bill Clinton, and I don’t support him either. Trump is a better example.

Trump is simply the best example of the guy you are talking about. He is literally the perfect example of the type you refer to. I can’t think of a better one. Maybe Putin. But I don’t know him as well.

You can’t point out another guy in American politics today that better exemplifies the traits you are talking about. He is extremely hi T and he doesn’t ever give a fuck what others think.

This has zero to do with his politics. Name someone in politics right now that is more hi T than Trump. YOU CAN’T DO IT. He has psycho hi levels of zero-fucks-given traits. He is who you are talking about. It doesn’t matter that you don’t agree with his positions.

Is this a discussion of political positions? No. Its a discussion on balls. I knew somebody would act like a nigger over that comment. Congratulations.

Is Trump hi T or lo T? Answer the question, you stupid whiney faggot.

Edit— make sure you screenshot this so you can pass it all around to the mean girls in school like a gossipy cunt on her period.

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 11:41:24 ago (+0/-0)*

Trump is a fat bovine faggot who sucks jewish cock and lets kikes spin him around like a dreidel
there i said it, he's nothing more than a fat cowardly kike puppet (obesity automatically converts body testosterone to estrogen)

you want a real based politician? someone who actually fucking did something about jews?
try korwin mikke

he might not be Hitler, but every fucking Normie knows him
he also knows of his "dangerously based" views about immigration, communism, feminism and jews (he also has 8 children, 4 daughters and 4 boys, all raised Catholic ofc)

but what would you know? you've achieved nothing in your life
you're miserable, childless lonely cunt who is still REEEing about "evil rapist menz" in every second post you make

you claim to be traditional womynz? bitch you can't even sow, much less cook
and you have nothing to show for it (no Husband, no kids)

seriously re-read the last sentence on my previous comment
this is the only for you to cease being a sad sad cunt

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 12:24:08 ago (+0/-0)

you want a real based politician?

We’re not talking about based politicians. Try to follow the plot. It’s your fucking plot!

This is about high T. You have predicted that people with high T are going to be better voters and leaders, better decision makers. You have argued that high T guys make better political judgements.

Trump is high T. (He’s a polygamist) If he wasn’t, you would have refuted that. You didn’t. Your silence is implicit acknowlegement of its truth.

bUt He’S nOt BaSeD, dUrRrrrr........

No shit. You’ve just DISPROVEN your own thesis. Hi T is not a reliable way to select politicians. Thank you very much.

High T males can be acquisitive, venal, and machiavellian. He does’nt give a fuck about blacks or jews or fags or beaners. He panders to them because he’s made a political calculation. He’s mercenary.

try korwin mikke

I’ll check him out. Doubt he’s as high T as Donald Trump. DT is a one in 10,000 high T guy. Very unusual psychological make-up. If you can’t appreciate his uniqueness, regardless of his political record, you are stupider than I thought.

but what would you know? you've achieved nothing in your life you're miserable, childless lonely cunt who is still REEEing about "evil rapist menz" in every second post you make

If any of this were true it would still be irrelevant. Nigger argument.

you claim to be traditional womynz?

No. I claim to be based. In spite of presumably low levels of testosterone. Also I don’t try to win a debate with nigger arguments.

bitch you can't even sow, much less cook and you have nothing to show for it (no Husband, no kids)

I can sow and sew, and spell as well. I’ve been cooking since I was 12. You know nothing about me.

Let me know if you want to continue to have a full on nigger argument with me. Because we can do that too. If you don’t want to defend your idea like a white person I can switch tactics.

Defend your fucking idea. Your stupid, myopic, historically ignorant idea. Defend it.

[ - ] fightknightHERO [op] 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 12:28:16 ago (+0/-0)

Mindless Goalposting

To argue with a jewess is to waste my time and energy unproductively
i think ignoring you would be a sager course of action, after all an (((empowered))) woman has never contributed to society, ever.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 13:54:48 ago (+0/-0)*

The only one goal posting is you. You asserted that high t was enough of a criterion for good political decision. Then you move the goal posts and reee because Trump meets your rubric but is not politically desireable.

To argue with a jewess

The moment you asked for a nigger fight, you dirty wop.

to waste my time and energy unproductively

Oh sorry, am I keeping you from changing the oil in your greasey hair or something? Shining your gold chains? Ya dirty smelly euro mud blood. On your way to bribe a judge? Or just build the Trevi fountain on your frontlawn, tastefully!! I think you’re late for installing more marble in your entryway, and some more gaudy mirrors all over your living room. I bet it really need more embellishment. Are you late for buying more shiney shoes, Itie? I love the shoes. What’s your Y haplogroup? J?! E?! Lol. Whiteness is a cline, it runs from north to south.