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A conspiracy theory: The streamer craze

submitted by hilite to conspiracy 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 16:11:56 ago (+8/-0)     (conspiracy)

Who are all these people who are donating to all these other people for sitting around and doing nothing? How are so many people able to make a living doing it? Here's an original conspiracy theory I thought of after seeing this image on cuckit.


Forget that this images is completely inaccurate but it got me thinking. Are enough people really donating to sustain it all? Or is there something more sinister going on? If you had access to unlimited money and unlimited computing power and you wanted to debase society, why not make sitting from home in a bikini or playing a video game a lucrative source of income? Devaluing women, taking people out of the workforce, creating labor shortages which creates an excuse for immigration and raises wages. It's almost too genius to not be a thing. I've based this theory on zero evidence but it's an interesting one to consider.

19 comments block

[ - ] con77 5 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 18:30:47 ago (+5/-0)

Rent $825? Where the fuck do they live? 1990?

[ - ] Vrbllpollushin 2 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 19:05:25 ago (+2/-0)

Yup. In a stall above the hay in the barn. No lectricity, but it's warm and dry. Heard you were going to clean up the double deuce.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 23:05:07 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] deleted 3 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 18:48:48 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] con77 2 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 18:31:38 ago (+2/-0)

I guarandamntee you no young person is donating to charity.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 17:31:01 ago (+1/-0)

You are likely correct.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 16:30:00 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] beanbagWizard 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 18:40:39 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah, either fake as fuck or a money laundering scheme for her uncle Schlomo Shekelbergsteinawitz

[ - ] Sleazy 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 16:17:58 ago (+1/-0)

so cash in

[ - ] hilite [op] 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 16:27:48 ago (+0/-0)

If I had tits I'd consider it.

[ - ] deleted 3 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 16:36:25 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] Sleazy 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 16:39:13 ago (+1/-1)

dont even need tits. Just look at the dude that made 16 grand letting people fuck with him with noises in his sleep

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 17:47:41 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] TheDivineLight 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 17:39:49 ago (+0/-0)

I was with you until "raises wages". Why the fuck would you not want that? The jews at the top rape us hard, tax the fuck out us and don't pay a dime, but you don't want the little guy getting a bit more for his depressing, underpaid, overworked job?

[ - ] localsal 2 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 18:01:57 ago (+2/-0)

The rich people need the rest to stay poor.

How can they trick us into being slaves if we are able to sock enough money away to have a little security?

On the flip side, there needs to be a reason to make a good wage - not just showing up to work. There was a report a while back that university professors hired 10-20 years ago are upset because starting professors were making more than them, or just slightly under.

This would happen everywhere if wages were boosted at the minimum without adequately adjusting everyone for merit and time served. Pisses off a lot of the actually capable people.

[ - ] TheDivineLight 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 22:36:12 ago (+0/-0)

I disagree big time here. lots of higher earning jobs are pathetically easy, like operations manager, area manager etc. Vs the shelf stacker/cashier, the latters job is harder but gets less pay(I've did both). Pay grades and scales on responsibility or other merit is fine, but the gap has to be reasonable or nobody will bother with the lower paying, but needed jobs.

We need cleaners, janitors etc and they're difficult jobs, don't pay them enough and they leave. I'm seeing this in my shop now. I'm losing staff and struggling to replace them, but higher management dictates the pay rate, but nobody wants it.

The benefits for unemployment are fairly low, but people are choosing it more now.

If I'm making 40 bucks an hour, I wouldn't mind the cleaner earning 20 or even 30. I don't begrudge others earning more for a difficult job.

I despise Jews and those that act jewy to suppress wages.

[ - ] localsal 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 23:56:31 ago (+0/-0)

It is definitely the jew - look at that dollar bill graph since 1913 and the effective earning power since 1970ish.

The issue is that at many places, the pay scales are very close together. Management at 20 years makes $25/hr, cashier at 20 years makes 20/hr, and started at $7/hr

Now suppose everyone just made $30/hr. How would management feel?

My guess about the 'olden days' is that management was a reward for sticking with the company and working the way up.

That isn't at play anymore. Now management are these kids with MBAs that demand the same salary as all the big firms.

Suddenly you have the ceo to worker ratio going from 10-20 to 300 to 1000. That is not money well spent for most companies. It creates all kinds of problems, the least of which is incompetent leaders that drive the company into the ground - think HP, Yahoo, Enron, etc

Paying people fairly is important, but there are tons - literal tons - of jobs that are not needed. Look at the blowup in education of all grades. Administration, assistants, HR, all the "diversity" staff, etc. That makes costs skyrocket, and education is only one area.

Even tech - where the focus should be on building and inventing - they have tons of unnecessary positions that could be cut. The key workers should be the main focus, but companies get too big and can't manage themselves anymore.

I've worked at startups of 3-10 people, with no support staff. Everything ran smoothly. All the cleanup was shared/rotated and nobody had a problem. In fact, things rarely got dirty. Don't shop teachers still teach "clean up after yourself"? Why the need for extra staff?

If I was making $30/hr and the janitor came in at $30/hr, I would quit. Shows me the company has no loyalty to employees.

If management for you is the issue, I would say they don't really care about their product or employees. But that's just my take.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 21:15:57 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] TheDivineLight 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 19, 2021 22:37:45 ago (+0/-0)

Inflation is raising them up without the wages matching as is.

Would raising wages actually have a real impact?

I'd like to see it tried. I'm sick of fucking the poor to save some Jews paying at least a bit of what they owe.