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đź“° News & News2 Rooms: Kyle Rittenhouse Jury Deliberates

submitted by Cynabuns to news 2.5 yearsNov 17, 2021 09:31:59 ago (+17/-1)     (www.voat.xyz)


Day 2: Jury Deliberations - Watch and chat with goats.
•News Chat Room: Live trial -- 10a EST/9a CST -- Resumes Thur
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UPDATES all times Eastern Standard Time
(10:00a) Court slated to resume.
(10:25a) Still no appearance of the judge... never been this late before.
(10:25a) Atty Rekieta notes that Jumpkick Man's identity was revealed to Def night before closing arguments, plus Def copy of drone footage rec'd from State was manipulated.
(10:30a) Atty LegalBytes rumor that jury went straight to deliberations room
(10:50a) DEF filed motion last night, Mistrial WITH Prejudice, this means State CANNOT retry Kyle, source - https://thepostmillennial.com/rittenhouse-defense-team-files-motion-that-prosecutors-withheld-video-evidence
(11:50a) Atty LegalBytes reads tweet that DEF attys have arrived in the courtroom
(11:55a) Atty LegalBytes reads tweet that the Jury has submitted a question, could be why DEF attys arrived to court a few minutes ago, we may soon see Judge if this is true
(12:15p) Judge rules: jury will view evidence in the courtroom, they can view as many times as they wish, a brief description of the evidence requested is necessary... pending decision at this point is WHO specifically is permitted to remain in courtroom when jurors are there. Edit to add: the video that jury may have requested to view is exactly the evidence that the Defense has said via motion is cause for mistrial with prejudice
(01:40p) Judge hearing arguments from each side concerning the jury viewing evidence... pending ruling
(02:10p) Judge wants expert testimony for drone vid evidence #73 since issue with files in possession by State were not the same as those received by Defense, this was question number 5 from the jury that is expected
(02:25p) Judge and parties agree that the video evidence jury has requested in its question number 4 is not in dispute; attys will load a clean computer with this footage and the computer will be delivered to the jury, no longer viewing in courtroom seems to be the final ruling on that; we don't yet know exactly which videos they want to see though
(02:40p) Atty Robt Barns, on w/Rekieta, opines that it's huge procedural error to allow video to go to jurors behind closed doors
(03:10p) Some videos have been loaded onto a computer and going up to the jury now, the drone video is not on the computer
(03:20p) Seems that the jury has now requested this drone footage, judge is hearing arguments from State and Def right now
(3:30p) Judge is allowing jury to view drone video under Defense objection because of the motion made last night; all attorneys are working together to get this video onto a thumb drive for jury, which they may view up on laptop or in the courtroom on 4k big screen tv
(4:00p) Discussion during Rekieta: final jury instructions are incorrect and fails to notify jury that gun charge was dismissed when only curfew charge is showing as dismissed, my screen grab: https://files.catbox.moe/3ma29c.JPG
(4:04p) Judge returns, announces that atty's have agreed on video, courtroom is being cleared to allow jury to enter and view footage
(5:08p) Courtroom footage returns to the woodcut above the judge's chair, presuming the jury has left the room
(5:30p) Judge has called it End of the Day, court resumes tomorrow at 10aEST/9aCST

Attorney Nick Rekieta with atty guests discussing the trial and motions, awaiting return of the jury with its verdicts, stream in News2 Chat Room, 9:45a EST/8:45a CST

•News2 Chat Room: Live trial + Atty Rekieta & guests commentary -- Resumes Thur
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On-site chat rooms require you to be logged-in to watch & chat (voat.xyz not talk.lol).

Full raw trial: https://youtu.be/4gGMy_NMwWg (Law&Crime channel)
Atty commentary + trial: https://youtu.be/Qbnc9IfSe3Q (Rekieta Law channel)

20 comments block

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 10 points 2.5 yearsNov 17, 2021 13:50:36 ago (+10/-0)

The goal of this obvious circus event (and that's all it's ever been...) is to end in a mistrial so it can be "extra divisive". I'll go ahead and say it, this event is as fake and gay as the George Floyd psyop and Rittenhouse is being used by them as "our" George Floyd. Commence downvoting.

Isn't the whole thing just outrageously outrageous?...peculiarly so I'd say...

[ - ] dingbat 4 points 2.5 yearsNov 17, 2021 14:56:02 ago (+5/-1)

I completely agree. This whole “trial” seems like a fucking movie set. Fuck this world we live in. The only thing we can do for sanity is to stay completely disassociated from any kind of (((news story))).

[ - ] ForgottenMemes -1 points 2.5 yearsNov 17, 2021 19:59:39 ago (+0/-1)

All trials are like that.

[ - ] dingbat 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 17, 2021 21:18:22 ago (+1/-0)

No, they’re not. Have you ever seen or been involved in a trial? First off, “all trials” aren’t broadcasted everywhere. They purposely broadcasted this, KNOWING how divisive and sensitive it is. Just like OJ, Casey Anthony, Chauvin, etc. Kikes just LOVE stoking the division. Secondly, trials aren’t this dramatic, by far. Not all attorneys act like retarded jesters, especially State Attorneys.

[ - ] ForgottenMemes 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 17, 2021 23:54:56 ago (+1/-0)*

I've spent more days in court than anyone should have to. Judges allowing prosecutors to introduce fabricated evidence, prosecution witnesses confessing to crimes on the stand and not getting any punishment, defendant's rights getting trampled, juries voting on emotion rather than law, jurors/vitnesses being threatened, etc... This is all standard practice.

They were on their best behavior because of the broadcasting. This is their best behavior... let that sink in. Non-televised trials are even more of a farce.

[ - ] dingbat 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 00:18:41 ago (+1/-0)

Fair enough—that’s your experience and outlook. Your first sentence made me laugh because I’ve said that statement aloud and verbatim. I’ve also been on the side of seeing light sentencing for ungodly acts that weren’t disputed. It’s all a shit show. My comment is in regards of these obvious strategic moves between the attorneys, paid actor nigs outside, and jew media that seems very “over the top” and planned like a movie.

[ - ] Jiggggg 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 07:38:06 ago (+0/-0)

I watched some coverage of the people outside yesterday and my first reaction was that they were paid actors too. The way they dressed, the signs they were holding, etc were like caricatures of "liberals" and "conservatives" stock characters

[ - ] 0rion 4 points 2.5 yearsNov 17, 2021 15:33:07 ago (+4/-0)

I also completely agree. They want more riots over this. They must be planning on something big, using the circus as a smokescreen. What else could be going on that we aren't seeing right now?

[ - ] deleted 4 points 2.5 yearsNov 17, 2021 16:49:14 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] we_kill_creativity 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 00:50:56 ago (+0/-0)

Right, it shouldn't even be a trial, which is part of the "outrage machine" aspect of it.

[ - ] Boyakasha 4 points 2.5 yearsNov 17, 2021 16:16:21 ago (+4/-0)

Thanks for the updates, Cynabuns.

[ - ] Cynabuns [op] 2 points 2.5 yearsNov 17, 2021 16:28:49 ago (+2/-0)

It's been my pleasure, Boyakasha

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 17, 2021 18:48:40 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] lord_nougat 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 17, 2021 17:22:37 ago (+1/-0)

Thanks for the updates, Cynabuns.

[ - ] Cynabuns [op] 1 point 2.5 yearsNov 17, 2021 17:30:10 ago (+1/-0)

You're very welcome, Nougat

[ - ] jewsbadnews 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 17, 2021 22:28:53 ago (+0/-0)

Tldr when is the verdict ?!?!

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 17, 2021 19:42:08 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 17, 2021 17:20:02 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] deleted -1 points 2.5 yearsNov 17, 2021 16:35:04 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.5 yearsNov 18, 2021 14:50:24 ago (+0/-0)
