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Pro Whites are just like the jews, they simply switch around the places of Whites and jews, and otherwise everything else is the same

submitted by Paradoxical003 to whatever 2.6 yearsNov 12, 2021 09:04:29 ago (+0/-11)     (whatever)

Take jewish ideology, that jews are a superior race in some way, and that they should subjugate all other races, and all it takes to make it into a pro White ideology is to move jews into the lesser races, and replace the master race position with Whites.

Pro Whites are basically exactly what the jews are, but for a different race, their own, instead of for the jews, otherwise it's the same.

Everything the jews want for themselves, is what Whites want for theirselves.

Whites want an ethnostate, so do the jews, Whites want a superior position in the world, or at least their own countries, so do the jews, Whites embrace inequality that favors them because they believe their race is just naturally superior, same goes for the jews.

The pro White position is the jewish position, but for White people.
The conservatives and centrists are absolutely correct on this matter.

4 comments block

[ - ] Flabbygasted 5 points 2.6 yearsNov 12, 2021 09:34:14 ago (+5/-0)

You're retarded. I wrote a bunch more, than realized it's not worth it...you are too stupid.

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 12, 2021 12:57:21 ago (+2/-0)

and that they should subjugate all other races
We have cattle and machinery, subjugation of the other races is worthless to us.

Japs are held as honorary Aryans in European Ethno-Centric circles, whereas kikes do not hold any other race to such regards.

Whites want an ethnostate, so do the jews,
Every race on the planet wants this, to want to live with your kin, and only your kin, is the natural order.

Whites want a superior position in the world, or at least their own countries, so do the jews,
We want to be left alone within our own countries. The kikes want to enslave the planet.

Whites embrace inequality that favors them because they believe their race is just naturally superior, same goes for the jews.
Kikes engage in absolute nepotism and will always hire a kike before a none kike. This is not true for Europeans, for if it were, than kikes could have never infiltrated our institutions to begin with.
Inequality, inequality to what, to niggers? To spics? To mudslimes? You need only look at their countries to realize it's a physical impossibility to provide enough to them to make them "equal" not only to us, but to any of the other races. They're fuckups of evolution, stop giving them free shit in the name of "equality" and eventually, natural selection will fix them.

The pro White position is the jewish position, but for White people.
Only from the delusional and borderline retarded perspective of a kikes projection.

[ - ] 1Icemonkey 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 12, 2021 09:37:11 ago (+1/-1)

All races should do and must do this exact thing you describe, for their own survival. You just have to ethno-pride, no matter what color you are. Go kill yourself.

[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 12, 2021 13:22:39 ago (+0/-0)

Yes. White is right. The rest are subhuman.