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What DO jews worship?

submitted by jewsbadnews to AskUpgoat 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 02:33:50 ago (+3/-0)     (AskUpgoat)

Is it Satan? Baal? Moloch? Saturn?(but isn’t that a Roman god?) ...The black cube thing. Or do they worship themselves as gods? Who is the blood rituals to?

17 comments block

[ - ] HughBriss 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 08:54:32 ago (+2/-0)

In a very real sense they worship themselves. All of their rites are about them. Their relationship with whatever god they recognize, whether it's Yahweh, Moloch, Baal, or whatever crypto deity they focus on is always about their projection of themselves to the deity. They project their disgusting behavior and values to the deity to receive a blessing from the deity that they are acting in accord with what the deity expects of them. Look up the Kol Nidre, where they recite their annual disavowal of oaths, recited on the holiest day of the jewish calendar, Yom Kippur:

The text of the Kol Nidre may be found in the Jewish Encyclopedia. Three times the Cantor, to a tune that sounds like the melodious grief of all ages, pompously intones the words: "All vows, obligations, oaths … whether called 'konam,' 'konas,' or by any other name, which we may vow or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement until the next (whose happy coming we await), we do repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void and made of no effect … . The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths."


[Read the rest of the page. It's a distillation of a book by Elizabeth Dilling, who you should also read.]

jews worship themselves. Anything else is just theater and ceremony. They don't actually believe in anything other than themselves and have absolutely no regard to anyone or anything than themselves, including any deities they create. They are the ultimate narcissists.

[ - ] beanbagWizard 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 07:18:04 ago (+2/-0)

They worship all the evil parts of human thoughts amd actions. Greed, lust, pride, deception, murder, rape, extortion, child rape and sacrifice.

They offer it all up to the conceptualization of evil as an ethereal form/force.

They are the embodiment of their evil deeds, and it shows in their human forms.

Even part breeds can't shake their penchant for any of these dark undertakings.

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 03:43:05 ago (+2/-0)

It's entirely possible all of the above are the same entity, at least in the jews mind.

Saturn?(but isn’t that a Roman god?)

Yes, but if you read about Saturn a bit, it sure as hell sounds like a version of Satan.

The black cube thing.

Symbolic representation of Saturn.

[ - ] jewsbadnews [op] 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 11:26:58 ago (+1/-0)

Saturn is Cronus, the father of Zeus though.

[ - ] NationalSocialism 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 03:23:13 ago (+2/-0)

[ - ] UncleDoug 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 03:42:05 ago (+2/-0)

Kabbalistic mysticism is pure Jewish Aspergers.

Great video.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 09:29:57 ago (+1/-0)*


[ - ] Huscarl 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 07:11:35 ago (+1/-0)

Those are correct, you only forgot the god Usura, usery.

[ - ] hilite 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 02:38:23 ago (+1/-0)

They worship matter.

[ - ] jewsbadnews [op] 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 02:41:40 ago (+0/-0)

What you mean?

[ - ] hilite 2 points 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 02:56:17 ago (+2/-0)

Judaism is the opposite of Gnosticism in my opinion. Gnostics believe all matter and the universe is evil, only the spiritual realm is good and holy. It makes sense if you think about it. Survival of the fittest, etc. The old testament is matter and describes their god. The new testament is spiritual and describes the true/good god. Really makes the "we're living in a matrix" idea easier to grasp.

[ - ] BitterVeteran 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 07:50:04 ago (+1/-0)

Interesting. I would like to know more...

[ - ] jewsbadnews [op] 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 11:31:24 ago (+0/-0)

How do we know the psychical and spiritual are not the same? Why did god create this realm?

[ - ] GlowNiggerDick 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 05:49:00 ago (+0/-0)

Money, sexual impulses, and occasionally demons.

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 05:27:27 ago (+2/-2)

They worship (((Jehovah))).
They invented a (((Ben Shapiro))) type jew named (((Jesus))) to act as an intermediary god for dumb Whites to worship.

Here's the deal. You spend too much time obsessing about jew-gods. Spend more time remembering YOUR gods.

Heil Odin!

[ - ] MarvintheRobot 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 03:14:28 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] fightknightHERO 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 10, 2021 02:43:32 ago (+0/-0)

money and pleasure