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Must be a (((Medical Mystery)))

submitted by didyouknow to DeathVax19 2.6 yearsOct 31, 2021 13:40:03 ago (+69/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


16 comments block

[ - ] deleted 15 points 2.6 yearsOct 31, 2021 14:21:58 ago (+15/-0)*


[ - ] voatisajewishheaven 9 points 2.6 yearsOct 31, 2021 14:39:47 ago (+9/-0)

Because if she entertained the possibility of it being caused by the vaccine she'd actually have to be angry about it. People have been conditioned to think anger and hate are bad, even when it's towards the things that killed the people you love, which in turn makes their "love" just another meaningless buzzword.

[ - ] NeedleStack 11 points 2.6 yearsOct 31, 2021 15:43:49 ago (+11/-0)

Their minds refuse to believe the government and "health officials" have evil intent. They simply cannot allow that thought so they wind their brains into pretzels to avoid going there.

[ - ] didyouknow [op] 8 points 2.6 yearsOct 31, 2021 17:40:18 ago (+8/-0)

That's right. Your comment reminded of a conversation I had with a former colleague of mine, I was talking about how the corrupt the medical industry was to her and used the cancer industry as an example. I told her that the cure for cancer would make the medical industry lose many multiplied billions, I mentioned that even doctors who get patients on chemo get a bonus on their salary, it's a big money making method. Cure for cancer is indeed possible and there's been many studies which observed how effective natural substances, particularly those rich in polyphenols such as turmeric and blueberry, at killing cancer cells and providing protection against cancer. However, these studies never reach the clinical stage because they never receive any funding, thus they get (((shut down))) because there is no interest in curing cancer, there's bigger interest in making money and making people sick to continue making big money.

What was her response? 'I refuse to believe that the corruption in the medical industry is that deep, that's not something I can accept'.

That's when I knew she was not worth dealing with, she rather live in her own little bubble created for her rather than live in reality. They just can't fathom that such evil and corruption exist and even when it is staring them right in the face, they rather shut their eyes and hold their ears and pretend it's not there.

[ - ] Ragnar 2 points 2.6 yearsOct 31, 2021 20:50:42 ago (+2/-0)

Why were you talking to a woman?

[ - ] didyouknow [op] 3 points 2.6 yearsNov 1, 2021 01:45:24 ago (+3/-0)

Tried to wake these fools up. Gotta try when possible.

[ - ] Broc_Liath 4 points 2.6 yearsOct 31, 2021 16:30:56 ago (+5/-1)

People have been conditioned to think anger and hate are bad

No they haven't. They've been conditioned to think anger and hate are love provided it's working for the jews.

[ - ] Sunman_Omega 4 points 2.6 yearsOct 31, 2021 15:50:33 ago (+4/-0)

They don't possess any logic processing, they have no critical thinking ability and can't even make basic decisions on their own. They're NPCs who need to be told how to think a.d feel. They figuratively, and literally, cannot put two and two together.

[ - ] jewsbadnews 4 points 2.6 yearsOct 31, 2021 16:43:33 ago (+4/-0)

Just laugh at these people at this point. Laugh in her face that her stupid faggot husband died.

[ - ] Greased_Lightning 4 points 2.6 yearsOct 31, 2021 18:31:47 ago (+4/-0)

People who die less than two weeks after vaccination will be counted as "unvaccinated deaths" in the statistics, just as if they never received any vaccine.

[ - ] ToNigIsToNog 2 points 2.6 yearsOct 31, 2021 15:25:24 ago (+2/-0)

this should be in strange coincidences as well

[ - ] xmasskull 1 point 2.6 yearsOct 31, 2021 18:00:04 ago (+1/-0)

The 'NY Post'reported this,it MUST be true.

[ - ] mattsixteen24 1 point 2.6 yearsOct 31, 2021 22:24:00 ago (+1/-0)

Someone needs to add the xfiles theme song to it to make a meme like the meme of the asian woman trying to find the gas tank.

[ - ] boekanier 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 1, 2021 01:49:13 ago (+1/-0)

Yes, but it has nothing to do with the jabs, oh no.Trust the media.

[ - ] Centaurus 1 point 2.6 yearsNov 1, 2021 07:34:57 ago (+1/-0)*

I can't wait for the My Little Heart Attack dolls to go on sale. They will make wonderful Christmas presents for all the vaccinated boys and girls.

[ - ] allahead 0 points 2.6 yearsNov 1, 2021 15:13:07 ago (+0/-0)

"Kids have strokes too, learn to see the warning signs. News at 10."